Association Newsletter


Asscociation newsletter for the week 7/2018

If you want to receive AYY’s association newsletter to your e-mail, please subscribe at

This is AYY’s association newsletter for the week 7/2018

Upcoming events and important dates and events for associations
8.2.–6.4. #LuovutusAalto vol. 3

Content of the newsletter

  1. Let’s work together to make the Aalto community safe for everyone
  2. AYY challenges associations to save lives!
  3. Information relaying request regarding the Aalto AllWell Survey, 1st to 16th of February

1. Let’s work together to make the Aalto community safe for everyone

The Aino magazine and Helsingin Sanomat have published news pieces on an inappropriate sitsi party organized in Otaniemi. The Aalto University Student Union commits to the goal of Aalto University in offering all students an equal and egalitarian environment, regardless of the background or situation of the student in question, and to support associations in these aims.

Racism or other forms of inappropriate treatment should not be tolerated in events or social media. Errors in judgment can be prevented by discussing and learning from past mistakes. AYY wants to support its members and has already contacted the parties in question regarding the article in Aino magazine. Let’s remember to support each other in this community.

Association actives and event organizers should review the ”Safely in events” training material and contact the association specialist if any questions arise. /en/associations/services/training-and-courses/safely-in-events/

Where to get help?
If you have encountered or witnessed inappropriate treatment or harrasment, you can contact our trained harassment contact personnel Minna Mäkitalo or Lauri Jurvanen
You can also turn to the Aalto chaplains, if you wish to discuss any issues concerning life, studies or relationships confidentially. They are here for every Aalto member, regardless of religious beliefs or world view.

AYY information bulletin from yesterday: /en/blog/2018/02/09/have-you-encountered-any-inappropriate-behavior-ayy-is-here-to-help-you/
Read more on receiving aid in harrasment situations: /en/students/health-and-welfare/


2. AYY challenges associations to save lives!

Nearly a thousand voluntary blood donors are needed in Finland every weekday. That is why the Aalto University Student Union is challenging all associations active within AYY to donate blood for the common good in the #LuovutusAalto campaign already for the third time.

In the autumn of 2017, #LuovutusAalto collected a total of 72 donations – more than twice the amount of donations collected during the spring #LuovutusAalto campaign. The winner of the autumn 2017 campaign in percentage terms is Ristin Kilta, with more than ten percent of their members donating blood during the campaign. The quantitative winner was Inkubio, the guild for Bioinformation Technology students, with 18 donations. Inkubio also took the prize in the spring campaign!

We are now challenging all organizations within AYY to increase the number of blood donations even further. The spring #LuovutusAalto campaign will start at the blood donation event held in Dipoli on Thursday, February 8th, between 11:00 and 16:00, and the campaign runs until April 6th.

Register a VeriRyhmä group (a Blood Service blood donation group) for your association and come and donate as a group or individually at Dipoli or at any other blood donation event or Blood Service Centre between February 8th and April 6th. The associations that have donated the most blood, both quantitatively and in percentage terms in relation to their number of members, are awarded the use of one of AYY’s sauna facilities for one night and a diploma from the Finnish Red Cross. All donors also receive an overall patch from the Finnish Red Cross!

Read more and register your association for the campaign here: /en/blog/2018/02/01/luovutusaalto-is-here-again-blood-donation-campaign-between-february-8th-and-april-6th-2018/


3. Information relaying request regarding the Aalto AllWell Survey, 1st to 16th of February

A year ago, the AllWell study found that 20% of Aalto students are at a burnout risk, meaning that the number is double compared to the national average. This year’s AllWell opens on Thursday, the 1st of February, and is open until the 16th of February. The survey is personal and will be sent to all 2nd year bachelor students and 1st year master’s degree students.

The survey is an important tool in AYY’s advocacy work, so we hope it reaches a large-as-possible crowd to ensure a high percentage of answers. We’d hope that especially subject organizations would relay the information about the survey to their members. As an added bonus, the people who answer will receive personal feedback on their study skills a few weeks after the survey closes!



Send your short text to us by Wednesday 10:00 AM to tiedotteet (a) The news will be translated, so you can send them only in a single language if you wish.

The information in the newsletter is edited by the AYY Association and Communications Specialist, Essi Puustinen (essi.puustinen (a), phone: 050 520 9442).

Asscociation newsletter for the week 6/2018

If you want to receive AYY’s association newsletter to your e-mail, please subscribe at

This is AYY’s association newsletter for the week 6/2018

This is my first time sending the association newsletter, as I’m your new Organizational Affairs and Communications Specialist. In addition to compiling and sending out the association newsletter, I also help associations operating within AYY in issues concerning association activities and rule changes. I also organize training for associations. Have a nice start of the year everyone!

Best regards,
Essi Puustinen
Organizational Affairs and Communications Specialist

Upcoming events and important dates and events for associations
8.2.–6.4. #LuovutusAalto vol. 3 (see item 3)

Content of the newsletter

  1. AYY’s Organization Sector in 2018
  2. Materials on AYY’s website: Safely in Events -training
  3. AYY challenges associations to save lives!
  4. Information relaying request regarding the Aalto AllWell Survey, 1st to 16th of February


1. AYY’s Organization Sector in 2018

AYY’s board member responsible for organizational affairs in 2018 is Noora Tanska. In addition to organizations and associations, Tanska is also responsible for the Council and the Student Center. Ahto Harmo, our Organizational Affairs and Communications Specialist, is going on study leave and Essi Puustinen has started her duties as Harmo’s substitute. The contact email for the Organization Sector is still, and the IT expert can be reached at


2. Materials on AYY’s website: Safely in Events -training

AYY and the Student Union of the University of Helsinki (HYY) are organizing an event safety training for association actives on the 26th of January. The materials for the training can now be found on AYY’s website in Finnish: /yhdistykset/palvelut/koulutus-ja-kurssit/turvallisesti-tapahtumissa/

People that organize events should particularly read and review the ways in which student events can be made safe for the participants and how they can act and communicate correctly in situations where something has gone wrong despite the precautionary measures.

We will inform you via the association newsletter when we have translated the training materials in English and Swedish.


3. AYY challenges associations to save lives!

Nearly a thousand voluntary blood donors are needed in Finland every weekday. That is why the Aalto University Student Union is challenging all associations active within AYY to donate blood for the common good in the #LuovutusAalto campaign already for the third time.

In the autumn of 2017, #LuovutusAalto collected a total of 72 donations – more than twice the amount of donations collected during the spring #LuovutusAalto campaign. The winner of the autumn 2017 campaign in percentage terms is Ristin Kilta, with more than ten percent of their members donating blood during the campaign. The quantitative winner was Inkubio, the guild for Bioinformation Technology students, with 18 donations. Inkubio also took the prize in the spring campaign!

We are now challenging all organizations within AYY to increase the number of blood donations even further. The spring #LuovutusAalto campaign will start at the blood donation event held in Dipoli on Thursday, February 8th, between 11:00 and 16:00, and the campaign runs until April 6th.

Register a VeriRyhmä group (a Blood Service blood donation group) for your association and come and donate as a group or individually at Dipoli or at any other blood donation event or Blood Service Centre between February 8th and April 6th. The associations that have donated the most blood, both quantitatively and in percentage terms in relation to their number of members, are awarded the use of one of AYY’s sauna facilities for one night and a diploma from the Finnish Red Cross. All donors also receive an overall patch from the Finnish Red Cross!

Read more and register your association for the campaign here: /en/blog/2018/02/01/luovutusaalto-is-here-again-blood-donation-campaign-between-february-8th-and-april-6th-2018/


4. Information relaying request regarding the Aalto AllWell Survey, 1st to 16th of February

A year ago, the AllWell study found that 20% of Aalto students are at a burnout risk, meaning that the number is double compared to the national average. This year’s AllWell opens on Thursday, the 1st of February, and is open until the 16th of February. The survey is personal and will be sent to all 2nd year bachelor students and 1st year master’s degree students.

The survey is an important tool in AYY’s advocacy work, so we hope it reaches a large-as-possible crowd to ensure a high percentage of answers. We’d hope that especially subject organizations would relay the information about the survey to their members. As an added bonus, the people who answer will receive personal feedback on their study skills a few weeks after the survey closes!



Send your short text to us by Wednesday 10:00 AM to tiedotteet (a) The news will be translated, so you can send them only in a single language if you wish.

The information in the newsletter is edited by the AYY Association and Communications Specialist, Essi Puustinen (essi.puustinen (a), phone: 050 520 9442).

Association newsletter for the week 5/2018

If you want to receive AYY’s association newsletter to your e-mail, please subscribe at

This is AYY’s asscociation newsletter for the week 5/2018


Content of the newsletter

1. Sign up for the Servin Mökki kitchen training
2. Used audio, lights, video recording and other electronics and paraphernalia sale and handout to associations at the OUBS Studio on Tuesday, the 30th of January
3. Information relaying request on the Aalto AllWell Survey, 1st to 16th of February



1. Sign up for the Servin Mökki kitchen training

Would you or your association want to host a party at Smökki and do the kitchen legwork and cooking on your own? All you need is a knowledge of operating large-scale kitchen equipment and appliances, right?

There is a remedy to that need: The Smökki kitchen training.

The next trainings are held on Wednesday, the 31st of January starting at 17:00, and on the 1st of February, starting at 18:00.
Sign up by the day before the training by 15:00 with this form:

Note! There is a limited amount of participant slots. The training is held in Finnish.

More information from the kitchen training group at keittiokouluttajat (a)
If you have problems signing up, please contact the Service Manager (riitu.nuutinen (a), 050 520 9450).


2. Used audio, lights, video recording and other electronics and paraphernalia sale and handout to associations at the OUBS Studio on Tuesday, the 30th of January

OUBS ry sells and gives away unused electronics and other equipment belonging to them or under their governance to associations working within AYY’s sphere of influence. Things are sold or given as they are, without guarantees or rights of return. No prior reservations and not to resellers. The event is only aimed for representatives of associations within AYY. Private individuals will get a chance at a different event, possibly organized later.

The event is held at the OUBS Studio in the Jämeräntaival 1 cellar, Tuesday 30th of January, from 17:00 to 19:30.


3. Information relaying request on the Aalto AllWell Survey, 1st to 16th of February

A year ago, the AllWell study found out that 20% of Aalto students are at a burnout risk, meaning that the number is double compared to the national average. This year’s AllWell opens on Thursday, the 1st of February, and is open until the 16th of February. The survey is personal and will be sent to all 2nd year bachelor students and 1st year master’s degree students. The survey is an important tool in AYY’s advocacy work, so we hope it reaches a large-as-possible crowd to ensure a high percentage of answers. We’d hope that especially subject organizations would relay the information about the survey to their members. As an added bonus, the people who answer will receive a personal feedback on their study skills a few weeks after the survey closes!

Association newsletter for the week 3/2017

If you want to receive AYY’s association newsletter to your e-mail, please subscribe at

This is AYY’s asscociation newsletter for the week 3/2018 

Upcoming events and important dates and events for associations

Jan 12th: Deadline for registering your checkpoint to Winter day
Jan 16th: Winter day (see 1)
Jan 21st: TTER’s deadline (see 2)

Content of the newsletter

  1. Welcome to host a checkpoint at Winter day on January 16th
  2. The first application round of TTE-Fund in 2018 is open!
  3. Changes to the AYY Association Regulation
  4. Presentations from AYY’s association training online
  5. Save the date: security training in Finnish on the 26th of January 2018


  1. Welcome to host a checkpoint at Winter day on January 16th

Hello and happy new year!

Frost, winter and the new year brings the Winter Day upon us. I warmly welcome every association, guild and tutor to host a checkpoint in the event for the crawling freshmen. The event is held on Tuesday 16.1. and the checkpoints are open from 14:30 and will close at 17:30. All the saunas in Otaniemi will open at 17:00 and the afterparty, After Ski which starts in Smökki at 20:00.

You can register your checkpoint until the 12th of January with this form:

Also check the event in Facebook:

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask!

Lauri Nyrhilä

Freshman Major

Aalto University Student Union AYY

+358 40 1959210 |



  1. The first application round of TTE-Fund in 2018 is open!

The first application round of TTE-Fund in 2018 is open! The fund may grant financial aid for all AYY members and the association within it. TTE-Fund supports visible activities that reach for the stars and make other people excited.

You can apply for grants from TTE-Fund in two ways: through the application rounds arranged approximately three times a year and through the continuous application period which is open during the academic terms. During the continuous application period, you can apply for the grants with the maximum of 2000€, whereas the amount of project grants during the actual application rounds is not limited.

The first application round of 2018 will end on Sunday, 21 Jan 2018, at 11.59pm. Instructions for the application and its attachments are available on the website of the fund at The grant can be applied for with an online form which is available at:

Deadlines of the application rounds for the year 2018 and other additional information is available on TTE-Fund’s website at Also check out the facebook site at


  1. Changes to the AYY Association Regulation

The AYY Representative Council decided at their meeting 7/2017, held on the 2nd of November, to change the stipulations in the association regulation regarding the number of members in associations and the responsibility of keeping the Student Union up to date on the number of members. The exact requirement, 7 members, previously only concerned associations on the first list. The same requirement was now extended to concern associations also on the second list. So, from now on, second list associations must also have at least 7 members that belong to AYY. However, the requirement of at least 60% of members with the right to vote being members of the Student Union only applies when the association belongs to the first list.

To check and update the number of members, a stipulation was added for all associations about informing the Student Union on member numbers and percentages of members that belong to AYY as part of the association notice. This means that the member lists will be under scrutiny in the upcoming association notice check-up during the spring of 2018. The inspection of the association notices is based on the information submitted to the TAHLO system by the associations, same as before.

Revised association regulation:

More information on the subject from organizational affairs and communications specialist Ahto Harmo at


  1. Presentations from AYY’s association training online

Most of the presentations from the Finnish association training can now be found on AYY’s website at /yhdistykset/palvelut/koulutus-ja-kurssit/yhdistyskoulutus/.

Presentations from the English association training can now be found at /en/associations/services/training-and-courses/association-training/.

Some of the presentations are still missing, but all of them will be uploaded on the website as soon as possible.



  1. Save the date: security training in Finnish on the 26th of January 2018

AYY is organizing a security and harassment prevention training in Otaniemi on the 26th of January, in cooperation with the Student Union of the University of Helsinki (HYY). More information and signups to be informed next week. The training will be held in Finnish.

Association newsletter for the week 2/2018

If you want to receive AYY’s association newsletter to your e-mail, please subscribe at

This is AYY’s asscociation newsletter for the week 2/2018

Upcoming events and important dates and events for associations

Jan 12th: Deadline for registering your checkpoint to Winter day:
Jan 16th: Winter day (see 2)

Content of the newsletter

  1. Changes to the AYY Association Regulation
  2. Welcome to host a checkpoint at Winter day on January 16th
  3. Presentations from AYY’s association training online
  4. Remember to join AYY’s event marketing groups for next year
  5. Pick up you association mail from AYY’s letterboxes


  1. Changes to the AYY Association Regulation

The AYY Representative Council decided at their meeting 7/2017, held on the 2nd of November, to change the stipulations in the association regulation regarding the number of members in associations and the responsibility of keeping the Student Union up to date on the number of members. The exact requirement, 7 members, previously only concerned associations on the first list. The same requirement was now extended to concern associations also on the second list. So, from now on, second list associations must also have at least 7 members that belong to AYY. However, the requirement of at least 60% of members with the right to vote being members of the Student Union only applies when the association belongs to the first list.

To check and update the number of members, a stipulation was added for all associations about informing the Student Union on member numbers and percentages of members that belong to AYY as part of the association notice. This means that the member lists will be under scrutiny in the upcoming association notice check-up during the spring of 2018. The inspection of the association notices is based on the information submitted to the TAHLO system by the associations, same as before.

Revised association regulation:

More information on the subject from organizational affairs and communications specialist Ahto Harmo at jarjestoasiat ät


  1. Welcome to host a checkpoint at Winter day on January 16th

Hello and happy new year!

Frost, winter and the new year brings the Winter Day upon us. I warmly welcome every association, guild and tutor to host a checkpoint in the event for the crawling freshmen. The event is held on Tuesday 16.1. and the checkpoints are open from 14:30 and will close at 17:30. All the saunas in Otaniemi will open at 17:00 and the afterparty, After Ski which starts in Smökki at 20:00.

You can register your checkpoint until the 12th of January with this form:

Also check the event in Facebook:

Best regards,

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask!

Lauri Nyrhilä
Freshman Major
Aalto University Student Union AYY
+358 40 1959210 | lauri.nyrhila at


  1. Presentations from AYY’s association training online

Most of the presentations from the Finnish association training can now be found on AYY’s website at /yhdistykset/palvelut/koulutus-ja-kurssit/yhdistyskoulutus/.

Presentations from the English association training can now be found at /en/associations/services/training-and-courses/association-training/.


4. Remember to join AYY’s event marketing groups for next year

AYY Events is a channel for events hosted by Aalto University Student Union. In the group, you can advertise your non-commercial events that are intended for Aalto University students.

AYY Sports and Wellbeing is a channel operated by the Aalto University Student Union for sports and wellbeing events and opportunities aimed at students. You can use the channel to advertise interesting sports activities and wellbeing-related events for Aalto students. The aim of the group is to encourage Aalto people to take part in easily accessible sports and wellbeing activities.

AYY Study Events is a channel for studying events and opportunities hosted by Aalto University Student Union. In the group, you can advertise studying opportunities that are intended for Aalto University students.


  1. Pick up you association mail from AYY’s letterboxes

AYY’s association letterboxes are overflowing. Please come and pick up your association mail in order to make space for new mail!



Send your short text to us by Wednesday 10:00 AM to the address tiedotteet (a) The news will be translated, so you can send them only in a single language if you wish.

The information in the newsletter is edited by the AYY Association and Communications Specialist, Ahto Harmo (ahto.harmo (a), phone: 050 520 9442).

Association newsletter for the week 1/2018

If you want to receive AYY’s association newsletter to your e-mail, please subscribe at

This is AYY’s asscociation newsletter for the week 1/2018

This is the last association newsletter of the year. It is time to thank everyone for the year and wish everyone a happy new year!

Next year, in addition to changes in the members of the Board, the organization and communications sectors will see changes in staff as the organizational affairs and communications specialist will take a study leave. The call for applications for the position of a substitute specialist can be found at: /en/student-union/vacancies/organizational-affairs-and-communications-specialist/

Content of the newsletter

  1. Presentations from AYY’s association training online
  2. Remember to join AYY’s event marketing groups for next year
  3. Save the date: security training in Finnish on the 26th of January 2018


  1. Presentations from AYY’s association training online

Most of the presentations from the Finnish association training can now be found on AYY’s website at /yhdistykset/palvelut/koulutus-ja-kurssit/yhdistyskoulutus/.

Presentations from the English association training can now be found at /en/associations/services/training-and-courses/association-training/.

Some of the presentations are still missing, but all of them will be uploaded on the website as soon as possible.

  1. Remember to join AYY’s event marketing groups for next year

AYY Events is a channel for events hosted by Aalto University Student Union. In the group, you can advertise your non-commercial events that are intended for Aalto University students.

AYY Sports and Wellbeing is a channel operated by the Aalto University Student Union for sports and wellbeing events and opportunities aimed at students. You can use the channel to advertise interesting sports activities and wellbeing-related events for Aalto students. The aim of the group is to encourage Aalto people to take part in easily accessible sports and wellbeing activities.

AYY Study Events is a channel for studying events and opportunities hosted by Aalto University Student Union. In the group, you can advertise studying opportunities that are intended for Aalto University students.

  1. Save the date: security training in Finnish on the 26th of January 2018

AYY is organizing a security and harassment prevention training in Otaniemi on the 26th of January, in cooperation with the Student Union of the University of Helsinki (HYY). More information and signups to be informed later. The training will be held in Finnish.



Send your short text to us by Wednesday 10:00 AM to the address tiedotteet (a) The news will be translated, so you can send them only in a single language if you wish.

The information in the newsletter is edited by the AYY Association and Communications Specialist, Ahto Harmo (ahto.harmo (a), phone: 050 520 9442).