AYY has appointed its Board for 2019 – Tapio Hautamäki to act as Chair


The Representative Council of Aalto University Student Union (AYY) has appointed the Student Union’s Board for 2019 in its meeting on Thursday 22 November 2018. As Chair of the Board, AYY appointed Tapio Hautamäki, a master’s level student from the School of Science. In 2018, Hautamäki has acted as Vice Chair of the AYY Board and been in charge of the Student Union’s Advocacy operations. Previously, Hautamäki has been involved with the Tempaus 2016 project, for example.


The other nine (9) members of the AYY Board are:

Iida Palosuo, ARTS

Ellen Heikkilä, ARTS

Leila Kettunen, CHEM

Lumi Ketola, ENG, CHEM

Taneli Myllykangas, ELEC

Anna Halsas, BIZ

Marianne Honkasaari, SCI

Antti Pentikäinen, BIZ

Olli Kesseli, SCI


In the coming year, prominent issues include developing AYY’s operations to become ecologically sustainable, influencing in the spring’s European and parliamentary elections and planning the new Student Centre, among others.

“AYY has done excellent work on its vision in recent years. The Student Union has a brand-new policy paper, a comprehensive brand strategy, a clear and ambitious real estate strategy and a freshly updated direction reaching boldly for the future. Next year needs to be a year of action,” states Hautamäki.

The Board’s term of office begins in January and lasts one calendar year. The new Board will be organised in its first meeting. Aalto University Student Union is the service and advocacy organisation of around 14 000 Aalto University students.

Further information:

Tapio Hautamäki, Chair of the Board 2019, tapio.hautamaki@ayy.fi, +358 40 757 9629


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