Association newsletter for week 48/2018

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This is the AYY association newsletter for week 48/2018

Next week, it’s time for association training, hope to see you there!

Upcoming events and important dates for associations
23 Nov: Application to Sections’ Chairs ends (item 5,
27 Nov: Association training in Finnish – basic package (item 1,
28 Nov: Association training in Finnish – themed day (item 1,
28 Nov: Commenting on organisational structures ends (item 2)
29 Nov: Association training in English (item 1,
30 Nov: My Career in Finland (
3 Dec: Application to AYY Sections ends (item 5,
3 Dec: Application to Hallopeds ends (item 6, /en/blog/2018/10/29/ayy-hakee-hallinnon-opiskelijaedustajia-vuodelle-2019/)
3 Dec: Application to person in charge of the AYY10 anniversary year ends (
6 Dec: Independence Day procession (item 3,
31 Dec: Application to AYY Committees ends (item 5, /stop/en/)


Contents of the newsletter
1. Association training next week on 27–29 Nov
2. Comment round for associations on the development proposals for AYY’s organisational structures ongoing until 28 Nov!
3. Students of the metropolitan area celebrate Finland’s independence in the Independence Day Procession on 6 Dec
4. Advance booking of AYY’s rentable facilities in December for associations
5. Apply to AYY’s Sections or Committees for 2019!
6. Should the University change? Apply to Student representative in administration!

1. Association training next week on 27–29 Nov
The sign-up for AYY’s association training has now ended.

Next week, we will delve into various themes with the participants on Tuesday 27 Nov and Wednesday 28 Nov at Design Factory, Betonimiehenkuja 5. On both days, there will be some light bites to eat half an hour before the programme starts. The programme for Tuesday’s basic package starts with the common part at 4.30 pm, and later, participants are divided into the groups they signed up for.

On Wednesday’s themed day, the programme starts at 5.15 pm before dividing into themed groups. Some small changes had to be made to the schedule of Wednesday’s themed day because of uneven group sizes. Each theme will only be gone through once during the evening. The topics of themed section 1 are self-management and avoiding exhaustion as well as equality. Themed section 2 covers fundraising and corporate relations as well as the motivational management of volunteers. The participants affected by this change have been separately notified.

On Thursday 29 Nov, the association training is held in English at the AYY office, Otakaari 11. You should arrive by 4 pm, and there will be light bites on offer at the start.

More detailed schedules for the training can be found here:

Tuesday 27 Nov Association training in Finnish – basic package (in Finnish)

Wednesday 28 Nov Association training in Finnish – themed day (in Finnish)

Thursday 29 Nov Association training in English

Descriptions of the workshops published on the FB event:

The materials from the training sessions will be distributed to the participants as well as via the association newsletter. Questions regarding the association training can be sent to jarjestoasiat(a)


2. Comment round for associations on the development proposals for AYY’s organisational structures ongoing until 28 Nov!
There is a development project of community and organisational structures in progress at Aalto University Student Union. Its goal is to discover how the cooperation of the Student Union and the associations operating within it and the structures of the Aalto community could be developed to become clearer than before. The goal of the project is a more unified student community in which the students of the different schools will be taken into account as equals better than before.

In September, the associations had the charting surveys, and after that, solution models have been formed in the focus group discussions for which comments are now collected from associations and volunteers. You can give your answer by Wednesday 28 Nov. More detailed instructions, the background materials and the form for answering have been sent to the email address of each association’s Board on Monday 19 Nov. The language versions will be sent as soon as possible.

Each association is meant to send only one answer, so it’s important that you take time aside from your meetings for a collective discussion. The project’s results will influence the composition of the association and volunteer fields in the future, so it’s very important that you make your views known.

If your association has not received the detailed commenting instructions or you have any questions regarding the project, send a message to Project Coordinator Elina Nieminen at elina.nieminen(a)

3. Students of the metropolitan area celebrate Finland’s independence in the Independence Day Procession on 6 Dec
The student unions of the metropolitan area are celebrating the Finnish Independence Day on 6 Dec together, as they did last year. The event is organised by the metropolitan area’s student unions HYY, AYY, TaiYo, SHS, Kadettitoverikunta, METKA and Helga. Everyone is welcome to join the procession, torches and lights will be offered by the organisers at the start of the procession. Associations can take part in the procession with their own official flag.

Instructions and the schedule for the event can be found at

The FB page for the event is at

AYY traditionally offers its operators the following services:

-Flag taxi:

The association’s flag must be delivered to the service point (Otakaari 11) by 4 pm on Monday 3 Dec 2018 AND recorded in the transport list. Make sure you record the flag in the list, as only the flags in it will be taken along. The flags will be returned to the same location, where they should be picked up by Friday 7 Dec.

-Flag carrying belts and heralds’ sashes in the colours of Finland:

The Student Union has a limited number of flag carrying belts as well as blue-and-white heralds’ sashes that suit all flags to lend out. Bookings – first come, first served – by email to, and on the day, the equipment will be by the flags at the organising point.

For the duration of the procession, flagbearers and heralds can safely leave their bags in the operation vehicle that goes to the Senate Square. When you hand in your flags for the return delivery, you will get back the things you left for safekeeping. Flagbearers and heralds must not have bags when they are performing their tasks.

More information: niina.palm(a)


4. Advance booking of AYY’s rentable facilities in December for associations
The advance booking of AYY’s rentable facilities, also known as tilakähmyt, will be opened to associations again in December. It is then possible to reserve facilities for the time period of 7 Jan 2019–11 August 2019. You should start thinking about your needs for facilities next spring already as there is only a week during which to make the bookings.

Detailed information and schedule in a later association newsletter. More information: riitu.nuutinen(a)


5. Apply to AYY’s Sections or Committees for 2019!
The composition of AYY’s Board for next year was officially decided in the Representative Council’s meeting yesterday! This means that the deadlines for this autumn’s volunteer recruitment are nearing: application to Sections’ Chairs closes today, and those to AYY Sections’ members and to Hallopeds (student representative in administration) will close on 3 Dec. To the Committees, you can apply for the whole of December.

There are all kinds of positions on offer: for example, you can apply to join the organising of the Wappu Party (Teekkari Section/Party Committee) or the Aalto Afterparty (Aava/Afterparty Committee), to execute various sporting events (Aava/Outdoor Sports Committee), to renovate rentable facilities (Campus Section) or to advocate student benefits as an Aalto Halloped.

Or maybe you would like to do something unique? Apply to be in charge of the AYY10 anniversary year, and you will get right into the heart of conceptualising and executing the anniversary year and the 10th annual ball itself.

Learn more about all of the volunteer posts at! You can also get further information by following the social media channels of the Sections and AYY.


6. Should the University change? Apply to Student representative in administration!
Student representatives in administration, or Hallopeds, are regular students who participate in the decision-making and development of the University. Students are the best experts on their own studying and the everyday of teaching. There are more than 250 posts up for grabs. The Student Union appoints the Hallopeds for a one-calendar-year term, and all members of the Student Union are eligible to apply. The application is open until 3 Dec 2018.

There are student representatives in the degree programmes, departments, schools and the University’s central administration. The organs include the academic affairs committees, educational councils and various other committees. The Student Union, the persons in charge of Hallopeds and the organisations’ persons in charge of studies will support the advocacy work.

The official call for applications and a list of positions for 2019: /en/blog/2018/10/29/ayy-is-looking-for-student-representatives-for-2019/

The Student Union’s Halloped regulations:

For further information, contact laura.luoto(a) or minna.makitalo(a)




Send us your short text by 10 am on Wednesday to tiedotteet (a) The news will be translated, so you only have to use one language.

The information in the newsletter is edited by the AYY Association and Communications Specialist, Essi Puustinen (essi.puustinen (a), tel. 050 520 9442).

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