Association newsletter week 41/2018

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This is the AYY association newsletter for week 41/2018

One last reminder about answering the community survey (item 1). It is important to get a collective answer from each association for the development work. See also the reminder about AYY’s social media channels (item 2), of which Instagram can be taken over by your association to showcase your activities (item 3). Also, check out the schedules for AYY’s volunteer applications (item 5).

Upcoming events and important dates for associations
6 Oct: Otaniemi Night of Arts (
7 Oct: Answering time of community survey ends (item 1)
1 Oct–25 Oct/7 Nov: Application to AYY Board is open (item 5, /stop/en/)
18 Oct: Representative Council meeting 9/2018 (follow at /en/student-union/live/)
21 Oct: Nomination for honorary members of PTK ends (, form in Finnish)
27 Oct: TOKYO Maskerad (/blogi/2018/10/01/maskerad-is-turned-into-art-by-the-party-crowd/?lang=en)
1 Nov–23 Nov/3 Dec: Application to AYY Sections is open (item 5, /stop/en/)
1 Nov–31 Dec: Application to AYY Committees is open (item 5, /stop/en/)
9 Nov: Teekkari Tradition Party (item 4, [in Finnish])
27 Nov: Save the date: association training in Finnish
28 Nov: Save the date: association training in Finnish
29 Nov: Save the date: association training in English

Contents of the newsletter
1. AYY’s survey for associations – answering time extended until Sunday 7 Oct at 11.59 pm!
2. Follow AYY on social media!
3. Take over AYY’s Instagram Story for a day
4. Sign-up for Teekkari Tradition Party is open!
5. Apply to next year’s AYY Board or Chairs of the Representative Council!
6. Aalto Wellbeing Week – digital wellbeing service HeiaHeia free for Aalto people
7. Nominate new honorary members for the Guild of the Round Tower

1. AYY’s survey for associations – answering time extended until Sunday 7 Oct at 11.59 pm!
On Friday 21 Sept, a survey was sent to the email address your association has provided in TAHLO regarding the development project of community and organisational structures. The goal of the project is to discover via surveys, interviews and discussions how the structures of the Aalto community and the cooperation of the Student Union and the associations within it could be developed in a way that would make the roles of different parties clearer than before. The goal of the project is a more unified student community in which the students of the different schools will be taken into account as equals better than before.

The survey is meant to help chart the associations’ views on what the relationships between parties operating within AYY are based upon now, and how the different associations and student cultures can be taken into account more equally in the operations.

The survey is answered by way of one representative of the association filling in the association’s views on the survey form based on the discussion that was had in the association’s Board meeting or other get-together. It would be very important for you to find the time to answer the survey from your association’s point of view as the results of this survey will have great impact on the project’s progress. The answering time has been extended to Sunday 7 Oct at 11.59 pm. Thank you!

You can access the survey for the first and second list associations here:
You can access the survey for the Special Status Associations here:

More information and questions regarding the project:
Elina Nieminen
Project Coordinator
tel. 0406819612

2. Follow AYY on social media!
Do you want to be among the first to know what your Student Union is doing and what is going on in the Aalto Community? Follow AYY’s social media accounts to instantly find out what is going on:


Also keep in mind the Facebook groups AYY Events, Aalto International and AYY Study Events and AYY: Advocacy, as well as the Telegram groups AYY: Advocacy and Aalto International!


3. Take over AYY’s Instagram Story for a day
Do you want to talk about your operations, showcase your association or maybe show how an event is organised your way? Your association has the opportunity to tell AYY’s 1900 Instagram followers what it is that you do and how you do it. Via the Stories, the followers get to see what a versatile and multifaceted organisation field AYY has, and your association will reach new people at the same time.

Are you interested in taking over AYY’s Instagram Story? Send a note to AYY Information Officer Henna Palonen (henna.palonen(a) and agree on your day.


4. Sign-up for Teekkari Tradition Party is open!
It’s the Teekkari concept’s 146th birthday, in honour of which you are invited to celebrate the Teekkariperinnejuhla (Teekkari Tradition Party) on Friday 9 Nov 2018 at Dipoli! Throughout the Teekkari Tradition Week, we will be venturing in the world of cinema, and for this reason, you will get to enjoy the characteristic atmosphere and glamour of Hollywood at the Teekkari Tradition Party.

The sign-up period for invitees runs from 12 noon on 26 Sept to 10 Oct and for others from 12 noon on 3 Oct to 26 Oct or until the sign-up list is full.

More information and sign-up: (in Finnish)

Dress code for the Teekkari Tradition Party: White tie with academic honours
Price of dinner and party: Students 85€ / Graduates 110€ + Sillis 20€


5. Apply to next year’s AYY Board or Chairs of the Representative Council!
This autumn’s recruitment for AYY volunteers has begun! The recruitment schedule has been slightly altered from previous years so that only the applications for the Student Union’s Board and the Chairs of the Representative Council are opened in the beginning of October. Applications for all other posts will be opened on 1 November.

Learn more about the amazing and versatile posts at AYY at!

Below is the schedule for the volunteer recruitment:
Mon 1 Oct: Application to put together the Board, to Board members and to Chairs of the Representative Council opens
Thu 25 Oct: Application to put together the Board and to Representative Council Chair ends
Thu 1 Nov: Application to Sections and Committees opens / the person to put together the Board appointed at the Representative Council
Wed 7 Nov: Application to the Board and to Representative Council Vice Chairs ends
Thu 22 Nov: Board appointed at the Representative Council meeting
Fri 23 Nov: Application to Section Chairs ends
Fri 30 Nov: Section Chairs appointed and published
Mon 3 Dec: Application to Sections ends
By Wed 21 Dec: Section selections published
Mon 31 Dec: Application to Committees ends

Be brave and start considering what kinds of interesting things you want to do next year! For more information about the volunteer posts, you can ask the current operators or the Board member in charge of volunteers, hilja.korhonen(a), 040 551 6530.


6. Aalto Wellbeing Week – digital wellbeing service HeiaHeia free for Aalto people
Aalto Wellbeing Week 2018 offers Aalto University staff and students free use of the digital wellbeing service HeiaHeia for six months!

HeiaHeia is an engaging and sociable wellbeing service created by the leading wellbeing experts at Hintsa Performance with the aim of helping you find the healthy habits that will bring you joy and energy!

HeiaHeia guides you to set meaningful wellbeing goals and helps you achieve them. Exercise, steps, sleep, nutrition: whatever your goals are, you can achieve them by doing small, repetitive things that accumulate into remarkable long-term benefits.

HeiaHeia is a sociable service based on support from your likeminded friends and colleagues. Sharing accomplishments big and small and cheering for your friends makes wellbeing fun and sociable. It also brings a positive sense of accountability into sticking to your goals.

Starting from October, you will have the opportunity to make your own wellbeing a fun and collective project for six months with other Aalto people. Join us!

You can easily download the HeiaHeia mobile app by yourself. You can find the app for iOS (iPhone, iPad), Android and Windows Phone. Log in with Aalto’s own code ‘aaltowellbeing2018’ at

Best regards,
Lauri Jurvanen
Social Affairs Specialist, AYY


7. Nominate new honorary members for the Guild of the Round Tower
The Guild of the Round Tower is an honorary and senior organisation operating in the vicinity of Aalto University. Persons who are in the final stages of their studies or have recently graduated and have shown continuous interest in the culture of engineering students (Teekkarit) or other student activity with a similar mindset at Aalto University and have promoted its development in the Student Union or its associations may be nominated for the position of an honorary member. Nominations can be made until 11.59 pm on 21 Oct 2018 at (form in Finnish).

Nominations can be made by an individual person, guild or association or by several people, guilds or associations collectively.

More information on the Guild is available at (in Finnish).




Send us your short text by 10 am on Wednesday to tiedotteet (a) The news will be translated, so you only have to use one language.

The information in the newsletter is edited by the AYY Association and Communications Specialist, Essi Puustinen (essi.puustinen (a), tel. 050 520 9442).

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