Otaniemi Night of Arts invites you to enjoy art on campus


For release from 22 Aug 2018

Aalto University Student Union combines forces with student organisations and sets up Otaniemi Night of Arts, an interartistic art festival, on Saturday 6 Oct. The free event is aimed at all residents of the metropolitan area and celebrates the creativity and teekkari spirit of the Aalto community.

Otaniemi Night of Arts is a new kind of art festival organised for the first time on the Otaniemi campus of Aalto University. The event, taking place on the first Saturday of October, is characterised by student initiative and a broad conception of art.

“We wanted to create an event concept that would enable students to contribute something to the programme that’s creative, free and uniquely theirs – a bit like the Helsinki Night of the Arts,” says Julius Laakkonen, who’s in charge of artistic activities on the Board of the Aalto University Student Union.

Lava lamps and orchestral schlagers on the programme

There will be around thirty subevents during the Otaniemi Night of Arts, all free of charge.

The programme includes, for example, different types of music, dance, media art – and a painting to be collectively coloured in using paintball guns. Other events combining technology and art include a lava lamp workshop and a work of installation art to be collectively welded onto a car rim.

“We were delighted with the wide variety of event registrations. The programme includes events we would never have expected, let alone be able to come up with ourselves,” laughs Luukkanen.

The full programme of the Otaniemi Night of Arts will be published in mid-September.

The student community shows its creativity

Otaniemi Night of Arts is part of Aalto University Student Union’s theme year, the Year of Art. Its purpose is to highlight the collective creativity of Aalto University’s interdisciplinary student community.

Hence, the festival is being organised by a combination of students from all Aalto schools as well as several student associations from hobby clubs to guilds, i.e. the subject organisations of the students of technology.

The free event is aimed at all citizens. The organisers hope to welcome as many people as possible at Otaniemi to enjoy the creativity of the Aalto community.

“At the Student Union, we see daily that the Aalto community is capable of a multitude of things. I’m excited that we can now invite the whole metropolitan area to get to know the artistic, surprising side of our community,” remarks Luukkanen.


For more information and interview requests, please contact Tero Uuttana, Student Advocacy Specialist for ARTS students , 050 520 9439 or tero.uuttana@ayy.fi.


The event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/2220457434854832/

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