Association newsletter week 36/2018

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This is the AYY association newsletter for week 36/2018

You can now make a nomination for this year’s Aalto Athlete (item 4) or for new honorary members of the Guild of the Round Tower (item 5). If your event needs tableware, check out the Campus Section’s tips (item 6). Also, save the new dates of association training in your calendar (item 1). Good luck for the orientation week, and see you at the Aalto Party!

Upcoming events and important dates for associations
31 Aug: Registration for the Otaniemi Night of Arts ends today (
2 Sept: Registration for Stadisuunnistus ends the day after tomorrow (item 3; direct link to registration)
4 Sept: Otasuunnistus
5 Sept: Aalto Party and Aalto Afterparty
5 Sept: Nomination for this year’s Aalto Athlete ends (item 4; direct link to form)
6 Sept: Otasuunnistus
11 Sept: Stadisuunnistus
16 Sept: Aalto 10km/5km (
6 Oct: Otaniemi Night of Arts (
21 Oct: Nomination for honorary members of PTK ends (item 5; form in Finnish)
27 Nov: Save the date: association training in Finnish (item 1)
28 Nov: Save the date: association training in Finnish (item 1)
29 Nov: Save the date: association training in English (item 1)


Contents of the newsletter
1. Association training is reforming – Save the dates!
2. Renovations of rental spaces are progressing on schedule
3. Last chance to register for setting up a checkpoint at Stadisuunnistus on 11 Sept
4. Nominate a candidate for Aalto Athlete 2018
5. Nominate new honorary members for the Guild of the Round Table
6. Tableware rental for associations within AYY


1. Association training is reforming – Save the dates!
Association training is reforming! This year, the training in Finnish takes place over two days, on Tuesday 27 Nov and Wednesday 28 Nov. One of the days offers the basics of association activities for all newcomers, and the other day offers experienced members deeper training on current themes. An English-language training on the basics is organised on Thursday 29 Nov.

Save these dates in your calendar now! More information and registration details will follow in the association newsletter later in the autumn.

There’s still time to suggest themes you consider important for the training: jarjestoasiat(a)


2. Renovations of rental spaces are on schedule
The renovations of the residential buildings of Jämeräntaival 3, 5 and 7 in Otaniemi are progressing as planned and the project is already halfway through its schedule. The renovations are also affecting many rental spaces and associations’ club and storage spaces located on said premises.

The following rental spaces are currently under renovation: Gorsu, the Living room of the Teekkari Village, the Tatami hall and the Multi-facility hall. According to the tentative schedule, Gorsu, the Living room and the Tatami hall can once again be rented from 6 Jan 2019 onwards. In case one of the spaces is completed before this, we’ll open the reservation calendar earlier and announce the fact on the website and in the association newsletter. The completion time of the Multi-facility hall will become clearer at the end of 2018.

In December, the renovations will take over the Rooftop sauna, the Game room, the Sitsi kitchen and the Takka cabinet. The tenancy agreements of the associations’ club and storage spaces will be terminated at least three (3) months before the start of renovations.

The renovations are causing various challenges for both associations and events organisers, but as a reward for their patience, they have more functional and comfortable premises than ever to look forward to. If you have questions or comments about AYY’s rental spaces or their renovations, you can email the facilities sector at tilat(at)


3. Last chance to register for setting up a checkpoint at Stadisuunnistus on 11 Sept
There’s life outside Otaniemi as well!

In order to offer the freshmen a chance to get to know The Eastern Harbour City (in some cultures also known as Helsinki), we organise an event called Stadisuunnistus on Tuesday 11 Sept. Stadisuunnistus is a checkpoint crawl in central Helsinki, and the event starts at 6 pm at the Senate Square. The checkpoints are open from 6 pm to 9.30 pm, and the afterparty starts at 9 pm at Nightclub Capital in the centre of Helsinki (Fredrikinkatu 51).

You can register your checkpoint here by Sunday 2 Sept:

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask!

Noora Salminen
Freshman Major
Aalto University Student Union AYY
+358 50 4687157 | noora.salminen(a)


4. Nominate a candidate for Aalto Athlete 2018
Hello, Aalto people!

It’s now time to nominate a fellow student who you think deserves to be rewarded as the Aalto Athlete of 2018. The criteria for winning include sports achievements at national or international level, academic performance, and fair and honest participation in the community.

Click here to nominate:

So remember to give good reasoning for your nomination! The form will be closed on 5 Sept 2018 at 11.59 pm. The award will be presented at the Aalto 10km/5km event on 16 Sept 2018.

More information from lauri.seppalainen [at]


5. Nominate new honorary members for the Guild of the Round Table
The Guild of the Round Tower is an honorary and senior organisation operating in the vicinity of Aalto University. Persons who are in the final stages of their studies or have recently graduated and have shown continuous interest in the culture of engineering students (teekkarit) or other student activity with a similar mindset at Aalto University and have promoted its development in the Student Union or its associations may be nominated for the position of an honorary member. Nominations can be made until 11.59 pm on 21 Oct 2018 at (form in Finnish).

Nominations can be made by an individual person, guild or association or by several people, guilds or associations collectively.

More information on PTK is available at (in Finnish).


6. Tableware rental for associations within AYY
AYY promotes ecology, and one way to reduce unnecessary waste is to use less disposable tableware at events. In the Otaranta club room, there’s a set of dishes that can be used by anyone renting the space. The other rental spaces have less tableware, but there are rental opportunities that include e.g. delivery to site and returning the dishes unwashed. Jalostajat and Astiva have inexpensive offers for associations within AYY, the details of which are listed below:


The Otaniemi refinement club Jalostajat rents dinnerware for 220 people flexibly and inexpensively to groups operating in Otaniemi! Delivery within the Otaniemi area is free of charge, and its cost to external locations will be decided separately depending on the distance. Additionally, the price includes dishwashing, so the dishes can be returned unwashed! The tableware can be rented by email at astiasto(a), and we’re also happy to answer any questions about the tableware.

– agreement is open-ended, excluding high school graduation week in the spring
– discount always at least 20%; the earlier you book, the more room we have -> the bigger the discount
– orders need to be made at least 2 weeks beforehand (depending on availability)
– specified quantities only need to be given (for weekend events) on the previous Monday
– delivery to the Otaniemi area free of charge Mon–Fri at 9 am–3 pm
– deliveries / pickups at Smökki don’t require anyone to be present, we have a key
– dishwashing is always included in the price, so dishes can be returned unwashed
– payment must be made within 7 days of pickup day, card payment also possible when necessary
– good offers are also available for private parties of AYY members

You’ll get the discount if you send your order directly to astiva(a) and mention that it’s for an association within AYY. On the website, you can get the discount by entering the code “AYY2018” when making the order.




Send us your short text by 10 am on Wednesday to tiedotteet (a) The news will be translated, so you only have to use one language.

The information in the newsletter is edited by the AYY Association and Communications Specialist, Essi Puustinen (essi.puustinen (a), tel. 050 520 9442).

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