Association newsletter for week 40/2018

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This is the AYY association newsletter for week 40/2018

Next week is going to be a busy one! On Monday, there is the Otatarha race and Lakinlaskijaiset, and on Saturday, Otaniemi Night of Arts. Before that, there is still time to answer AYY’s survey for associations (item 1), apply for a volunteer position at Otaniemi Night of Arts (item 2) and apply for some money from TTE Fund (item 3).

Upcoming events and important dates for associations
30 Sept: Third application round of TTE Fund ends (item 3)
1 Oct: Answering time of the AYY service questionnaire ends (item 4 and a direct link to questionnaire)
1 Oct: Otatarha race, Alvari Square (
1 Oct: Lakinlaskijaiset, Dipoli (
3 Oct: Answering time of community survey ends (item 1)
6 Oct: Otaniemi Night of Arts (item2 and
21 Oct: Nomination for honorary members of PTK ends (, form in Finnish)
27 Nov: Save the date: association training in Finnish
28 Nov: Save the date: association training in Finnish
29 Nov: Save the date: association training in English


Contents of the newsletter
1. Answer AYY’s survey for associations by 3 Oct at the latest!
2. Volunteer at Otaniemi Night of Arts on 6 Oct
3. Third application round of TTE Fund for 2018 ends on Sunday!
4. AYY service questionnaire 2018 to be passed on to all members
5. Member lists of Special Status Associations available from AYY
6. Follow AYY on social media!
7. Take over AYY’s Instagram Story for a day


1. Answer AYY’s survey for associations by Wed 3 Oct at the latest!
On Friday 21 Sept, a survey was sent to the email address your association has provided in TAHLO regarding the development project of community and organisational structures. The goal of the project is to discover via surveys, interviews and discussions how the structures of the Aalto community and the cooperation of the Student Union and the associations within it could be developed in a way that would make the roles of different parties clearer than before. The goal of the project is a more unified student community in which the students of the different schools will be taken into account as equals better than before.

The survey is meant to help chart the associations’ views on what the relationships between parties operating within AYY are based upon now, and how the different associations and student cultures can be taken into account more equally in the operations.

The survey is answered by way of one representative of the association filling in the association’s views on the survey form based on the discussion that was had in the association’s Board meeting or other get-together. So, reserve some time from your meetings next week to answer the survey. The survey can be answered until Wednesday 3 Oct at 11.59 pm. Thank you!

You can access the survey for the first and second list associations here:
You can access the survey for the Special Status Associations here:

More information and questions regarding the project:
Elina Nieminen
Project Coordinator
tel. 0406819612


2. Volunteer at Otaniemi Night of Arts on 6 Oct
We are looking for volunteers for Otaniemi Night of Arts on Saturday 6 Oct. The event is an interartistic festival featuring different kinds of events e.g. at Väre, Dipoli and all around the campus. The volunteers’ shifts take place between 1 pm and 9 pm and last for 3–5 hours. Volunteers will be directing festival-goers to the right locations, handing out the programme booklets and answering the audience’s questions. Volunteers are also needed to photograph, to take care of the backstage area and for other assisting tasks. There will be a short volunteer info on Tues 2 Oct at 4.30 pm at the Central Office of Aalto University Student Union (Otakaari 11).

In return for their shift, the volunteers will get food, a cinema ticket for the screening of their choosing at the Elossa festival (29 Oct–3 Nov) and an invitation to the Otaniemi Night of Arts afterparty organised later.

Sign up by filling in the form at

Facebook event at
Website at

More information from volunteer coordinator: julius.luukkanen(a)


3. Third application round of TTE Fund for 2018 ends on Sunday!
The third application round of TTE Fund for 2018 is open! The Fund can grant financial aid for all AYY members and the associations within it. TTE Fund supports activities that reach for the stars, get other people excited and can be seen and heard.

You can apply for grants from TTE Fund in two ways: through the application rounds arranged approximately three times a year, or via the continuous application process which is open during semesters. Via the continuous application process, the maximum amount of a grant is 2000€, whereas the amount of project funding in the actual application rounds is not limited.

Application time for the third round of 2018 ends on Sunday 30 Sept 2018 at 11.59 pm. Instructions for the application and its attachments can be found on the Fund’s website at To apply for a grant, fill in the online form found at

The times of the application rounds for autumn 2018 and other information is available on the TTE Fund website at Also, check out the Facebook page at (in Finnish).


4. AYY service questionnaire 2018 to be passed on to all members
Welcome to answering the AYY service questionnaire! The Student Union produces many different services for its members, such as community, housing and sports services. This questionnaire will help us find out our members’ opinions and experiences of their necessity and quality and the related communication. The questionnaire will produce useful information to support the operational development of both the Student Union and the University.

You can access the questionnaire here:

The research is conducted by the Research Foundation for Studies and Education Otus. For more information on the research, please contact Otus researcher Rasmus Reinikainen (rasmus.reinikainen(at)

Filling in the questionnaire will take about 20 minutes and can be done until Monday 1 Oct. Lots will be drawn from among all respondents for the lucky winners of ten cinema tickets and one free rental space use (excluding Servin mökki or Rantasauna). The winners will be notified personally. The contact details you leave for the raffle will not be connected to your answers.

With autumnal greetings on behalf of the whole AYY,
Noora Vänttinen, AYY Chair of the Board

5. Member lists of Special Status Associations available from AYY
All Special Status Associations whose membership fee has been payable via Oodi in connection with the AYY membership fee can request their member lists from AYY.

The member list includes the members’ names, home municipalities and email addresses. More information about data disclosure can be found in AYY’s member register’s data protection statement at (in Finnish). The data will not be disclosed by email but must be collected either in printed form or loaded onto a personal memory drive. Agree on a pick-up time by contacting either AYY’s IT Support (tietotekniikka (a) or Administrative and HR Manager (johanna.pietilainen (a)!

Receiving the membership fees from AYY:
The first part of Special Status Associations’ membership fees paid in connection with the annual enrolment were paid out towards the end of August, and the remaining membership fees for this autumn will be paid out during October at the latest.


6. Follow AYY on social media!
Do you want to be among the first to know what your Student Union is doing and what is going on in the Aalto Community? Follow AYY’s social media accounts to instantly find out what is going on:


Also keep in mind the Facebook groups AYY Events, Aalto International and AYY Study Events and AYY: Advocacy, as well as the Telegram groups AYY: Advocacy and Aalto International!


7. Take over AYY’s Instagram Story for a day
Do you want to talk about your operations, showcase your association or maybe show how an event is organised your way? Your association has the opportunity to tell AYY’s 1900 Instagram followers what it is that you do and how you do it. Via the Stories, the followers get to see what a versatile and multifaceted organisation field AYY has, and your association will reach new people at the same time.

Are you interested in taking over AYY’s Instagram Story? Send a note to AYY Information Officer Henna Palonen (henna.palonen(a) and agree on your day.



Send us your short text by 10 am on Wednesday to tiedotteet (a) The news will be translated, so you only have to use one language.

The information in the newsletter is edited by the AYY Association and Communications Specialist, Essi Puustinen (essi.puustinen (a), tel. 050 520 9442).

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