Association newsletter week 38/2018

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This is the AYY association newsletter for week 38/2018

The Not Cool campaign has started. Might it be time to talk about equality in your association, too, and think about your practices (item 1)? Please also note the new Telegram groups for discussion on international matters and advocacy (items 3 and 4).

Upcoming events and important dates for associations
17 Sept: Polyteekkari Museum’s guide recruitment evening (item 5)
30 Sept: Third application round of TTE Fund ends (item 7)
1 Oct: Otatarha race, Alvari Square
1 Oct: Lakinlaskijaiset, Dipoli
6 Oct: Otaniemi Night of Arts (
21 Oct: Nomination for honorary members of PTK ends (
, form in Finnish)
27 Nov: Save the date: association training in Finnish
28 Nov: Save the date: association training in Finnish
29 Nov: Save the date: association training in English


Contents of the newsletter
1. Not Cool! – Everyone can interfere with inappropriate behaviour
2. Have you encountered harassment or inappropriate treatment at Aalto? Contact AYY’s Harassment contact persons!
3. New Aalto International discussion group
4. AYY: Advocacy now also on Telegram
5. Polyteekkari Museum’s guide recruitment evening on Monday 17 Sept at 5 pm
6. Survey for associations coming on Wed 19 Sept
7. Third application round of TTE Fund for 2018 is open!


1. Not Cool! – Everyone can interfere with inappropriate behaviour
AYY has started the Not Cool! campaign, which aims to encourage everyone to recognise and interfere with inappropriate behaviour.

In the beginning of autumn, it’s good to think about harassment in general in your own student association. Do we invite everyone to join in on an equal basis? Are we using practices that someone might find discriminatory? Should we create rules or procedures that would prevent harassment and make our community more equal?

If necessary, AYY can provide you with information and support you in enhancing the equality of your activities. You can also grab a campaign poster for your association facilities from the top of the post boxes at AYY’s Central office. Read more about the campaign from the AYY website: /en/notcool #notcool


2. Have you encountered harassment or inappropriate treatment at Aalto? Contact AYY’s Harassment contact persons!
Aalto University Student Union has two Harassment contact persons, a man and a woman, who are AYY employees. The Harassment contact persons can be contacted if an AYY member has experienced or encountered harassment within the University community, or if your association wants help with the prevention of harassment.

The Harassment contact persons offer help with identifying harassment and provide counselling, conversational help and, if necessary, assistance in resolving the situation. If necessary, the person asking for advice is directed to other services or to contact the authorities or University staff, if this is deemed necessary and the person so wishes.

All contacts are confidential, and their content is not collected by the Student Union or communicated to anyone without the consent of the person making contact.

Harassment contact person Lauri Jurvanen hairinta-mies(a) tel. 050 520 9438
Harassment contact person Minna Mäkitalo hairinta-nainen(a) tel. 050 520 9438

The Harassment contact persons will help regardless of whether harassment has been experienced during the Student Union’s or associations’ activities or during teaching. Harassment or inappropriate behaviour can manifest itself as verbal or non-verbal insults, unwanted physical contact, threatening, unwanted contact, being left out of the community or otherwise as inappropriate complications in participating in it. The experience of harassment is subjective, so what is offensive and distressing and qualifies as harassment varies from one person to another, meaning that the most important thing is how the person making contact personally experiences the situation.

Don’t hesitate to make contact if you suspect that you have encountered harassment and need help.

Best Wishes, Harassment contact persons Minna & Lauri

3. New Aalto International discussion group
The Facebook group Aalto International is now also on Telegram to serve the same purpose, and you can join the group here: The group is for discussion and publicity of activities and events among the Aalto University student community. The group is moderated by AYY as an informal communications channel, and the language of the group is English. Don’t forget the official channels on Facebook: @ylioppilaskunta & Instagram and Twitter: @ayy_fi.

See you in the Telegram group – don’t hesitate to come up with your thoughts @aaltointernational!

If you have any questions, concerns or ideas about internationalisation, get in touch with our specialist Rosa Väisänen (rosa.vaisanen(a),  050 527 2401).

4. AYY: Advocacy now also on Telegram
Does basic income evoke emotions in you, but you don’t know who to share them with? Would you like to bounce around thoughts on open data systems, but your roommate is sick of listening to you? That’s alright, the AYY: Advocacy discussion channel can now be found on the Telegram instant messaging service, too!

AYY: Advocacy is an unofficial and independent platform for advocacy-related discussion and activity at Aalto, in Finland and around the world. Joining the community does not bind you to anything, and you don’t need to be a Student Representative or even an Aalto student to join.

The channel can be found at

More information from Advocacy and Communications Manager Heikki Isotalo, heikki.isotalo(at)


5. Polyteekkari Museum’s guide recruitment evening on Monday 17 Sept at 5 pm
Are you all upset because you’re not a Polyteekkari Museum guide yet? Not to worry, do what Henri did and become a guide to regain those twinkly eyes. Come to the museum on Monday 17 Sept at 5 pm with a couple of hours spare and get to know the life and soul of a guide. All are welcome, regardless of study field or stage – we’ll be expecting you!

You can ask for more information by email at intendentti(a)


6. Survey for associations coming on Wed 19 Sept
Project Coordinator for community and organisational structures Elina Nieminen has started work at the Aalto University Student Union’s Central office in the beginning of August, and her job is to conduct surveys, interviews and conversations to figure out how the structures of the Aalto community and the cooperation of the Student Union and the associations within it could be developed. The goal of the project is a more unified student community in which the students of the different schools will be taken into account as equals even better than before.

The project kicks off with a survey that will be sent out to all associations on Wednesday 19 Sept 2018. You will have two weeks to answer the survey, so it’s worth reserving time from a meeting or other get-together now to come up with your answers, as each association is meant to only answer the survey once.

More information to follow next week! If you have questions about the project, email elina.nieminen(a)

Get to know Project Coordinator Elina and her project better: /en/blog/2018/08/23/new-project-coordinator-helps-the-aalto-community-develop/


7. Third application round of TTE Fund for 2018 is open!
The third application round of TTE Fund for 2018 is open! The Fund can grant financial aid for all AYY members and the associations within it. TTE Fund supports activities that reach for the stars, get other people excited and can be seen and heard.

You can apply for grants from TTE Fund in two ways: through the application rounds arranged approximately three times a year, or via the continuous application process which is open during semesters. Via the continuous application process, the maximum amount of a grant is 2000€, whereas the amount of project funding in the actual application rounds is not limited.

Application time for the third round of 2018 ends on Sunday 30 Sept 2018 at 11.59 pm. Instructions for the application and its attachments can be found on the Fund’s website at To apply for a grant, fill in the online form found at

The times of the application rounds for autumn 2018 and other information is available on the TTE Fund website at Also, check out the Facebook page at (in Finnish).




Send us your short text by 10 am on Wednesday to tiedotteet (a) The news will be translated, so you only have to use one language.

The information in the newsletter is edited by the AYY Association and Communications Specialist, Essi Puustinen (essi.puustinen (a), tel. 050 520 9442).

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