Renovations at Jämeräntaipale and construction on Miestentie are progressing

The construction of new student housing on Miestentie and the renovations of older apartments on Jämeräntaipale are both progressing according to schedule.

The building at Miestentie

At Jämeräntaival, the old shared apartments with studio rooms are being renovated so that their studio rooms will each include a private bathroom and kitchen, while the common spaces remain communal. The work is progressing on schedule, and there have not been any major surprises. At the moment, the demolition work is going on in stairway 3C, and the renovations of the final stairway 3A will begin in January 2019.

The buildings may be given a protected status in the new local detailed plan, so the timing is ideal for the renovations. The rental facilities located on the premises and the Polyteekkari Museum at Jämeräntaival 3 will also be fully renovated as part of the project. The facilities will return for the same usage, but their surfaces and furnishings will be completely renewed.

An apartment on Jämeräntaival being renovated

“AYY’s campus section has been involved in the conceptualisation of the rental facilities’ decoration, and we’ve also been able to realise most of their suggestions and observations,” says AYY’s Master Builder Hannes Helminen.

The newbuild on Miestentie will feature studio apartments and a number of larger, two-room apartments suitable for families or sharing, for example. The facade masonry has been completed, and the work is on schedule.

“At the moment, work is being done inside of the apartments, including tiling the bathrooms and installing the furnishings,” explains Helminen.

131 new AYY apartments will be completed on Miestentie. In addition, the building next door will have the same number of apartments that are owned by HOAS.

New furnishings being installed on Miestentie

There will be no rentable sauna or meeting facilities on Miestentie, but the residents will be able to rent other AYY facilities for their use.

It looks like the facilities currently under renovation at Jämeräntaipale – Gorsu, the Village Living room, the Multi-facility hall and the Tatami hall – can be reserved in the beginning of year 2019. In the Rooftop sauna, the Game room, the Sitsi kitchen and the Takka cabinet, the renovations will begin in December.

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