Association newsletter for week 44/2018

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This is the AYY association newsletter for week 44/2018

AYY has a brand-new policy paper (item 1), and next week, the former of the Student Union’s Board for 2019 will be appointed (item 2) – these are exciting times!

Upcoming events and important dates for associations
29 Oct–3 Nov: Elossa Film Festival (item 3,
1 Nov: Info event on AYY’s volunteer positions, lobby of the Undergraduate Centre (item 2)
1 Nov: Representative Council meeting 10/2018 (follow at /en/student-union/live/)
7 Nov: Application to AYY Board member ends (item 2, /stop/en/)
9 Nov: Teekkari Tradition Party (, in Finnish)
1 Nov–23 Nov/3 Dec: Application to AYY Sections is open (item 2, /stop/en/)
1 Nov–31 Dec: Application to AYY Committees is open (item 2, /stop/en/)
19–28 Nov: Comment round for Community structure project (item 4)
27 Nov: Save the date: Association training in Finnish (basic training)
28 Nov: Save the date: Association training in Finnish (themed training)
29 Nov: Save the date: Association training in English


Contents of the newsletter
1. The Student Union’s new policies
2. Appointment of the former of AYY’s Board for 2019 and opening of the section and committee applications
3. Programme of the Elossa Film Festival has been released
4. Comment round for associations on the development proposals for AYY’s organisational structures coming 19–28 Nov!
5. Apply for AYY’s exchange grant!
6. Store traces of your association operations in history
7. Tableware rental for associations operating within AYY

1. The Student Union’s new policies

In its meeting (on 18 Oct), the Representative Council approved the new policy paper for the Student Union that guides all of AYY’s influencing work. The reform also featured an update on how AYY’s goals related to subsistence, student admission and international movement, for example, can best be realised in a changed world. As per its policy paper, AYY is also aiming for a campus area that supports student activity in all its forms. Altogether new sections include e.g. the themes related to information society, arts policy and equality.

The person in charge of the reform, the Board’s Vice Chair Tapio Hautamäki, talks more about the subject in his blog: /blogi/2018/10/26/new-policies-of-ayy/?lang=en

The entire policy paper can be read at


2. Appointment of the former of AYY’s Board for 2019 and opening of the section and committee applications
There’s excitement at AYY: in Thursday’s Representative Council meeting, the former of the Student Union’s Board for 2019 will be appointed! Application to Board member remains open until Wed 7 Nov. A year on the Student Union’s Board is an incredibly versatile and unforgettable experience that will make you grow as an influencer as well as a human being. So, what are you waiting for!

In addition, applications to AYY’s sections and committees will open on Thursday 1 Nov. AYY has positions for event organisation, campus development, student advocacy and sports alike, as well as many things you have probably never noticed before. Read about the positions at /stop/en/ OR visit the lobby of the Undergraduate Centre on 1 Nov between 11 am and 3 pm: there will be AYY volunteers present to share their experiences of their AYY year!

Join us in the pursuit of the best student’s life in the world!


3. Programme of the Elossa Film Festival has been released
The Elossa Film Festival, ending AYY’s Year of the Arts, has released its programme. The programme features films selected by different student communities that are divided into various themes of opposites: human mind & technology, love & hate and power & anarchy. The selection of films ranges all the way from Mad Max to Moulin Rouge, and part of the films are seen as genuine film copies. In the beginning of each screening, short films will be shown that have been made by ELO students. The festival takes place in Kino Tapiola and Kino Sheryl on 29 Oct–3 Nov.

Full programme at:

Facebook event:


4. Comment round for associations on the development proposals for AYY’s organisational structures coming 19–28 Nov!
There is a development project of community and organisational structures in progress at Aalto University Student Union. The goal of the project is to discover via surveys, interviews and discussions how the cooperation of associations operating within AYY and the structures of the Aalto community could be developed in a way that would make the roles of different parties clearer than before. The goal of the project is a more unified student community in which the students of the different schools will be taken into account as equals better than before.

The first part of the project were the charting surveys sent to associations in September on the current situation and development needs of the structures. Thank you to all associations that took the time to answer the survey! At the moment, the project is progressing with focus group discussions in which the associations that answered the survey are forming solution models for the challenges brought up in the surveys and advance discussions.

The solution models will be sent on a comment round to all associations and volunteers on 19–28 Nov, so it’s worth reserving time from a meeting or other get-together now to comment on the solution models. Each association is meant to send only one answer, so it’s important that you out time aside from your meetings for a collective discussion. The project’s results will influence the composition of the association and volunteer fields in the future, so it’s very important that you make your views known.

If you have any questions regarding the project, send a message to Project Coordinator Elina Nieminen at elina.nieminen(a)


5. Apply for AYY’s exchange grant!
In the autumn, AYY is handing out exchange grants to support the internationalisation and active community action of students. The exchange grant can be applied for by those who are going on an exchange, are on an exchange at the moment and those AYY members who have returned from an exchange after April 2018.

The grant is meant for the degree students of Aalto University.

The grant can be applied for from 12 noon on 24.10 to 11:59 pm, 14.11.

You can find further information about the grants and an application form here: /en/students/services/scholarships/


6. Store traces of your association operations in history
Is it easy to forget archiving? What is it necessary and worthwhile to archive in the first place? Is your archiving often left to the end of the year without you even noticing? Now is a good time to grab hold of it in order to avoid panic in December.

The archive of Aalto University Student Union offers the associations operating within it storage space, equipment and advice on archiving. Archiving is meant to give future operators a vivid idea of the association’s operations. It is worth archiving all self-produced materials relating to the association’s operations as well as other materials that might interest the next generations, all marked appropriately. Tips for limiting your archiving can be found, for example, on the Yhdistystoimijat website (in Finnish).

What is important is that archiving is kept in mind and executed throughout the year. Don’t be afraid to ask for some tips and contact arkisto(a)


7. Tableware rental for associations operating within AYY
AYY promotes ecology, and one way to reduce unnecessary waste is to use less disposable tableware at events. In the Otaranta club room, there’s a set of dishes that can be used by anyone renting the space. The other rental spaces have less tableware, but there are rental opportunities that include e.g. delivery to site and returning the dishes unwashed. Jalostajat and Astiva have inexpensive offers for associations within AYY, the details of which are listed below:

The Otaniemi refinement club Jalostajat rents dinnerware for 220 people flexibly and inexpensively to groups operating in Otaniemi! Delivery within the Otaniemi area is free of charge, and its cost to external locations will be decided separately depending on the distance. Additionally, the price includes dishwashing, so the dishes can be returned unwashed! The tableware can be rented by email at astiasto(a), and we’re also happy to answer any questions about the tableware.

– agreement is open-ended, excluding high school graduation week in the spring
– discount always at least 20%; the earlier you book, the more room we have -> the bigger the discount
– orders need to be made at least 2 weeks beforehand (depending on availability)
– specified quantities only need to be given (for weekend events) on the previous Monday
– delivery to the Otaniemi area free of charge Mon–Fri at 9 am–3 pm
– deliveries / pickups at Smökki don’t require anyone to be present, we have a key
– dishwashing is always included in the price, so dishes can be returned unwashed
– payment must be made within 7 days of pickup day, card payment also possible when necessary
– good offers are also available for private parties of AYY members

You’ll get the discount if you send your order directly to astiva(a) and mention that it’s for an association operating within AYY. On the website, you can get the discount by entering the code “AYY2018” when making the order.




Send us your short text by 10 am on Wednesday to tiedotteet (a) The news will be translated, so you only have to use one language.

The information in the newsletter is edited by the AYY Association and Communications Specialist, Essi Puustinen (essi.puustinen (a), tel. 050 520 9442).

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