Association Newsletter


Association newsletter for week 23/2019

This is the AYY association newsletter for week 23/2019

The AYY Board has decided upon the grants distributed to associations in its meeting (item 1). If you missed out on submitting your association notice in March, the late submission is now open and ends on 30 Jun (item 2). Additionally, you can check your association’s profile in the beta version of the new website and report any changes to us (item 3).

The association newsletter is starting its summer break after this newsletter. Have a sunny and relaxing summer, everyone!
Upcoming events and important dates for associations
3 Sept: Aalto Party and Aalto Afterparty
21 Sept: Otaniemi Night of Arts
28 Oct–5 Nov: AYY Representative Council election
2–4 Dec: AYY’s association training
16 May 2020: Save the Date: AYY 10th Annual Ball, Finlandia Hall


Contents of the newsletter
1. Operating grants for 2019 have now been allocated
2. Missing association notices must be made by Sun 30 Jun
3. Association profiles and link to update form on AYY’s new website
4. Association Guide and training materials for new Boards
5. Get your association into shape for the summer with these tips!
6. Advertise your association’s services in the association newsletter
7. Organise a subevent for Otaniemi Night of Arts on 21 Sept
8. Store traces of your association operations in history – remember to archive
9. Internationalisation A to Z guide to help out your association
1.Operating grants for 2019 have now been allocated
The operating grants for 2019 have been allocated, and the grant amounts can be found at

Grants will be paid out to a total of 120 associations. The operating grants will be paid out once all the grant conditions have been met. The payment orders will be made soon, and the funds will be available on the account recorded in the TAHLO system in Midsummer week at the latest if everything is in order with your association.

Missing appendices? Both the appendices that were granted extra time and those that were otherwise missing must be submitted before the grant is paid out. Submit the missing appendices via the TAHLO system or to by 30 Jun at the latest. Associations will not be separately contacted regarding appendices that were granted extra time but these must be submitted in accordance with the instructions sent as the extra time was granted. Others will be sent a message and told which appendices were missing or inadequate. Check the required appendices here: /en/blog/2019/02/27/association-notices-and-ayys-operating-grants-2019/.

Faulty profile? If there are flaws in an association’s profile on the AYY website or anything else needing attention, you will be contacted separately. The renewed update instructions can be found at item 3. The profile must be in order in accordance with the instructions given during the application round before an operating grant is paid out.

Once you have submitted or corrected something that was missing (appendices, profiles, numbers of members), please let us know at jarjestoasiat(a) and we will make the payment order for your grant.

Feedback received on the new type of application has been mainly positive. If you want to send us more positives or negatives, we can develop the grant application process further:


2. Missing association notices must be made by Sun 30 Jun
Each association operating within AYY must submit an association notice annually. Associations that have not yet filed an association notice for 2019 must do so by 11.59 pm on 30 Jun. Operating grants can no longer be applied for. If the association fails to file an association notice in the allocated time for the second year in a row, it may be removed from the Student Union’s association register altogether.

The association notice is submitted in the TAHLO system, available at You log in with your association’s user details, and forgotten user details can be restored to the email recorded as the association’s shared address at

Carefully fill in all details on TAHLO’s tabs General, Board, Facilities and Attachments. The information can be updated until the form closes at 11.59 pm on 30 Jun, so everything does not have to be done at once. Remember to save the changes before you exit the tab!

When filling in the association notice, you need the following appendices:

*   the current rules
*   the annual report from 2018
*   the operational plan for 2019

Remember to also update your association profile on the AYY website at For more detailed instructions, see /en/blog/2019/05/28/missing-association-notices-2019/. If you have any questions or problems, do not hesitate to contact the Organisation Sector (jarjestoasiat at


3. Association profiles and link to update form on AYY’s new website
The beta version of AYY’s new website will be published on Monday 3.6. (We apologize that, for a little while, the address is redirecting to sitefactory. We’ll get the “real” beta running as soon as possible) As usual, you can find the associations’ profiles on there, grouped based on their operations. If you spot something in your profile that needs fixing or have been asked to update it to receive an operating grant, submit the new text or contact details via the form.

Check your association’s profile here: -> Student activities -> List of Associations

The contents have been copied from the old website, but some need to be updated. From now on, associations cannot edit their own section on the AYY website but any changes are made using this form:

Remember to always edit all three language versions! The minimum requirement is to write the profile in two languages. Do not update your profile on the old website anymore. In early autumn, associations will be sent the user details for the website so that you can add your association’s open events into the calendar found on the site.

You can ask for more information and give feedback on the website at


4. Association Guide and training materials for new Boards
In some associations, a new Board will step in ahead of the summer. Hence, it is good to remind you of the help you have available, such as the Association Guide and the location of last autumn’s association training materials. Please pass this information on to your new operators!

The Association Guide features a multitude of information that associations operating within AYY need to support their operations. The themes cover founding an association, its financial management, administration and equality alike. And plenty of other things! In addition, the extensive Materials bank helps you find essential external sources of information. The sections regarding the financial statement are particularly topical for many of those whose term is ending in the summer.

The Association Guide can be found here:

It is advisable to go through this website carefully at the beginning of your term in office and to keep returning to it along the way. Feedback is definitely welcome, as there are always little things to fix. You can also find the materials from November 2018’s association training here:

In the future, you should first look for answers in the Association Guide and only afterwards contact the Organisation Sector: jarjestoasiat(a) Also, remember to add your new operators onto the associations’ mailing list here: You should also check that your Board’s mailing list is forwarded to the right persons and that the user details are transferred to the new operators to smooth out the transition phase.


  1. Get your association into shape for the summer with these tips!
    With summer approaching, the operations of many organisations start to slow down for summer hibernation. This makes now a good time to get your organisation’s matters into shape for the summer and to make sure that the things left unorganised from the spring will not be casting a shadow over the summer holidays.

Please make sure that your association’s finances are in order for the spring. This means at least that all of the spring’s transactions, expense claims and receipts are up to date. You can find help on matters related to financial management and accounting in the Association Guide: While you are at it, complete anything left hanging, such as sending messages and gathering the required signatures. If you need advice, jarjestoasiat(a) will answer your questions. Once all spring tasks have been finalised, it is easier to get ready for the autumn and nice to get back to your new tasks in the autumn!

Also, it is a good idea to take at least a bit of a break from organisation chores in the summer, so that your enthusiasm will carry you through the autumn as well. See you at Aalto Party on 3 Sept at the latest!


  1. Advertise your association’s services in the association newsletter
    Does your association have some equipment, tools, games, dishes or other handy things to lend or rent out to associations operating within AYY? To raise the utilisation rate of the equipment your association owns, try advertising in AYY’s association newsletter. Communal usage makes sense for your wallet as well as the environment! Borrowing and renting is a more sustainable way to get hold of things, as it prevents you from having to buy them new. Praise the sharing economy!

You can submit your compact text (about 50 words), title and link to more information or your contact details to tiedotteet(a) We will be publishing these adverts in the association newsletter throughout the year or at the time you wish.


  1. Organise a subevent for Otaniemi Night of Arts on 21 Sept
    Otaniemi Night of Arts, the interartistic, open-to-all, free-of-charge campus festival, is organised on 21 Sept this year! What artistic fun could your association bring to the event?

In Otaniemi Night of Arts, all willing Aalto students and student organisations get to put on their own kind of artistic and creative activities. The festival consists of several smaller subevents that are mainly organised by the Aalto community. The goal is to express the creativity and versatility of the entire Aalto community. The event takes place mostly in the vicinity of Väre and the School of Business but also at AYY’s own facilities.

Registration as a subevent organiser will remain open until the beginning of August. You can also sign up right now to take part in organising the biggest and most impressive interartistic event in Otaniemi at /en/students/student-culture/annual-events/otaniemenyo/.

More information is available on the abovementioned website and from


  1. Store traces of your association operations in history – remember to archive
    Is it easy to forget archiving? What is it necessary and worthwhile to archive in the first place? Is your archiving left to the end of the year without you even noticing? Just ahead of the summer is a good time to grab hold of the topic to get this spring’s or your last operating year’s materials safe.

The archive of Aalto University Student Union offers the associations operating within it storage space, equipment and advice on archiving. Archiving is meant to give future operators a vivid idea of the association’s operations. It is worth archiving all self-produced materials relating to the association’s operations as well as other materials that might interest the next generations, all marked appropriately. Tips for limiting your archiving can be found, for example, on the Yhdistystoimijat website (in Finnish).

What is important is that archiving is kept in mind and executed throughout the year. Don’t be afraid to ask for some tips and to contact arkisto(a)


  1. The Internationalisation A to Z guide to help out your association
    Every fifth Aalto person is an international student. Are they taken into account in the operations and events of your association? Do you need help with internationalisation?

Making student association operations more international may seem difficult, but it can also be implemented in small steps. This guide presents tangible ways to take the international perspective into account both at the association’s events and in its operating methods. The guide is divided in three sections, of which A includes things that are easy to implement, B some things that require more investment and C more thorough internationalisation measures that have a wider impact. The aims have been divided into four areas:

Advocacy: How does your association function? How do you take the international perspective into consideration?
New students: How can you get exchange students and international degree students to join the association’s operations?
Events: What kinds of events does your association organise?
Communication: Whom does your communication reach and how? What languages are used in your association?

You can find the Internationalisation A to Z guide in the Association Guide:

We hope that this guide is helpful to you and your association! If you need some help or tips regarding international students or internationalisation, you can reach our specialist Rosa Väisänen and Board member Taneli Myllykangas at Remember to also join the Aalto International channel on Telegram!



The association newsletter is starting its summer break and returns again in August. Send us your short text by 10 am to tiedotteet (a) The news will be translated, so you only have to use one language.

The information in the newsletter is edited by the AYY Association and Communications Specialist, Essi Puustinen (essi.puustinen (a), tel. 050 520 9442).

Want to unsubscribe from the association newsletter mailing list? Click on the link and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page:

Association newsletter week 22/2019

If you want to receive the AYY association newsletter by email, please subscribe at


This is the AYY association newsletter for week 22/2019

This time, the newsletter contains some tips for the summer. Remember to submit the appendices left out of grant applications (item 1), get your minutes and accounting up to date (item 2) and take some time out for archiving (item 3). Remember to also have a break and enjoy the summer! The spring’s last association newsletter comes out next week, and because of Ascension Day, the materials for it need to be sent in by 10 am on Tuesday (

Upcoming events and important dates for associations
18 May: Vote in the European Parliament election (/en/blog/2019/03/12/futuretalks-election-spring/)
26 May: Submission of events for AYY’s calendar ends (item 4,
3 Sept: Save the date: Aalto Party and Aalto Afterparty
21 Sept: Save the date: Otaniemi Night of Arts
28 Oct–5 Nov: AYY Representative Council election
2–4 Dec: AYY’s association training
16 May 2020: Save the date: AYY 10th Annual Ball, Finlandia Hall


Contents of the newsletter
1. Appendices missing from the operating grant applications must be submitted by 31 May
Get your association into shape for the summer with these tips!
3. Store traces of your association operations in history – remember to archive
4. Submit your event for the calendar for the academic year 2019–2020
5. A few storage units available in Atlantinkatu and Miestentie
6. Association Guide and training materials for new Boards
7. Internationalisation A to Z guide to help out your association
8. Organise a subevent for Otaniemi Night of Arts on 21 Sept


1. Appendices missing from the operating grant applications must be submitted by 31 May
Some associations who applied for an operating grant in March did not submit all of the required appendices. Please send the missing or corrected appendices by 31 May to jarjestoasiat(a) This reminder also applies to associations who requested more time and have not submitted their appendices yet. Submitting all appendices is a precondition for receiving an operating grant.

Below is a list to remind you of the required appendices:

– current rules

– previous operating year’s financial statement (consists of a profit and loss account and a balance sheet)
– previous operating year’s annual report
– current operating year’s operational plan
– current operating year’s budget

If you did not submit one or more of these to the Tahlo system in March, please send the appendices to jarjestoasiat(a) Tahlo will be closed for a bit longer until it is reopened for late submissions.

The amounts of associations’ grants are confirmed in next week’s AYY Board meeting, so info on them will follow in next week’s newsletter!


2. Get your association into shape for the summer with these tips!
With summer approaching, the operations of many organisations start to slow down for summer hibernation. This makes now a good time to get your organisation’s matters into shape for the summer and to make sure that the things left unorganised from the spring will not be casting a shadow over the summer holidays.

Please make sure that your association’s finances are in order for the spring. This means at least that all of the spring’s transactions, expense claims and receipts are up to date. You can find help on matters related to financial management and accounting in the Association Guide: While you are at it, complete anything left hanging, such as sending messages and gathering the required signatures. If you need advice, jarjestoasiat(a) will answer your questions. Once all spring tasks have been finalised, it is easier to get ready for the autumn and nice to get back to your new tasks in the autumn!

Also, it is a good idea to take at least a bit of a break from organisation chores in the summer, so that your enthusiasm will carry you through the autumn as well. See you at Aalto Party on 3 Sept at the latest!


3. Store traces of your association operations in history – remember to archive
Is it easy to forget archiving? What is it necessary and worthwhile to archive in the first place? Is your archiving left to the end of the year without you even noticing? Just ahead of the summer is a good time to grab hold of the topic to get this spring’s or your last operating year’s materials safe.

The archive of Aalto University Student Union offers the associations operating within it storage space, equipment and advice on archiving. Archiving is meant to give future operators a vivid idea of the association’s operations. It is worth archiving all self-produced materials relating to the association’s operations as well as other materials that might interest the next generations, all marked appropriately. Tips for limiting your archiving can be found, for example, on the Yhdistystoimijat website (in Finnish).

What is important is that archiving is kept in mind and executed throughout the year. Don’t be afraid to ask for some tips and to contact arkisto(a)


4. Submit your event for the calendar for the academic year 2019–2020
Associations and operators within AYY have the opportunity to submit their important dates for the Design Calendar produced collectively by AYY and TOKYO. Events can be added to the table linked below until Sunday 26 May 2019. Add your events under the correct month in chronological order.

Write the text you want in the calendar in the column “Event name/Text.” Kindly note that there is room for a maximum of 25 characters, including spaces, on one line. When writing, think about how many lines of your own calendar you want to be “wasted.” The calendar will be trilingual, so take this into account too when planning your text.

The table can be edited until the given deadline of 26 May 2019, and you can make changes to your events until then. Take care when filling in the columns, and double-check that the information is accurate. Also remember to include the information on who is organising the event.

The table can be found at

Questions and comments can be sent to AYY’s Communications Specialist Henna Palonen ( or 050 5209440).


5. A few storage units available in Atlantinkatu and Miestentie
The property company has a few storage units free that can be rented to associations operating within AYY. A few of the units are in Jätkäsaari on Atlantinkatu, and a few are on Miestentie in Otaniemi. The storage units are 1–2 m2 in size, and their rent varies depending on the property at around 10–20 e/month. In the main, the storage units will not be rented to associations who already have a storage or club facility through AYY. Interested associations can get in touch with AYY’s Real Estate Sector at


6. Association Guide and training materials for new Boards
In some associations, a new Board will step in ahead of the summer. Hence, it is good to remind you of the help you have available, such as the Association Guide and the location of last autumn’s association training materials. Please pass this information on to your new operators!

The Association Guide features a multitude of information that associations operating within AYY need to support their operations. The themes cover founding an association, its financial management, administration and equality alike. And plenty of other things! In addition, the extensive Materials bank helps you find essential external sources of information. The sections regarding the financial statement are particularly topical for many of those whose term is ending in the summer.

The Association Guide can be found here:

It is advisable to go through this website carefully at the beginning of your term in office and to keep returning to it along the way. Feedback is definitely welcome, as there are always little things to fix.

You can also find the materials from November 2018’s association training here:

In the future, you should first look for answers in the Association Guide and only afterwards contact the Organisation Sector: jarjestoasiat(a)

Also, remember to add your new operators onto the associations’ mailing list here: You should also check that your Board’s mailing list is forwarded to the right persons and that the user details are transferred to the new operators to smooth out the transition phase.


7. The Internationalisation A to Z guide to help out your association
Every fifth Aalto person is an international student. Are they taken into account in the operations and events of your association? Do you need help with internationalisation?

Making student association operations more international may seem difficult, but it can also be implemented in small steps. This guide presents tangible ways to take the international perspective into account both at the association’s events and in its operating methods. The guide is divided in three sections, of which A includes things that are easy to implement, B some things that require more investment and C more thorough internationalisation measures that have a wider impact. The aims have been divided into four areas:

Advocacy: How does your association function? How do you take the international perspective into consideration?
New students: How can you get exchange students and international degree students to join the association’s operations?
Events: What kinds of events does your association organise?
Communication: Whom does your communication reach and how? What languages are used in your association?

You can find the Internationalisation A to Z guide in the Association Guide:

We hope that this guide is helpful to you and your association! If you need some help or tips regarding international students or internationalisation, you can reach our specialist Rosa Väisänen and Board member Taneli Myllykangas at Remember to also join the Aalto International channel on Telegram!


8. Organise a subevent for Otaniemi Night of Arts on 21 Sept
Otaniemi Night of Arts, the interartistic, open-to-all, free-of-charge campus festival, is organised on 21 Sept this year! What artistic fun could your association bring to the event?

In Otaniemi Night of Arts, all willing Aalto students and student organisations get to put on their own kind of artistic and creative activities. The festival consists of several smaller subevents that are mainly organised by the Aalto community. The goal is to express the creativity and versatility of the entire Aalto community. The event takes place mostly in the vicinity of Väre and the School of Business but also at AYY’s own facilities.

Registration as a subevent organiser will remain open until the beginning of August. You can also sign up right now to take part in organising the biggest and most impressive interartistic event in Otaniemi at /en/students/student-culture/annual-events/otaniemenyo/.

More information is available on the abovementioned website and from




Because of Ascension Day, send us your short text already by 10 am on Tuesday to tiedotteet (a) The news will be translated, so you only have to use one language.

The information in the newsletter is edited by the AYY Association and Communications Specialist, Essi Puustinen (essi.puustinen (a), tel. 050 520 9442).

Want to unsubscribe from the association newsletter mailing list? Click on the link and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page:

Association newsletter for week 21/2019

If you want to receive the AYY association newsletter by email, please subscribe at


This is the AYY association newsletter for week 21/2019

When your association is done with the advance booking of rentable facilities, add your events that are open to all into next academic year’s calendar (item 1). In addition, you can influence the Associations Act until Wednesday (item 3). Have a great Annual Ball weekend!

Upcoming events and important dates for associations
18 May: AYY 9th Annual Ball party (
21 May: Booking session for other associations in the 1st list and for bookers of hobby facilities (item 2)
26 May: Vote in the European Parliament election (/en/blog/2019/03/12/futuretalks-election-spring/, advance voting 15–21 May)
26 May: Submission of events for AYY’s calendar ends (item 1,
3 Sept: Save the date: Aalto Party


Contents of the newsletter
1. Submit your event for the calendar for the academic year 2019–2020
2. Advance booking of rentable facilities ends for associations in the 1st list on Tue 21 May
3. Influence the Associations Act by 22 May
4. A few storage units available in Atlantinkatu and Miestentie
5. Get your association into shape for the summer with these tips!
6. The Internationalisation A to Z guide to help out your association
7. Take over AYY’s Instagram Story for a day


1. Submit your event for the calendar for the academic year 2019–2020
Associations and operators within AYY have the opportunity to submit their important dates for the Design Calendar produced collectively by AYY and TOKYO. Events can be added to the table linked below until Sunday 26 May 2019. Add your events under the correct month in chronological order.

Write the text you want in the calendar in the column “Event name/Text.” Kindly note that there is room for a maximum of 25 characters, including spaces, on one line. When writing, think about how many lines of your own calendar you want to be “wasted.” The calendar will be trilingual, so take this into account too when planning your text.

The table can be edited until the given deadline of 26 May 2019, and you can make changes to your events until then. Take care when filling in the columns, and double-check that the information is accurate. Also remember to include the information on who is organising the event.

The table can be found at

Questions and comments can be sent to AYY’s Communications Specialist Henna Palonen ( or 050 5209440).

2. Advance booking of rentable facilities ends for associations in the 1st list on Tue 21 May

The advance booking of AYY’s rentable facilities, also known as tilakähmyt, has started for associations. As usual, the bookings are made using AYY’s own booking system TILA. TILA can be found at, and users can log on with the Aalto University IT user details.

You can make advance bookings for the period of Mon 12 Aug 2019–Sun 5 Jan 2020.

The schedule for facility reservations in the system is as follows:

-Special status associations
The reservation period begins at 12 noon on Mon 6 May 2019 and ends at 12 noon on Tue 14 May.
Booking session 1: Tue 14 May from 4.30 pm onwards in hall R001/M232 M1 of the Undergraduate Centre (Otakaari 1).

-Other associations in the 1st list
The reservation period begins at 12 noon on Wed 15 May 2019 and ends at 12 noon on Tue 21 May.
Booking session 2: Tue 21 May from 4.30 pm onwards in hall R001/M232 M1 of the Undergraduate Centre (Otakaari 1).

Important notice! The following change has been made to the previous advance booking round: bookings for three hobby facilities (multi-facility hall, Tatami hall, association room) are only made in the round beginning on 15 May, and associations need to come to the latter booking session on Tue 21 May to defend their bookings for these facilities. This applies to all associations! Hobby facilities can only be booked from Mon 15 May onwards. The reason for the change is to guarantee all associations more equal opportunities to book these highly-sought-after free facilities.

Find the more detailed booking instructions here: /en/blog/2019/05/06/advance-booking-of-ayys-facilities-rented-on-a-one-time-basis-started-on-6th-may/

Once the advance booking is over on 22 May, also associations in the second list and all Aalto people can start to book facilities for the autumn.


3. Influence the Associations Act by 22 May
Does the Associations Act seem distressingly strange and difficult? Have you struggled with founding or running an association? Should the registration, deregistration or decision-making of an association be made easier? Should an association also be able to operate in English in official matters? If you think so, join us in simplifying the Associations Act and communal civic activities!

The Associations Act is being updated, and everyone can influence its new direction. The Ministry of Justice’s survey is open until 22 May. The survey is used to collect information and opinions on the development needs of the legislation and practices.

Straight to survey:

More information:


4. A few storage units available in Atlantinkatu and Miestentie
The property company has a few storage units free that can be rented to associations operating within AYY. A few of the units are in Jätkäsaari on Atlantinkatu, and a few are on Miestentie in Otaniemi.
The storage units are 1–2 m2 in size, and their rent varies depending on the property at around 10–20 e/month. In the main, the storage units will not be rented to associations who already have a storage or club facility through AYY. Interested associations can get in touch with AYY’s Real Estate Sector at


5. Get your association into shape for the summer with these tips!
With summer approaching, the operations of many organisations start to slow down for summer hibernation. This makes now a good time to get your organisation’s matters into shape for the summer and to make sure that the things left unorganised from the spring will not be casting a shadow over the summer holidays.

Please make sure that your association’s finances are in order for the spring. This means at least that all of the spring’s transactions, expense claims and receipts are up to date. You can find help on matters related to financial management and accounting in the Association Guide: While you are at it, complete anything left hanging, such as sending messages and gathering the required signatures. If you need advice, jarjestoasiat(a) will answer your questions. Once all spring tasks have been finalised, it is easier to get ready for the autumn and nice to get back to your new tasks in the autumn!

Also, it is a good idea to take at least a bit of a break from organisation chores in the summer, so that your enthusiasm will carry you through the autumn as well. See you at Aalto Party on 3 Sept at the latest!


6. The Internationalisation A to Z guide to help out your association
Every fifth Aalto person is an international student. Are they taken into account in the operations and events of your association? Do you need help with internationalisation?

Making student association operations more international may seem difficult, but it can also be implemented in small steps. This guide presents tangible ways to take the international perspective into account both at the association’s events and in its operating methods. The guide is divided in three sections, of which A includes things that are easy to implement, B some things that require more investment and C more thorough internationalisation measures that have a wider impact. The aims have been divided into four areas:

Advocacy: How does your association function? How do you take the international perspective into consideration?
New students: How can you get exchange students and international degree students to join the association’s operations?
Events: What kinds of events does your association organise?
Communication: Whom does your communication reach and how? What languages are used in your association?

You can find the Internationalisation A to Z guide in the Association Guide:

We hope that this guide is helpful to you and your association! If you need some help or tips regarding international students or internationalisation, you can reach our specialist Rosa Väisänen and Board member Taneli Myllykangas at Remember to also join the Aalto International channel on Telegram!


7. Take over AYY’s Instagram Story for a day
Do you want to talk about your operations, showcase your association or maybe show how an event is organised your way? Your association has the opportunity to tell AYY’s 2300 Instagram followers what it is that you do and how you do it. Via the Stories, the followers get to see what a versatile and multifaceted organisation field AYY has, and your association will reach new people at the same time.

Are you interested in taking over AYY’s Instagram Story? Send a note to AYY’s Communications Specialist Henna Palonen (henna.palonen(a) and agree on your day. During the summer, there are especially many opportunities to take over the Story and to advertise your operations to new students as well!





Send us your short text by 10 am on Wednesday to tiedotteet (a) The news will be translated, so you only have to use one language.

The information in the newsletter is edited by the AYY Association and Communications Specialist, Essi Puustinen (essi.puustinen (a), tel. 050 520 9442).

Want to unsubscribe from the association newsletter mailing list? Click on the link and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page:

Association newsletter for week 20/2019

If you want to receive the AYY association newsletter by email, please subscribe at


This is the AYY association newsletter for week 20/2019

The advance booking of rentable facilities has now started. Small changes have been made to the booking of a few hobby facilities. See the detailed instructions at item 1, and also keep in mind AYY’s biggest events, at item 2, when planning for the autumn. Wishing everyone a sunny weekend!

Upcoming events and important dates for associations
13 May: Flower Day (item 3,
14 May: Booking session for special status associations (item 1)
16 May: Representative Council meeting (
18 May: AYY 9th Annual Ball party (
21 May: Booking session for other associations in the 1st list and for bookers of hobby facilities (item 1)
26 May: Submission of events for AYY’s calendar ends (item 6,


Contents of the newsletter
1. Advance booking of rentable facilities is ongoing: ends on 14 May for special status associations and starts on 15 May for others
2. FYI – biggest AYY events in autumn 2019
3. Come celebrate the 67-year history of our Teekkari Village on Flower Day, 13 May!
4. Overalls and student clothing for the Sillis Brunch of AYY’s Annual Ball
5. Get your association into shape for the summer with these tips!
6. Submit your event for the calendar for the academic year 2019–2020
7. Take over AYY’s Instagram Story for a day
8. Follow AYY on social media
9. Supervisors for entrance examinations


1. Advance booking of rentable facilities is ongoing: ends on 14 May for special status associations and starts on 15 May for others
The advance booking of AYY’s rentable facilities, also known as tilakähmyt, has started for associations. As usual, the bookings are made using AYY’s own booking system TILA. TILA can be found at, and users can log on with the Aalto University IT user details.

You can make advance bookings for the period of Mon 12 Aug 2019–Sun 5 Jan 2020.

The schedule for facility reservations in the system is as follows:

-Special status associations
The reservation period begins at 12 noon on Mon 6 May 2019 and ends at 12 noon on Tue 14 May.
Booking session 1: Tue 14 May from 4.30 pm onwards in hall R001/M232 M1 of the Undergraduate Centre (Otakaari 1).

-Other associations in the 1st list
The reservation period begins at 12 noon on Wed 15 May 2019 and ends at 12 noon on Tue 21 May.
Booking session 2: Tue 21 May from 4.30 pm onwards in hall R001/M232 M1 of the Undergraduate Centre (Otakaari 1).

Important notice! The following change has been made to the previous advance booking round: bookings for three hobby facilities (multi-facility hall, Tatami hall, association room) are only made in the round beginning on 15 May, and associations need to come to the latter booking session on Tue 21 May to defend their bookings for these facilities. This applies to all associations! Hobby facilities can only be booked from Mon 15 May onwards. The reason for the change is to guarantee all associations more equal opportunities to book these highly-sought-after free facilities.

Find the more detailed booking instructions here: /en/blog/2019/05/06/advance-booking-of-ayys-facilities-rented-on-a-one-time-basis-started-on-6th-may/.


2. FYI – biggest AYY events in autumn 2019
The volunteers and employees of Aalto University Student Union organise various big events aimed at all Aalto people, some of whose dates have been listed below. These are for your information and to support the planning of other events, especially if you want to be aware of these when making future facility bookings. Welcome along!

3 Sept: Aalto Party
21 Sept: Otaniemi Night of Arts
30 Sept: Lakinlaskijaiset
31 Oct: Aalto Talent Expo
2–9 Nov: Teekkari Tradition Week
8 Nov: Teekkari Tradition Party
2–4 Dec: Association training (preliminary)


3. Come celebrate the 67-year history of our Teekkari Village on Flower Day, 13 May!
AYY’s Campus Section warmly welcomes everyone to celebrate the traditional festivities of Flower Day (Flooran Päivä), coinciding with the 67th birthday of the Teekkari Village, on Monday 13 May.

Once again, the event takes place in the heart of the Teekkari Village, Servin Mökki, where you can enjoy tasty snacks and spring-themed activities from 4 pm onwards. As per tradition, the highlight of the evening is the festive handing-over ceremony of the Flower Day message. Flower Day is also a part of AYY’s 9th Annual Ball Week.

So, come over to enjoy the springlike festive atmosphere and invite your friends to come along too! More information on Flower Day can be found behind the attached link:


4. Overalls and student clothing for the Sillis Brunch of AYY’s Annual Ball
The Annual Ball Committee is looking for student overalls and coats of student associations and guilds for the Sillis Brunch of AYY’s Annual Ball. This is an excellent opportunity to get rid of some of your organisation’s spare overalls and coats, as well as to make your organisation’s clothing highly visible at the collective party of the entire AYY!

If your association has spare, unused overalls or coats from past years that you could donate to the Sillis Brunch, get in touch with the Annual Ball Committee either by email at or on Telegram @lohenscowl.


5. Get your association into shape for the summer with these tips!
With summer approaching, the operations of many organisations start to slow down for summer hibernation. This makes now a good time to get your organisation’s matters into shape for the summer and to make sure that the things left unorganised from the spring will not be casting a shadow over the summer holidays.

Please make sure that your association’s finances are in order for the spring. This means at least that all of the spring’s transactions, expense claims and receipts are up to date. You can find help on matters related to financial management and accounting in the Association Guide: While you are at it, complete anything left hanging, such as sending messages and gathering the required signatures. If you need advice, jarjestoasiat(a) will answer your questions. Once all spring tasks have been finalised, it is easier to get ready for the autumn and nice to get back to your new tasks in the autumn!

Also, it is a good idea to take at least a bit of a break from organisation chores in the summer, so that your enthusiasm will carry you through the autumn as well. See you at Aalto Party on 3 Sept at the latest!


6. Submit your event for the calendar for the academic year 2019–2020
Associations and operators within AYY have the opportunity to submit their important dates for the Design Calendar produced collectively by AYY and TOKYO. Events can be added to the table linked below until Sunday 26 May 2019. Add your events under the correct month in chronological order.

Write the text you want in the calendar in the column “Event name/Text.” Kindly note that there is room for a maximum of 25 characters, including spaces, on one line. When writing, think about how many lines of your own calendar you want to be “wasted.” The calendar will be trilingual, so take this into account too when planning your text.

The table can be edited until the given deadline of 26 May 2019, and you can make changes to your events until then. Take care when filling in the columns, and double-check that the information is accurate. Also remember to include the information on who is organising the event.

The table can be found at

Questions and comments can be sent to AYY’s Communications Specialist Henna Palonen ( or 050 5209440).


7. Take over AYY’s Instagram Story for a day
Do you want to talk about your operations, showcase your association or maybe show how an event is organised your way? Your association has the opportunity to tell AYY’s 2300 Instagram followers what it is that you do and how you do it. Via the Stories, the followers get to see what a versatile and multifaceted organisation field AYY has, and your association will reach new people at the same time.

Are you interested in taking over AYY’s Instagram Story? Send a note to AYY’s Communications Specialist Henna Palonen (henna.palonen(a) and agree on your day. During the summer, there are especially many opportunities to take over the Story and to advertise your operations to new students as well!


8. Follow AYY on social media
Do you want to be among the first to know what your Student Union is doing and what is going on in the Aalto Community? Follow AYY’s social media accounts to instantly find out what is going on:


Also keep in mind the Facebook groups AYY Events, Aalto International and AYY Study Events and AYY: Advocacy, as well as the Telegram groups AYY: Advocacy and Aalto International!


9. Supervisors for entrance examinations
We are recruiting student supervisors for the entrance examinations taking place on 20 May–6 Jun 2019 and for assisting tasks on 7–10 Jun 2019. We organise training sessions for the supervisors, and top priority will be given to students who take part in the training sessions.

The training sessions are organised in Finnish, and all supervisors are required to speak fluent Finnish.

Registration ends on 12 May 2019 at 11.59 pm.

More information: (in Finnish).

Best regards,
Admission Services




Send us your short text by 10 am on Wednesday to tiedotteet (a) The news will be translated, so you only have to use one language.

The information in the newsletter is edited by the AYY Association and Communications Specialist, Essi Puustinen (essi.puustinen (a), tel. 050 520 9442).

Want to unsubscribe from the association newsletter mailing list? Click on the link and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page:

Association newsletter for week 19/2019

If you want to receive the AYY association newsletter by email, please subscribe at


This is the AYY association newsletter for week 19/2019

Are you wondering about something association-related? Come and meet other association operators and AYY’s Organisation Sector at the afterwork on Wednesday (item 2).

Upcoming events and important dates for associations
4 May: Village clean-up (
6 May: Advance booking of rentable facilities starts (see exact dates at item 3)
6 May: Info event on Otaniemi Night of Arts (
8 May: Associations’ afterwork (item 2,
13 May: Flower Day
14 May: Advance booking of rentable facilities for special status associations (item 3)
16 May: Representative Council meeting (
18 May: AYY 9th Annual Ball (
21 May: Advance booking of rentable facilities for other 1st list associations (item 3)



Contents of the newsletter
1. ATTENTION! Thieves on campus
2. Associations’ afterwork on Wed 8 May
3. Advance booking of rentable facilities starts on Monday 6 May for special status associations
4. FYI – biggest AYY events in autumn 2019
5. Overalls and student clothing for the herring brunch of AYY’s Annual Ball
6. Remember wellbeing in association operations
7. AYY’s guide for event organisers

1. ATTENTION! Thieves on campus
The spring has brought thieves onto campus as well, and last week was an unfortunately busy one in terms of theft. AYY and the University advise everyone to take general caution on campus and ask you to take particularly good care of your own and your friends’ possessions.

In case of a possible theft, report the incident to the police. Thieves generally visit multiple places around the campus, so it would be important to report any thefts also to the University’s Head of Security for her to be aware of the situation as a whole. The Head of Security Seija Piiponniemi-Lahti can be reached by email at or by phone at +358 500 813 084.

Let’s take care of each other and our belongings. If you suspect that thieves have visited your association’s event, please contact the bodies mentioned above.


2. Associations’ afterwork on Wed 8 May
As it is almost summer, it is time to gather the Board members, officials and active members of associations operating within AYY for an afterwork in Fat Lizard in Otaniemi to have a laid-back chat about how everyone is doing. We can discuss the current topics that your association is wondering about and meet other associations’ operators at the same time. Essi and Anna from AYY’s Organisation Sector will also be present to answer your questions.

Let us know that you are coming so that we can reserve a big enough table:

What: Associations’ afterwork
Where: Fat Lizard, Tietotie 1
When: Wed 8 May from 4.30 onwards
Why: Peer support and networking for association operators
FB event:


3. Advance booking of rentable facilities starts on Monday 6 May for special status associations
The advance booking of AYY’s rentable facilities, also known as tilakähmyt, will start on Monday 6 May 2019 for associations. As usual, the bookings are made using AYY’s own booking system TILA. TILA can be found at, and users can log on with the Aalto University IT user details. The easiest way to get started is to read the instructions behind the Help link in the menu bar at the top of the page.

You can make advance bookings for the period of Mon 12 Aug 2019–Sun 5 Jan 2020.

The schedule for facility reservations in the system is as follows:

  1. AYY’s internal operators, 15 Apr–3 May 2019
  2. Special status associations
    The reservation period begins at 12 noon on Mon 6 May 2019 and ends at 12 noon on Tue 14 May.
    Booking session 1: Tue 14 May from 4.30 pm onwards in hall R001/M232 M1 of the Undergraduate Centre (Otakaari 1).
  3. Other associations in the 1st list
    The reservation period begins at 12 noon on Wed 15 May 2019 and ends at 12 noon on Tue 21 May.
    Booking session 2: Tue 21 May from 4.30 pm onwards in hall R001/M232 M1 of the Undergraduate Centre (Otakaari 1).

More detailed booking instructions will be announced in a separate email sent to all associations.


4. FYI – biggest AYY events in autumn 2019
The volunteers and employees of Aalto University Student Union organise various big events aimed at all Aalto people, some of whose dates have been listed below. These are for your information and to support the planning of other events, especially if you want to be aware of these when making future facility bookings. Welcome along!

3 Sept: Aalto Party
21 Sept: Otaniemi Night of Arts
30 Sept: Lakinlaskijaiset
31 Oct: Aalto Talent Expo
2–9 Nov: Teekkari Tradition Week
8 Nov: Teekkari Tradition Party
2–4 Dec: Association training (preliminary)


5. Overalls and student clothing for the herring brunch of AYY’s Annual Ball
The Annual Ball Committee is looking for student overalls and coats of student associations and guilds for the brunch of AYY’s Annual Ball. This is an excellent opportunity to get rid of some of your organisation’s spare overalls and coats, as well as to make your organisation’s clothing highly visible at the collective party of the entire AYY!

If your association has spare, unused overalls or coats from past years that you could donate to the herring brunch, get in touch with the Annual Ball Committee either by email at or on Telegram @lohenscowl.


6. Remember wellbeing in association operations
In addition to fun communal activities, it is also necessary to remember to pay attention to the coping and wellbeing of the membership and actives in association operations. In Board operations, for example, the division of the workload fairly and taking into account individuals’ coping is key to the wellbeing of the operators. Additionally, it is important to remember to express gratitude and appreciation towards the work done by others. Recreational outings for the operators can also be a good way to reward them and help them cope.

Read more in the Association Guide:


7. AYY’s guide for event organisers
The AYY Event Organiser Guide contains a huge spread of information all the way from event organisers’ legal obligations to an event safety checklist, equality and environmental issues, crisis communications, first aid instructions and many other guidelines important for event organisers.

You can find the Event Guide here, in the Association Guide’s Materials bank: (in Finnish).




Send us your short text by 10 am on Wednesday to tiedotteet (a) The news will be translated, so you only have to use one language.

The information in the newsletter is edited by the AYY Association and Communications Specialist, Essi Puustinen (essi.puustinen (a), tel. 050 520 9442).

Want to unsubscribe from the association newsletter mailing list? Click on the link and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page:

Association newsletter for week 17/2019

If you want to receive the AYY association newsletter by email, please subscribe at


This is the AYY association newsletter for week 17/2019

Easter greetings from the AYY Office! Remember to catch your breath a bit over the Easter holidays and to eat enough Easter eggs.

Upcoming events and important dates for associations
20 Apr: Sitsi Competition (
23 Apr: Aalto Open Air (
24 Apr: Application for AYY’s scholarships ends (item 2, /en/students/services/scholarships/)
29 Apr: Tour de Walpuri (item 3,, registration as checkpoint organiser ends on 22 Apr)
30 Apr: Wappurieha declaration, Manta crowning and Dipoli Wappu (item 4,
4 May: Village clean-up (item 7)
6 May: Advance booking of rentable facilities starts (see exact dates at item 6)
8 May: Save the date: Associations’ afterwork
13 May: Flower Day
18 May: AYY 9th Annual Ball (

Find more events at (in Finnish) and AYY’s Wappu at


Contents of the newsletter
1. The Representative Council has decided upon the Community structures project’s direction and appointed AYY’s new Executive Director
2. Apply for AYY’s scholarships by 24 Apr!
3. Checkpoint organisers for Tour de Walpuri on 29 Apr
4. AYY transport from Otaniemi to Etelärautatienkatu at Wappu
5. Everything a student needs for the First of May from Clas Ohlson
6. Preliminary info on the dates of the advance booking of rentable facilities
7. Save the Date – Village Cleanup on 4 May
8. AYY’s guide for event organisers


1. The Representative Council has decided upon the Community structures project’s direction and appointed AYY’s new Executive Director
In its meeting yesterday, the Representative Council decided on the plan for the development of community structures. The plan has been formed as the result of the Community structures project based on investigative work, discussions and comment rounds carried out in the community as well as on the preliminary discussions of the Representative Council.

Association classification will be developed in a direction where the associations are classified based on their operations as, for example, subject organisations, hobby and culture organisations and other organisations instead of the previous, more hierarchical structure. This enables multiform support and grants to be distributed easier, based on the needs of different associations. The updates of the Association Regulation, operating grant distribution and facility distribution will be carried out as separate projects, and associations will be able to participate in the update processes.

There is a model being planned for decision-making on Teekkari matters that goes by the working title of Guild Meeting. The purpose of the Meeting is to draw up policies on, for example, permission to wear the cap and other significant aspects of the Teekkari activities. A regulation will be created on the Guild Meeting, which will be prepared in cooperation with the Teekkari operators.

Next, more detailed schedules will be planned for the proposed measures related to the project and the resources allocated to these thought about. Nowhere near all of the revisions will be implemented this year. The plan is to renew the distribution process of the operating grants, for example, only during 2020. You will be informed of the tangible plans as they become clearer.

Thanks to all association operators for their participation so far and their comments regarding the Community structures project.

You can watch a recording of yesterday’s discussions at
The meeting materials can be found here:

In addition, Elina Nieminen was appointed as AYY’s new Executive Director. She is currently working at AYY on the Community structures project. Congratulations!


2. Apply for AYY’s scholarships by 24 Apr!
This spring, AYY is distributing exchange, community and study scholarships to support the internationalisation and communal activities of students and to encourage the successful combination of studies and student life. Among association operators especially, there may be members who are actively developing the community and can be supported with a community scholarship for achievements in communal activities.

The scholarships can be applied for until Wednesday 24 Apr at 11.59 pm.

You can find more information on the scholarships and the application form here: /en/students/services/scholarships/.


3. Checkpoint organisers for Tour de Walpuri on 29 Apr
Wappu greetings from your Culture Directors as well! This year, in the night of the Wappu eve’s eve on 29 Apr, Tour de Walpuri takes the place of the traditional Crazy John. The event’s concept remains the same, however; only the name has been changed to a more descriptive one. The idea is for participants to tour all over Otaniemi and complete brief tasks at various checkpoints, earning them points for their score card. Hence, to ensure the event’s success, we need checkpoint organisers for the event. So, register your association, group of friends or other party to organise a checkpoint at Tour de Walpuri:

It is worth it to put some effort into your checkpoint, as the best one will be rewarded with an awesome Wappu basket as well as a free rental of an AYY rentable sauna, to be used by the end of the year.

If you have anything to ask about the event or organising a checkpoint, contact the Culture Directors:

Roope Pääkkönen TG: @Rooipw Email:
Samuli Vehkomäki TG: @Vehkomaki Email:


4. AYY transport from Otaniemi to Etelärautatienkatu at Wappu
This year, AYY is crowning the Havis Amanda statue and, in the usual way, offering rides from the Otaniemi end station to the KY Building, where NESU-KY is organising the traditional Wapputerde. The latter offers a splendid opportunity to raise your spirits for AYY and KY’s collective Manta march that starts its journey towards the statue from the same location at 4 pm.

Buses towards Wapputerde are departing at regular intervals at 1.30–3.30 pm. More info will be announced in AYY’s Wappu event at


5. Everything a student needs for the First of May from Clas Ohlson
Clas Ohlson inspires with its practical solutions and makes a student’s home even better as well. The Otaniemi Lab Store contains everything that students need in their home during their studies. The product selection has been designed for students’ needs e.g. by studying what kinds of products and services students need and by analysing their shopping baskets from the past few years. The product selection is updated together with the students, and it changes regularly along with the seasons and needs.

The whole product selection of Clas Ohlson can be ordered into the store for free, and most of the selection can be delivered to the store already on the same day. You get a 10% discount on all products by showing a valid student ID. For students’ First of May, Clas Ohlson has everything on offer from picnic paraphernalia to solar-cell lights. Find more inspiration for the spring on Clas Ohlson’s own website and on social media:



6. Preliminary info on the dates of the advance booking of rentable facilities
The advance booking of AYY’s rentable facilities, also known as tilakähmyt, will start on Monday 6 May 2019 for associations. As usual, the bookings are made using AYY’s own booking system TILA. TILA can be found at, and users can log on with the Aalto University IT user details. The easiest way to get started is to read the instructions behind the Help link in the menu bar at the top of the page.

You can make advance bookings for the period of Mon 12 Aug 2019–Sun 5 Jan 2020.

The schedule for facility reservations in the system is as follows:

1. AYY’s internal operators, 15 Apr–3 May 2019

2. Special status associations
The reservation period begins at 12 noon on Mon 6 May 2019 and ends at 12 noon on Tue 14 May.
Booking session 1: Tue 14 May from 4.30 pm onwards in hall R001/M232 M1 of the Undergraduate Centre (Otakaari 1).

3. Other associations in the 1st list
The reservation period begins at 12 noon on Wed 15 May 2019 and ends at 12 noon on Tue 21 May.
Booking session 2: Tue 21 May from 4.30 pm onwards in hall R001/M232 M1 of the Undergraduate Centre (Otakaari 1).

More detailed booking instructions will be announced later in the association newsletter as well as a separate email sent to all associations.


7. Save the Date – Village Cleanup on 4 May
Once you have had some time to recover from the Wappu frolics, it is time to help our campus in this recovery process as well. This can be done best at the collective cleaning effort of the Teekkari Village, also known as the Village Cleanup. So, put down Saturday 4 May in your diary and grab a pair of cleaning gloves to put on as you arrive. Encourage your association’s members to come along to the Cleanup too. As per tradition, the cleanup crew have the opportunity to take a sauna and enjoy each other’s company after the cleaning work.


8. AYY’s guide for event organisers
The AYY Event Organiser Guide contains a huge spread of information all the way from event organisers’ legal obligations to an event safety checklist, equality and environmental issues, crisis communications, first aid instructions and many other guidelines important for event organisers.

You can find the Event Guide here, in the Association Guide’s Materials bank: (in Finnish).





Send us your short text by 10 am on Wednesday to tiedotteet (a) The news will be translated, so you only have to use one language.

The information in the newsletter is edited by the AYY Association and Communications Specialist, Essi Puustinen (essi.puustinen (a), tel. 050 520 9442).

Want to unsubscribe from the association newsletter mailing list? Click on the link and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page: