Association newsletter for week 46/2018

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This is the AYY association newsletter for week 46/2018

Sign-up for the association training starts NOW (item 1)! Check the programme for the training days and sign up. Also let new Board members and next year’s operators know about the training. And there is plenty of suitable programme for seasoned operators too.

Upcoming events and important dates for associations
19–28 Nov: Comment round for community structure project (item 2)
21 Nov: Planning workshop for equality survey (item 3)
21 Nov: Sign-up closes for Association Training (item 1)
23 Nov: Application to Sections’ Chair ends (item 7,
27 Nov: Association training in Finnish – basic package (item 1, sign up here)
28 Nov: Association training in Finnish – themed day (item 1, sign up here)
29 Nov: Association training in English (item 1, sign-up here)
3 Dec: Application to AYY Sections ends (item 7,
3 Dec: Application to Hallopeds ends (item 5)
3 Dec: Application to person in charge of the AYY10 anniversary year ends (item 6)
31 Dec: Application to AYY Committees ends (item 7, /stop/en/)


Contents of the newsletter
1. AYY’s association training in English on 29 Nov and in Finnish on 27–28 Nov
2. Comment round for associations on the development proposals for AYY’s organisational structures coming on 19–28 Nov!
3. Are you interested in developing equality in the Aalto community?
4. Version update in the IT services used by associations
5. Should the University change? Apply to Student representative in administration!
6. Apply to be in charge of the AYY10 anniversary year!
7. Apply to AYY’s Sections or Committees for 2019!

1. AYY’s association training in English on 29 Nov and in Finnish on 27–28 Nov
The English-language training is organised on Thursday 29 Nov from 4 pm to 7 pm at AYY’s office (Otakaari 11, Espoo, upstairs). The training will include communications and the basics for association work, but you can also request specific topics.

The target group is English-speaking association actives, and as the space is limited (approx. 20 persons), please attend only if you are in the target group. Max. 4 persons per association.

If there are more than four persons in your association’s actives that are in the target group and they wish to participate, please contact Organisational Affairs Specialist Essi Puustinen (essi.puustinen at, and we will work something out.

You can sign up here: Sign-up closes on 21 Nov at 11.59 pm.

You can also take part in the Finnish-language association training. This is organised at the Design Factory in Otaniemi on Tue 27 Nov and Wed 28 Nov. The first day offers new operators the basics on association operations, and on the latter training day, we will delve deeper into some current themes. Detailed information in Finnish:
Tue 27th Nov – Basics /blog/events/ayyn-yhdistyskoulutus-2/
Wed 28th Nov – Themes /blog/events/ayyn-yhdistyskoulutus-3/


2. Comment round for associations on the development proposals for AYY’s organisational structures coming on 19–28 Nov!
There is a development project of community and organisational structures in progress at Aalto University Student Union. The goal of the project is to discover via surveys, interviews and discussions how the cooperation of associations operating within AYY and the structures of the Aalto community could be developed in a way that would make the roles of different parties clearer than before. The goal of the project is a more unified student community in which the students of the different schools will be taken into account as equals better than before.

The first part of the project were the charting surveys sent to associations in September on the current situation and development needs of the structures. Thank you to all associations that took the time to answer the survey! At the moment, the project is progressing with focus group discussions in which the associations that answered the survey are forming solution models for the challenges brought up in the surveys and advance discussions.

The solution models will be sent on a comment round to all associations and volunteers on 19–28 Nov, so it’s worth reserving time from a meeting or other get-together now to comment on the solution models. Each association is meant to send only one answer, so it’s important that you take time aside from your meetings for a collective discussion. The project’s results will influence the composition of the association and volunteer fields in the future, so it’s very important that you make your views known.

If you have any questions regarding the project, send a message to Project Coordinator Elina Nieminen at elina.nieminen(a)



3. Are you interested in developing equality in the Aalto community?
Equality has been a conversation point in the Student Union as well as the wider society. We at the Student Union now want to find out what would be the best way to chart the state of equality in the Aalto community. In early 2019, we will be collecting information about these experiences with a member survey, and now, we are in need of some help from interested parties for creating the survey!

We are organising a workshop on Wednesday 21 Nov in Avain Sauna (Otaranta 8E) at 4–6 pm. There will be some light bites on offer, so please sign up for the event by 19 Nov at the latest. Everyone is welcome to attend with their own language skills; we will be using Finnish and English at the event as working languages.

Sign up at:


4. Version update in the IT services used by associations
AYY offers associations IT services, which will have a version update in December. Please sign up for the mailing list if you are in charge of your association’s website in order to get the latest on the updates. is the web hotel AYY offers its associations which offers website services and mailing lists. A php version update takes place in in December. For the update, service users should make sure that their website is functional before the change. For the change, a separate server will be set up alongside from which the updated version can be found.

Check whether the person in charge of your association’s website on AYY’s server is on the mailing list on which the dates and version numbers of the change are explained in more detail. If they have missed signing up for the mailing list, they can do this at

Additionally, in March next year, the main user notification for must be filled in. In order for next year’s operators to be set up for using the service, now is a good time to make sure that the association’s internal documentation is up to date. Next year’s notifications will be gone through more closely than normal.

In all of your association’s IT-related matters, you can contact tietotekniikka(a)


5. Should the University change? Apply to Student representative in administration!
Student representatives in administration, or Hallopeds, are regular students who participate in the decision-making and development of the University. Students are the best experts on their own studying and the everyday of teaching. There are more than 250 posts up for grabs. The Student Union appoints the Hallopeds for a one-calendar-year term, and all members of the Student Union are eligible to apply. The application is open on 21 Oct–3 Dec 2018.

There are student representatives in the degree programmes, departments, schools and the University’s central administration. The organs include the academic affairs committees, educational councils and various other committees. The Student Union, the persons in charge of Hallopeds and the organisations’ persons in charge of studies will support the advocacy work.

The official call for applications and a list of positions for 2019: /en/blog/2018/10/29/ayy-is-looking-for-student-representatives-for-2019/

The Student Union’s Halloped regulations:

For further information, contact laura.luoto(a) or minna.makitalo(a)


6. Apply to be in charge of the AYY10 anniversary year!
Our beloved Student Union has been forging ahead for some years already, and we are soon celebrating our first full decade. Now is, at last, the time to start recruiting for the position many have been waiting for: the person in charge of the AYY10 anniversary year!

As the person in charge of the anniversary year, you will be right at the heart of conceptualising and executing the anniversary year and the 10th annual ball itself. Will the anniversary year feature separate anniversary year spectacles, or will the usual events be organised bigger than before and with an AYY10 twist? How can we make the entire community participate in the anniversary year? And in particular, of course: where and how to organise the culmination itself, the annual ball that ends the anniversary year? You will be coordinating the section you recruit and ensure that this party will remain a conversation point for the Aalto community for a long time to come!

Application opens on Monday 5 Nov and ends on Monday 3 Dec. Apply to make AYY history!

More information: /stop/en/ayy10/


7. Apply to AYY’s Sections or Committees for 2019!
The former of AYY’s Board has been elected, and candidates for the Board are currently being interviewed. Next to close is the application to Chairs of AYY’s Sections on Friday 23 Nov. Application to AYY Section members remains open until 3 Dec and to the Committees for the whole of December.

There are all kinds of positions on offer: for example, you can apply to join the organising of the Wappu Party (Teekkari Section/Party Committee) or the Aalto Afterparty (Aava/Afterparty Committee), to execute various sporting events (Aava/Outdoor Sports Committee), to renovate rentable facilities (Campus Section) or to advocate student benefits as an Aalto Halloped.

And these were just a few of the volunteer positions at AYY: learn more about all of them at!




Send us your short text by 10 am on Wednesday to tiedotteet (a) The news will be translated, so you only have to use one language.

The information in the newsletter is edited by the AYY Association and Communications Specialist, Essi Puustinen (essi.puustinen (a), tel. 050 520 9442).

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