Association Newsletter


Association newsletter for week 9/2019

If you want to receive the AYY association newsletter by email, please subscribe at


This is the AYY association newsletter for week 9/2019

There is now one week left to prepare for the application round for operating grants and submitting association notices (item 1). Also, remember the Representative Council’s meeting on Thursday (item 3) and Laskiaisrieha in early March (item 2).

Upcoming events and important dates for associations
26 Feb: Art, coffee and activity (
26 Feb: Brainstorming workshop: 30 000 euros towards Teekkaris (item 5, and more information at /en/blog/events/brainstorming-workshop-30-000-euros-towards-teekkaris/)
28 Feb: AYY Representative Council meeting 2/2019 (/live)
28 Feb: Collection of questions on ecological sustainability ends (item 4)
28 Feb: Collection of ideas for Manta crowning ends (
1 Mar: Application for operating grants opens (item 1)
1 Mar: Association notice submission opens (item 1)
5 Mar: Laskiaisrieha and Gravitaatio (
28 Mar: Last day for asking questions on operating grants and association notices (
31 Mar: Application for operating grants and submission of association notices ends


Contents of the newsletter
1. Preparation of association notices and application for operating grants starts next Friday, 1 Mar
2. The traditional Laskiaisrieha is back again!
3. Alternative solutions for the Community structures project discussed by the Representative Council
4. Ecological sustainability entering the Association Guide and operating grants!
5. Brainstorming workshop: 30 000 euros towards Teekkaris
6. Teekkari culture in a nutshell
7. AYY’s franking machine to be taken out of use
8. Sports tutor recruitment for 2019
9. Otaniemi Night of Arts comes again


1. Preparation of association notices and application for operating grants starts next Friday, 1 Mar
In March, AYY wants the associations operating within it to submit their association notices, and the application period for operating grants is open for associations in the 1st list at the same time. The scoring model has been lightly updated and the application form revised to ease the process for associations.

If you have the time, you should take care of some things ahead of the start of the application period and filling in the application form. A collection of tips for these is available here: /en/blog/2019/02/20/preparations-for-applying-for-an-operating-grant/.

Operating grants are allocated based on the scoring guideline, which is available at

Applying for the operating grants and submitting the association notices which are obligatory to all associations operating within AYY is done in the Tahlo system at, for which all associations have their own user details. For now, you can check in the system that your user details work or reset your password, but other changes cannot be made during next week because of the preparations for the operating grant round.

The application round and submission of association notices are open from 1 Mar to 31 Mar. Make sure to start in good time, as you will need to attach all kinds of documents and should take some time to fill in the forms. Possible questions should be sent in by Thu 28 Mar, so that we will have enough time to answer them all on Friday.

Detailed application instructions will be sent to the contact addresses of all associations operating within AYY and to the associations’ mailing list during the next week. If you have any questions about the application round, do not hesitate to get in touch at jarjestoasiat(a)


2. The traditional Laskiaisrieha is back again!
On Shrove Tuesday, 5 Mar, students will once again gather in large crowds at UllanlinnanmÀki to enjoy sledging, music, competitions and other entertaining activities. And we are inviting all associations to join us to make the day even more amazing. So, dig up your tents from storage, put together your sledging gear and come along!

If you want to take part in the event as an association, need a place for your tent or some electricity, get in touch with us by email at

You can find more info on the event on Facebook and at (in Finnish).


3. Alternative solutions for the Community structures project discussed by the Representative Council
The solution alternatives for the Community structures project will be addressed in the Representative Council meeting on 28 Feb. The Council will have a preliminary discussion on the models, and the goal is to get some direction from the Council on which solutions the project will move towards next. So, the Representative Council meeting on Thursday next week is worth following at

The solution proposals will be added to the meeting materials shortly in Finnish, and the language versions will follow early next week:

Detailed information on the goals of the project can be found in the introduction piece on Project Coordinator Elina Nieminen (/en/blog/2018/08/23/new-project-coordinator-helps-the-aalto-community-develop/), and the presentations of the previous stages in the Representative Council meeting materials for last autumn and this spring at

Further information: Project Coordinator Elina Nieminen,, tel. 0406819612.


4.  Ecological sustainability entering the Association Guide and operating grants!
From now on, you can gain scores in the renewed operating grant round also for promoting ecological sustainability when it comes to recycling, purchases and food and drink service, for example. What kind of information do you need for changing your practices? How can AYY support and help associations in terms of sustainable development? We will put together the best questions along with their answers in the Association Guide for all to see! Send your questions to by 28 Feb.


5.  Brainstorming workshop: 30 000 euros towards Teekkaris
Come brainstorm about what the scholarship donated towards promoting the Teekkari culture by the Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland (TEK) could be used on. The event begins with a concise presentation of the student survey’s results and the current status of the Teekkari culture and guild operations. All Teekkari students, acting volunteers in the guilds or at AYY as well as everyone interested in Teekkaris is welcome to join us for coming up with what to spend the money on. The best ideas will reach a lot of people and live on for years to come.

The brainstorming workshop takes place on Tue 26 Feb at 3–5 pm in the Undergraduate Centre, in room Y115, which is located to the left of the doors when arriving from Alvari Square. The presentations are held in Finnish, but everyone is welcome to brainstorm in their own language. The facility is accessible, and more information is available from

Spread the word about the event to the members of your association:

More information on the TEK donation: (in Finnish).


6. Teekkari culture in a nutshell
Who are Teekkaris with their customs and traditions?

The JMT3 renovations closed the doors to the Polytechnical Students’ Museum in December. The exhibition and stories were packed into a documentary about the tech student culture, by the combined efforts of OUBS and our very own Museum Section and guides. The hour-long film is an effective summary of the history of Otaniemi and Teekkaris, and it features some new residents in their costumes too!

Open-to-all and free-of-charge viewings every Sunday at noon, in Kinopoli, Otakaari 20 A. Subtitles in English, seats for 18 people, no reservations. For any questions and more info, please contact


7. AYY’s franking machine to be taken out of use

The franking machine used for post, located at AYY’s Central Office and occasionally used by associations as well, will be taken out of use at the end of June (30 June 2019). Associations’ letters will be sent the normal way in the future. Stamps can be bought in A Bloc stores, and the nearest post office is located in Tapiola (LĂ€nsituulentie 4, [in Finnish]).


8.  Sports tutor recruitment for 2019
The task of a sports tutor is to encourage new students to take up exercise. Sports tutors do not need to be ISOs, tutors or top athletes – anyone can apply, regardless of the stage of their studies! The important thing is having an interest in sports and exercise and a desire to work with new students.

Next autumn, a new sports concept will be launched in which different sports associations organise weekly sessions in which people can try out different disciplines, and the idea is for the sports tutors to act as support for this concept. They would aim to help the sports associations organise their try-outs and to bring new students into the sessions.


  • You get to organise versatile sporting activities for new students
  • A free 4-month UniSport membership
  • Another 4-month UniSport membership if you stay active throughout the autumn
  • A Sports Tutor badge for your overalls
  • An interdisciplinary tutoring group

Application and further information:


9. Otaniemi Night of Arts comes again
Otaniemi Night of Arts festival will be arranged again on the Autumn! Tell us your opinion about best date for the event and let us know if you are interested on arranging a sub-event for the festival.

Send us your short text by 10 am on Wednesday to tiedotteet (a) The news will be translated, so you only have to use one language.

The information in the newsletter is edited by the AYY Association and Communications Specialist, Essi Puustinen (essi.puustinen (a), tel. 050 520 9442).

Want to unsubscribe from the association newsletter mailing list? Click on the link and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page:

Association newsletter for week 8/2019

If you want to receive the AYY association newsletter by email, please subscribe at


This is the AYY association newsletter for week 8/2019

This week, we are showcasing the theme of ecological sustainability. AYY is hoping for tips on how to support associations with regard to the topic (item 2), and Inkubio is challenging everyone to join Ilmastoveivi (item 3). Also, check out the topical preparations for applying for an operating grant (item 1).

Upcoming events and important dates for associations
26 Feb: Art, coffee and activity (item 9)
26 Feb: Brainstorming workshop: 30 000 euros towards Teekkaris (item 7, and more information
28 Feb: Collection of questions on ecological sustainability ends (item 2)
28 Feb: AYY Representative Council meeting 2/2019 (/live)
1 Mar: Application for operating grants opens (item 1, scoring model:
1 Mar: Association notice submission opens
5 Mar: Laskiaisrieha and Gravitaatio (


Contents of the newsletter

  1. Preparations for applying for an operating grant
  2. Ecological sustainability entering the Association Guide and operating grants!
  3. Inkubio wants to challenge your association to join Ilmastoveivi 2019!
  4. AYY crowns Manta this spring – have your say!
  5. AYY’s franking machine to be taken out of use
  6. Teekkari culture in a nutshell
  7. Brainstorming workshop: 30 000 euros towards Teekkaris
  8. Sports tutor recruitment for 2019
  9. AYY: Art, coffee and activity on Tue 26 Feb at 5 pm
  10. Train as a Security Officer, AYY pays for the costs!
  11. Tips for performance auditors and those preparing their financial statement
  12. Mindful Tools for Stress Management


1. Preparations for applying for an operating grant
In March, AYY will be handing out operating grants to 1st list associations. The scoring model has been lightly updated and the application form revised to ease the process for associations.

It is advisable to take care of some things ahead of the start of the application period:

  1. Make sure the documents from the previous operational year (financial statement, annual report) and this year’s documents (operational plan, budget) are in order. These, along with the current rules, are required as appendices to the application form.
  2. If possible, organise the association’s spring meeting before the end of March in order to have the documents mentioned at item 1 approved. If your rules stipulate different proceedings, comply primarily with the rules.
  3. Update your member register. Find out how many of your members are members of AYY, for example, with a member survey.

Everything mentioned above is only for guidance but, in practice, they are small steps that you are advised to take into account. The above items (apart from the financial documents) also apply to associations who are only submitting an association notice. In addition, the following more recent items will be taken into account in the scoring:

  1. The association has privacy statements in accordance with GDPR. If your association wants to prepare these, AYY’s instruction package can be found here: (login requires Aalto user details).
  2. The relevant association operators are familiar with AYY’s Event Organiser Guide (; in Finnish only).
  3. Equality practices have been discussed in the association, and written instructions may have been prepared regarding these. If you need some tips, you should take a look at the Association Guide’s section on the topic at
  4. The association pays attention to ecological sustainability (e.g. recycling, sensible purchases). Read more at item 2, and also check out the Ilmastoveivi challenge at item 3.

Items 4–7 are changes brought on by the lightly updated scoring system, and their promotion is optional for associations. Operating grants are allocated based on the scoring guideline, which is available at

If you have any questions about the application round at this point, do not hesitate to get in touch at jarjestoasiat(a) Naturally, more detailed instructions and dates will be provided in the association newsletter before the application period starts.


2. Ecological sustainability entering the Association Guide and operating grants!
From now on, you can gain scores in the renewed operating grant round also for promoting ecological sustainability when it comes to recycling, purchases and food and drink service, for example. What kind of information do you need for changing your practices? How can AYY support and help associations in terms of sustainable development? We will put together the best questions along with their answers in the Association Guide for all to see! Send your questions to by 28 Feb.


3.  Inkubio wants to challenge your association to join Ilmastoveivi 2019!
Climate change is something that affects the daily lives of us all. All climate deeds are steps towards a better tomorrow, but the greatest effects are achieved together. We feel that our student community has plenty of potential to influence climate matters, which is why we want to encourage everyone to take part!

Ilmastoveivi 2019 is a campaign aiming to encourage the leaders of Finland to make the most of Finland’s presidency term in the Council of the European Union from July to December. As the nation holding the presidency, Finland can have a strong impact on the climate policy of the EU. More information on the campaign at

So, we suggest that you share the campaign with your association’s membership and challenge other parties as well, should you wish to do so. This way, we can have as big an impact as possible. We also challenge you to come up with and execute one tangible climate deed.

We intend to put some effort on recycling this year, for example, by sorting the waste from our Guild room and events in an orthodox manner. We have started by getting a bin for compostable waste for the Guild room! Think about what would be the right eco deed for your community. The successes can be shared using the hashtags #univeivi and #ilmastoveivi2019.

Best r-eco-gards,

Inkubio Board

4.  AYY crowns Manta this spring – have your say!
This year, it is once again AYY’s honour to crown the Havis Amanda, and we want all Aalto people to help us come up with the best and most wonderful ideas!

Do you have an idea for how Manta’s student cap could be brought to the site? How can we celebrate the best student’s life in the world during the procession? How can this unique event be celebrated the Aalto way?

Send us your ideas now! In 2015, when AYY crowned Manta last, the community suggested using a drone to fly in the student cap, and this was brought to fruition!


5.  AYY’s franking machine to be taken out of use
The franking machine used for post, located at AYY’s Central Office and occasionally used by associations as well, will be taken out of use at the end of June (30 June 2019). Associations’ letters will be sent the normal way in the future. Stamps can be bought in A Bloc stores, and the nearest post office is located in Tapiola (LĂ€nsituulentie 4, [in Finnish]).


6. Teekkari culture in a nutshell
Who are these lively creatures with their traditions? The Polytechnical Students’ Museum was temporarily closed for renovations in December. The exhibition and stories were packed into a documentary about the tech student culture, by the combined efforts of OUBS and our very own Museum Section and guides. Viewings every Sunday at noon, in Kinopoli, Otakaari 20 A. Subtitles in English, seats for 18 people, no reservations. For any questions and more info, please contact


7.  Brainstorming workshop: 30 000 euros towards Teekkaris
Come brainstorm about what the scholarship donated towards promoting the Teekkari culture by the Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland (TEK) could be used on. The event begins with a concise presentation of the student survey’s results and the current status of the Teekkari culture and guild operations. All Teekkari students, acting volunteers in the guilds or at AYY as well as everyone interested in Teekkaris is welcome to join us for coming up with what to spend the money on. The best ideas will reach a lot of people and live on for years to come.

The brainstorming workshop takes place on Tue 26 Feb at 3–5 pm in the Undergraduate Centre, room Y115. The presentations are held in Finnish, but everyone is welcome to brainstorm in their own language. The facility is accessible, and more information is available from

Spread the word about the event to the members of your association:

More information on the TEK donation: (in Finnish).


8. Sports tutor recruitment for 2019
The task of a sports tutor is to encourage new students to take up exercise. Sports tutors do not need to be ISOs, tutors or top athletes – anyone can apply, regardless of the stage of their studies! The important thing is having an interest in sports and exercise and a desire to work with new students.

Next autumn, a new sports concept will be launched in which different sports associations organise weekly sessions in which people can try out the different disciplines, and the idea is for the sports tutors to act as support for this concept. They would aim to help the sports associations organise their try-outs and to bring new students into the sessions.


  • You get to organise versatile sporting activities for new students
  • A free 4-month UniSport membership
  • Another 4-month UniSport membership if you stay active throughout the autumn
  • A Sports Tutor badge for your overalls
  • An interdisciplinary tutoring group

Application and further information:


9.  AYY: Art, coffee and activity on Tue 26 Feb at 5 pm
What if an art piece portraying the Arabia chimney was created in Otaniemi? Could the metro station be utilised to display student artworks? Should the AYY t-shirts be completely redesigned? What could Otaniemi Night of Arts look like this year?

What kinds of activities do you think the Student Union should organise in the art field? Come around for a cup of coffee, to bounce around ideas and to discuss the subject. The best ideas may end up as realised projects, and participation is fully up to what you are interested in and have time for. All Aalto students are welcome at the event, which is held on Tuesday 26 Feb from 5 pm onwards in VĂ€re, in the Working CafĂ© opposite the Aalto University Shop between the building’s M and L blocks. Welcome!


10.  Train as a Security Officer, AYY pays for the costs!
AYY is organising a Security Officer course in the beginning of March. The training is held on 1–3 Mar and 8–10 Mar 2019. The training is free of charge if you commit to working as a Security Officer in four (4) AYY events by the end of 2020. If there are spots left, you can also take part on the Security Officer refresher course on 9–10 Mar.

The course will be held in Finnish. The course has 15 spots and is organised in Otaniemi.

Registration opens on 12 Feb at 12 noon and closes on 19 Feb at 11.59 pm or when the course is full.

More info and registration: (in Finnish).


11.  Tips for performance auditors and those preparing their financial statement
For many associations, the operating year came to an end as the year changed, and now is high time to start preparing your financial statement. After this, the performance auditors can get going. Check the topical tips for both the financial statement and the performance audit in AYY’s Association Guide:

In addition, there are some good materials available on the Opintokeskus website: (in Finnish).

In terms of applying for an operating grant, it would come in handy to have your financial statement and performance audit completed in time for approval in the association’s spring meeting before the end of March. Various documents approved in these meetings (e.g. financial statement, annual report, operational plan, budget) are required as appendices to the operating grant application; otherwise, an extension must be requested for their submission. More details at item 1.


12.  Mindful Tools for Stress Management
Feeling stressed or anxious? Come and get new ideas on how to boost your wellness. When facing difficulties, we often try not to notice them. Handling stress becomes easier when we approach difficulties rather avoid them and learn to recognise when we start to feel stressed or worried. With practice, it is possible to become less reactive and more free with our responses to the stressful situation.

The workshop is on Mondays at 2–4 pm from 25 Feb to 25 March, class room Majakka (M140), Otakaari 1. The workshop is held in English. More information at

The workshop in Finnish will be held on Mondays at 10 am–12 noon from 25 Feb to 1 Apr. More information at



Send us your short text by 10 am on Wednesday to tiedotteet (a) The news will be translated, so you only have to use one language.

The information in the newsletter is edited by the AYY Association and Communications Specialist, Essi Puustinen (essi.puustinen (a), tel. 050 520 9442).

Want to unsubscribe from the association newsletter mailing list? Click on the link and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page:

Association newsletter for week 7/2019


If you want to receive the AYY association newsletter by email, please subscribe at


This is the AYY association newsletter for week 7/2019

Did you know that AYY will be crowning Manta this year? Tell us how it should be done (item 2).

Upcoming events and important dates for associations
12 Feb: Registration for Security Officer course opens (item 4)
28 Feb: AYY Representative Council meeting 2/2019 (/live)
5 Mar: Laskiaisrieha and Gravitaatio


Contents of the newsletter
1. Preview of the lightly revised operating grant
2. AYY crowns Manta this spring – have your say!
3. FYI – dates of AYY events
4. Train as a Security Officer, AYY pays for the costs!
5. Tips for performance auditors and those preparing their financial statement
6. Mindful Tools for Stress Management
7. Inkubio wants to challenge your association to join Ilmastoveivi 2019!
8. Group ticket sales for Teekkarispeksi now open – bring your association to watch our 30th anniversary performance for a discounted price!
9. Rent image, sound and light from OUBS ry
10. Latest on the community structures project presented in the Council meeting


1. Preview of the lightly revised operating grant
In March, AYY will be handing out operating grants to 1st list associations. The scoring model has been lightly updated and the application form revised to ease the process for associations.

Operating grants are handed out in accordance with the scoring guideline. The previous scoring guideline is from 2014, and AYY’s association field has moved on since then. The scoring model was updated lightly in late 2018, increasing the weight of newly current themes. New sections include the promotion of equality and sustainable development, for example. The section on the association’s uniqueness was removed altogether. There may be more changes to the model and grant allocation criteria once the community structures project is completed, but these will not be effective until the allocation round of spring 2020.

The lightly updated scoring model is available here:

Based on the updated scoring model, the application form for the operating grants has been made lighter. Less open answers and long explanations are needed, as these have been replaced with tick-box choices. Of course, you can still write in the open fields about the development of your operations as well as events that are not listed in the tick-boxes.

The next application round for operating grants takes place in March. It would come in handy and make applying for a grant easier to have the association’s spring meetings organised before the end of March, as various documents approved in these meetings (e.g. financial statement, annual report, operational plan, budget) are required as appendices to the operating grant application. If your term of office is not tied to the calendar year, of course, there is no need to organise any extra meetings at this stage, as long as the approved documents in question from the previous term of office are at hand.

If you have any questions about the application round at this point, do not hesitate to get in touch at jarjestoasiat(a) Naturally, more detailed instructions and dates will be provided in the association newsletter before the application period starts.


2. AYY crowns Manta this spring – have your say!
This year, it is once again AYY’s turn to crown the Havis Amanda, and we want all Aalto people to help us come up with the best and most wonderful ideas!

Do you have an idea for how Manta’s student cap could be brought to the site? How can we celebrate the best student’s life in the world during the procession? How can this unique event be celebrated the Aalto way?

Send us your ideas now! In 2015, when AYY crowned Manta last, the community suggested using a drone to fly in the student cap, and this was brought to fruition!


3. FYI – dates of AYY events
The volunteers of Aalto University Student Union organise various big events aimed at all Aalto people, and some of their confirmed dates have been listed below. These are for your information and to support the planning of other events.

International Sitsit 22 Feb
Laskiaisrieha and Gravitaatio 5 Mar
ISO training afterparty 29 Mar
Tutor training 17–18 Apr and 6–7 May
Sitsi competition 20 Apr
Aalto Open Air 23 Apr
Wappurieha declaration 30 Apr
Manta crowning 30 Apr
Dipoli Wappu 30 Apr
Village clean-up 4 May
Flower Day 13 May
AYY 9th annual ball 18 May

Other dates will be confirmed later and added to this list of important dates closer to the time. If you have any questions regarding the events, you can contact the Culture Sector at kulttuuri(a) or, for the part of tutor training, the Board member in charge of new students, Anna Halsas at anna.halsas(a)


4. Train as a Security Officer, AYY pays for the costs!
AYY is organising a Security Officer course in the beginning of March. The training is held on 1–3 Mar and 8–10 Mar 2019. The training is free of charge if you commit to working as a Security Officer in four (4) AYY events by the end of 2020. If there are spots left, you can also take part on the Security Officer refresher course on 9–10 Mar.

The course will be held in Finnish. The course has 15 spots and is organised in Otaniemi.

Registration opens on 12 Feb at 12 noon and closes on 19 Feb at 11.59 pm or when the course is full.

More info and registration: (in Finnish).


5. Tips for performance auditors and those preparing their financial statement
For many associations, the operating year came to an end as the year changed, and now is high time to start preparing your financial statement. After this, the performance auditors can get going. Check the topical tips for both the financial statement and the performance audit in AYY’s Association Guide:

In addition, there are some good materials available on the Opintokeskus website: (in Finnish).

In terms of applying for an operating grant, it would come in handy to have your financial statement and performance audit completed in time for approval in the association’s spring meeting before the end of March. Various documents approved in these meetings (e.g. financial statement, annual report, operational plan, budget) are required as appendices to the operating grant application; otherwise, an extension must be requested for their submission. More details at item 1.


6. Mindful Tools for Stress Management
Feeling stressed or anxious? Come and get new ideas on how to boost your wellness. When facing difficulties, we often try not to notice them. Handling stress becomes easier when we approach difficulties rather avoid them and learn to recognise when we start to feel stressed or worried. With practice, it is possible to become less reactive and more free with our responses to the stressful situation.

The workshop is on Mondays at 2–4 pm from 25 Feb to 25 March, class room Majakka (M140), Otakaari 1. The workshop is held in English. More information at


7. Inkubio wants to challenge your association to join Ilmastoveivi 2019!
Climate change is something that affects the daily lives of us all. All climate deeds are steps towards a better tomorrow, but the greatest effects are achieved together. We feel that our student community has plenty of potential to influence climate matters, which is why we want to encourage everyone to take part!

Ilmastoveivi 2019 is a campaign aiming to encourage the leaders of Finland to make the most of Finland’s presidency term in the Council of the European Union from July to December. As the nation holding the presidency, Finland can have a strong impact on the climate policy of the EU. More information on the campaign at

So, we suggest that you share the campaign with your association’s membership and challenge other parties as well, should you wish to do so. This way, we can have as big an impact as possible. We also challenge you to come up with and execute one tangible climate deed.

We intend to put some effort on recycling this year, for example, by sorting the waste from our Guild room and events in an orthodox manner. We have started by getting a bin for compostable waste for the Guild room! Think about what would be the right eco deed for your community. The successes can be shared using the hashtags #univeivi and #ilmastoveivi 2019.

Best r-eco-gards,
Inkubio Board


8. Group ticket sales for Teekkarispeksi now open – bring your association to watch our 30th anniversary performance for a discounted price!
Performances of the 30th production of Teekkarispeksi, Keinolla MillĂ€ HyvĂ€nsĂ€ (“At Any Cost”), are knocking at the door! Our musical, set in Prohibition-age New Orleans, has its premiere in the Peacock Theatre on 19 Mar, and we want to offer associations a chance to come see it at a lower cost, seeing as the premiere simultaneously acts as our 30-year anniversary performance.

Groups of more than 10 persons get a 10% discount on tickets for the anniversary performance, so this is your chance to get a group together and come mix up the voodoo doctor’s plans with your omstarts. Group tickets can be easily reserved by email at, and they can all be paid with one invoice. Teekkarispeksi is performed in Finnish. Ticket prices and more info on the theme of the Speksi and its other performances can be found at (in Finnish).

The other performances take place in the Alexander Theatre, and although you can book group tickets for these from us as well, unfortunately no discounts are available for them.

You have to see this – at any cost.


9. Rent image, sound and light from OUBS ry
Alongside its other operations, OUBS ry rents out its equipment for the use of other associations and AYY members. For example, we have just acquired two Yamaha DXR12 loudspeakers that will guarantee a high-quality sound system for most occasions. Other rentable equipment includes, for example, LED lights and microphones.

Take a look at all of our rentable equipment at (in Finnish). Please make your rental requests in good time. We also do our best to help with questions regarding video, even though all of the related equipment is not listed as rentable.


10. Latest on the community structures project presented in the Council meeting
In the autumn, associations answered the community structures project questionnaires and commented on the preliminary solution proposals. Two weeks ago, results from the comment round were presented in the Representative Council meeting 1/2019. A summarised presentation of the results is available here: (in Finnish only).

If you are not familiar with the project, it is worthwhile to watch the recording of the results being presented at /live (from the time 32:30 onwards).

Next, the project proceeds to a solution proposal compiled by the Project Coordinator, which will be presented in the next Council meeting on 28 Feb. More detailed information on the goals of the project can be found in the introduction piece on Project Coordinator Elina Nieminen (/en/blog/2018/08/23/new-project-coordinator-helps-the-aalto-community-develop/), and the presentations of the previous stages in last autumn’s Representative Council meeting materials at



Send us your short text by 10 am on Wednesday to tiedotteet (a) The news will be translated, so you only have to use one language.

The information in the newsletter is edited by the AYY Association and Communications Specialist, Essi Puustinen (essi.puustinen (a), tel. 050 520 9442).

Want to unsubscribe from the association newsletter mailing list? Click on the link and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page:

Association newsletter for week 6/2019

If you want to receive the AYY association newsletter by email, please subscribe at


This is the AYY association newsletter for week 6/2019

January is a thing of the past and preparations for the spring are on the go. In support of choosing your dates, take a look at when you should organise your spring meeting (item 1) and check out the dates of AYY’s biggest events as well (item 2).


Upcoming events and important dates for associations
28 Feb: AYY Representative Council meeting 2/2019 (/live)
5 Mar: Laskiaisrieha and Gravitaatio


Contents of the newsletter
Preview of the lightly revised operating grant
2. FYI – dates of AYY events
3. Latest on the community structures project presented in the Council meeting
4. Growing into an influential leader – course for student leaders
5. Influencing in a community – course on lessons learned from the volunteer experience
6. Group ticket sales for Teekkarispeksi now open – bring your association to watch our 30thanniversary performance for a discounted price!
7. Rent image, sound and light from OUBS ry
8. TÀffÀ offers restaurant services at student-friendly prices



1. Preview of the lightly revised operating grant
In March, AYY will be handing out operating grants to 1st list associations. The scoring model has been lightly updated and the application form revised to ease the process for associations.

Operating grants are handed out in accordance with the scoring guideline. The previous scoring guideline is from 2014, and AYY’s association field has moved on since then. The scoring model was updated lightly in late 2018, increasing the weight of newly current themes. New sections include the promotion of equality and sustainable development, for example. The section on the association’s uniqueness was removed altogether.

The updated scoring model is available here:

Based on the updated scoring model, the application form for the operating grants has been made lighter. Less open answers and long explanations are needed, as these have been replaced with tick-box choices. Of course, you can still write in the open fields about the development of your operations as well as events that are not listed in the tick-boxes.

The next application round for operating grants takes place in March. It would come in handy and make applying for a grant easier to have the association’s spring meetings organised before the end of March, as various documents approved in these meetings (e.g. financial statement, annual report, operational plan, budget) are required as appendices to the operating grant application. If your term of office is not tied to the calendar year, of course, there is no need to organise any extra meetings at this stage, as long as the approved documents in question from the previous term of office are at hand.

If you have any questions about the application round at this point, do not hesitate to get in touch at jarjestoasiat(a) Naturally, more detailed instructions and dates will be provided in the association newsletter before the application period starts.


2. FYI – dates of AYY events
The volunteers of Aalto University Student Union organise various big events aimed at all Aalto people, and some of their confirmed dates have been listed below. These are for your information and to support the planning of other events.

International Sitsit 22nd Feb
Laskiaisrieha and Gravitaatio 5 Mar
Tutor training 17–18 Apr and 6–7 May
Aalto Open Air 23 Apr
Declaration of Wappu rowdiness 30 Apr
Manta crowning 30 Apr
Dipoli Wappu 30 Apr
the Village Cleanup 4th May
Flower Day 13th May
AYY 9th annual ball 18 May

Other dates will be confirmed later and added to this list of important dates closer to the time. If you have any questions regarding the events, you can contact the Culture Sector at kulttuuri(a) or, for the part of tutor training, the Board member in charge of new students, Anna Halsas at anna.halsas(a)


3. Latest on the community structures project presented in the Council meeting
In the autumn, associations answered the community structures project questionnaires and commented on the preliminary solution proposals. Last Thursday, results from the comment round were presented in the Representative Council meeting 1/2019. A summarised presentation of the results is available here (in Finnish only).

If you are not familiar with the project, it is worthwhile to watch the recording of the results being presented at /live (from the time 32:30 onwards).

Next, the project proceeds to a solution proposal compiled by the Project Coordinator, which will be presented in the next Council meeting on 28 Feb. More detailed information on the goals of the project can be found in the introduction piece on Project Coordinator Elina Nieminen (/en/blog/2018/08/23/new-project-coordinator-helps-the-aalto-community-develop/), and the presentations of the previous stages in last autumn’s Representative Council meeting materials at


4. Growing into an influential leader – course for student leaders
TU-E3160 Growing into an influential leader is a course aimed at the leaders of student volunteer operations, for which the Chairs and Board members of student unions and nations as well as the Chairs of other student associations, subject organisations, hobby associations and guilds can sign up. The aim of the course is to support succeeding in a position of responsibility and learning from experience. The course also aims to reinforce the mutual networking of student actives. The course offers 3 ECTS credits and consists of four workshops, peer meetings and personal and group assignments. The course lasts from February until early April. A two-credit continuation will be organised for the course at the end of the year.

The opening workshop was held on 30 Jan at 5–8 pm at Maarintie 8 (the TUAS building), in lecture hall TU6. An alternative opening workshop will be held in the same place on 4 Feb at 5–8 pm. Sign up in Weboodi: (in Finnish).

You can find more information on the course in MyCourses or ask the course tutors themselves: Jari Ylitalo (, 050 301 6841) or Tuukka Kostamo (, 050 340 5460).


5. Influencing in a community – course on lessons learned from the volunteer experience
TU-CV Influencing in a community is a three-credit course aimed at students who have held a position of responsibility (Chair of the Board, member of the Board) at the Student Union, a section or committee under the Student Union or another student association (guild, subject organisation, hobby club), or have acted as a Student Representative in a statutory University body or an administrative body established by the University (academic committee of the University or School, study council, degree committee or similar) for the year 2018.

Sign up for the spring course in WebOodi: (in Finnish).

Any Aalto student who meets the above condition of participation can take part on the course. In addition to a position of trust in 2018, the completion requirements include a written reflection report that must be handed in by 12 Feb 2019, as well as a peer learning seminar either on Wednesday 13 Feb 2019 at 9 am–12 pm or on Friday 15 Feb 2019 at 9 am–12 pm.

More information from MyCourses or the course tutor: Jari Ylitalo (, 050 301 6841).


6. Group ticket sales for Teekkarispeksi now open – bring your association to watch our 30thanniversary performance for a discounted price!
Performances of the 30th production of Teekkarispeksi, Keinolla MillĂ€ HyvĂ€nsĂ€ (“At Any Cost”), are knocking at the door! Our musical, set in Prohibition-age New Orleans, has its premiere in the Peacock Theatre on 19 Mar, and we want to offer associations a chance to come see it at a lower cost, seeing as the premiere simultaneously acts as our 30-year anniversary performance.

Groups of more than 10 persons get a 10% discount on tickets for the anniversary performance, so this is your chance to get a group together and come mix up the voodoo doctor’s plans with your omstarts. Group tickets can be easily reserved by email at, and they can all be paid with one invoice. Teekkarispeksi is performed in Finnish. Ticket prices and more info on the theme of the Speksi and its other performances can be found at (in Finnish).

The other performances take place in the Alexander Theatre, and although you can book group tickets for these from us as well, unfortunately no discounts are available for them.

You have to see this – at any cost.


7. Rent image, sound and light from OUBS ry
Alongside its other operations, OUBS ry rents out its equipment for the use of other associations and AYY members. For example, we have just acquired two Yamaha DXR12 loudspeakers that will guarantee a high-quality sound system for most occasions. Other rentable equipment includes, for example, LED lights and microphones.

Take a look at all of our rentable equipment at (in Finnish). Please make your rental requests in good time. We also do our best to help with questions regarding video, even though all of the related equipment is not listed as rentable.


8. TÀffÀ offers restaurant services at student-friendly prices
Is your Guild having its annual ball? Do you want to organise a big party with your association but cannot find a facility and are low on cash? No worries, TÀffÀ AB comes to the rescue!

TĂ€ffĂ€ AB offers bar and restaurant services at student-friendly prices! Whether you need a party for several hundred people or a small dinner party – TĂ€ffĂ€ AB enables an unforgettable evening to be had! Read more at or get in touch:



Send us your short text by 10 am on Wednesday to tiedotteet (a) The news will be translated, so you only have to use one language.

The information in the newsletter is edited by the AYY Association and Communications Specialist, Essi Puustinen (essi.puustinen (a), tel. 050 520 9442).

Want to unsubscribe from the association newsletter mailing list? Click on the link and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page:

Association newsletter for week 5/2019

If you want to receive the AYY association newsletter by email, please subscribe at


This is the AYY association newsletter for week 5/2019

Right now, you should take advantage of the Aalto courses that earn you study credits for holding a Board position. The course info for the operators of 2018 are provided at item 2, and the course info and opening workshop schedule for the operators of 2019 at item 1. Also note the shortly closing applications to AYY volunteers (/stop/en/) and the last chance to influence the JMT3 facilities (item 3).

Upcoming events and important dates for associations
27 Jan: Application to Aava’s Outdoor Games Committee, to the AYY10 Anniversary Year Section and to Mosaic ends (/stop/en/)
30 Jan: Opening workshop of the course ‘Growing into an influential leader’ (item 1)
31 Jan: Survey on the JMT3 rentable facilities closes (item 5,


Contents of the newsletter
1. Course ‘Growing into an influential leader’ for student leaders
2. Course ‘Influencing in a community’ on lessons learned from the volunteer experience
3. Development of the JMT3 rentable facilities
4. The operators for 2019 have started
5. Remember to join AYY’s events groups and to promote your events
6. Follow AYY on social media
7. AYY is looking for a communications intern
8. Pool table – Something to brighten up your Guild room or do in your shared apartment?
9. TÀffÀ offers restaurant services at student-friendly prices

1.Course ‘Growing into an influential leader’ for student leaders
TU-E3160 ‘Growing into an influential leader’ is a course aimed at the leaders of student volunteer operations, for which the Chairs and Board members of student unions and nations as well as the Chairs of other student associations, subject organisations, hobby associations and guilds can sign up. The aim of the course is to support succeeding in a position of responsibility and learning from experience. The course also aims to reinforce the mutual networking of student actives. The course offers 3 ECTS credits and consists of four workshops, peer meetings and personal and group assignments. The course lasts from February until early April. A two-credit continuation will be organised for the course at the end of the year.

The opening workshop is held on 30 Jan at 5–8 pm at Maarintie 8 (the TUAS building), in lecture hall TU6. An alternative opening workshop is held in the same place on 4 Feb at 5–8 pm. Sign up in Weboodi: (in Finnish).

You can find more information on the course in MyCourses or ask the course tutors themselves: Jari Ylitalo (, 050 301 6841) or Tuukka Kostamo (, 050 340 5460).


2. Course ‘Influencing in a community’ on lessons learned from the volunteer experience
TU-CV ‘Influencing in a community’ is a three-credit course aimed at students who have held a position of responsibility (Chair of the Board, member of the Board) at the Student Union, a section or committee under the Student Union or another student association (guild, subject organisation, hobby club), or have acted as a Student Representative in a statutory University body or an administrative body established by the University (academic committee of the University or School, study council, degree committee or similar) for the year 2018.

Sign up for the spring course in WebOodi: (in Finnish).

Any Aalto student who meets the above condition of participation can take part on the course. In addition to a position of trust in 2018, the completion requirements include a written reflection report that must be handed in by 12 Feb 2019, as well as a peer learning seminar either on Wednesday 13 Feb 2019 at 9 am–12 pm or on Friday 15 Feb 2019 at 9 am–12 pm.

More information from MyCourses or the course tutor: Jari Ylitalo (, 050 301 6841).


3. Development of the JMT3 rentable facilities
Join the Campus Section in developing AYY’s rentable facilities!

Let us know what your association has been using the soon-to-be-renovated facilities for and what kinds of wishes you have for the them in the future. The survey focuses particularly on the following facilities: Rooftop Sauna, Game Room, Takka Cabinet, Sitsi Kitchen.


The survey closes on 31 Jan 2019.


4. The operators for 2019 have started
The new year is accompanied by new operators. The AYY Board took up its duties from the start of January, and nearly all sections and committees for 2019 have also been selected by now.

This year, the position of Chair of the AYY Board is filled by Tapio HautamĂ€ki, who is a master’s level student from the School of Sciences. The other Board members and their areas of responsibility are:

Iida Palosuo, ARTS, Vice Chair, Services
Ellen HeikkilÀ, ARTS, Real Estate, Campus and Sustainable Development
Leila Kettunen, CHEM, Elections, Brand and Education Policy
Lumi Ketola, ENG, CHEM, Education Policy
Taneli Myllykangas, ELEC, Internationality and Corporate Relations, Archive and Museum
Anna Halsas, BIZ, Organisations, New Students and Council
Marianne Honkasaari, SCI, Student Centre and Artistic Activities
Antti PentikÀinen, BIZ, Social Policy, Municipal Influencing and Sports
Olli Kesseli, SCI, Community, Volunteers and Alumni

Take a look at the compositions of the sections and committees here: /en/blog/2019/01/16/vuoden-2019-toimijat-ovat-aloittaneet/

P.S. Application to Aava’s Outdoor Games Committee (/stop/en/culture-events/outdoorgames/), the AYY10 Anniversary Year Section (/stop/en/ayy10/) and the renewed Mosaic Committee ( is open until 27 Jan.


5. Remember to join AYY’s events groups and to promote your events
AYY Events is a channel administered by Aalto University Student Union for events. On the channel, you can advertise your non-commercial event that is meant for Aalto students:

AYY Sports and Wellbeing is a channel administered by Aalto University Student Union for sporting and wellbeing events and opportunities that are aimed at students. On the channel, you can advertise, for instance, interesting sporting opportunities and wellbeing-related events that are meant for Aalto students. The group’s main goal is to encourage Aalto people to take part in low-threshold sporting and wellbeing activities that are easy to join in:

AYY Study Events is a channel administered by Aalto University Student Union for study events and opportunities. On the channel, you can advertise interesting study opportunities that are meant for Aalto students: In addition, the themes of advocacy and influencing can be discussed on Telegram:

Aalto International is a channel administered by Aalto University Student Union for communications and discussion related to matters and events aimed at both international students and anyone interested in internationalisation: The channel can also be found on Telegram:


6. Follow AYY on social media
Do you want to be among the first to know what your Student Union is doing and what is going on in the Aalto Community? Follow AYY’s social media accounts to instantly find out what is going on:


Also keep in mind the Facebook groups AYY Events, Aalto International and AYY Study Events and AYY: Advocacy, as well as the Telegram groups AYY: Advocacy and Aalto International!


7. AYY is looking for a communications intern
Aalto University Student Union, creating the best student’s life in the world, is looking for a communications intern for our diamond communications team. As the intern, you will be involved with launching AYY’s new website, planning and executing communications about the parliamentary and European elections as well as the crowning of Havis Amanda taking place on May Day.

We will fill the position as soon as a suitable person is found, so please act fast! Send an application and your CV to soon, at the very latest by 31 Jan 2019. More information on the position can be found at /
/avoimet-tyopaikat/viestinnan-harjoittelija/ (in Finnish).


8. Pool table – Something to brighten up your Guild room or do in your shared apartment?
KY is giving away a pool table for free! The table measures 250 cm x 150 cm (inner measurements 230×120) and is not in perfect shape, but that doesn’t stop a good game from being played on it! You will also get the balls, some cues and chalk packets. You can arrange a time to have a look at the table at Saha (Konemiehentie 1). We are hoping for a quick pickup but, above all, that the table would find a new home!

Queries: KY’s service secretaries, or tel. 040 353 8283 (Mon–Thu at 1–5 pm).



9. TÀffÀ offers restaurant services at student-friendly prices
Is your Guild having its annual ball? Do you want to organise a big party with your association but cannot find a facility and are low on cash? No worries, TÀffÀ AB comes to the rescue!

TĂ€ffĂ€ AB offers bar and restaurant services at student-friendly prices! Whether you need a party for several hundred people or a small dinner party – TĂ€ffĂ€ AB enables an unforgettable evening to be had! Read more at or get in touch:



Send us your short text by 10 am on Wednesday to tiedotteet (a) The news will be translated, so you only have to use one language.

The information in the newsletter is edited by the AYY Association and Communications Specialist, Essi Puustinen (essi.puustinen (a), tel. 050 520 9442).

Want to unsubscribe from the association newsletter mailing list? Click on the link and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page:

Association newsletter for week 4/2019

If you want to receive the AYY association newsletter by email, please subscribe at


This is the AYY association newsletter for week 4/2019

Take a look at AYY’s operators for 2019 (item 1) and join the relevant channels for event promoting (item 2). These are also the last moments to apply for funding from TTE Fund for your bigger projects (item 6).

Upcoming events and important dates for associations
22 Jan: TTE Fund’s application round I ends (
27 Jan: Application to Aava’s Outdoor Games Committee and to Mosaic ends (/stop/en/)
31 Jan: Survey on the JMT3 rentable facilities closes (item 5,


Contents of the newslette
The operators for 2019 have started
2. Remember to join AYY’s events groups and to promote your events
3. Follow AYY on social media
4. Attention, persons in charge of studies!
5. Development of the JMT3 rentable facilities
6. First application round of TTE Fund for 2019 closes soon!
7. AYY is looking for a communications intern
8. Pool table – Something to brighten up your Guild room or do in your shared apartment?


1. The operators for 2019 have started
The new year is accompanied by new operators. The AYY Board took up its duties from the start of January, and nearly all sections and committees for 2019 have also been selected by now.

This year, the position of Chair of the AYY Board is filled by Tapio HautamĂ€ki, who is a master’s level student from the School of Sciences. The other Board members and their areas of responsibility are:

Iida Palosuo, ARTS, Vice Chair, Services
Ellen HeikkilÀ, ARTS, Real Estate, Campus and Sustainable Development
Leila Kettunen, CHEM, Elections, Brand and Education Policy
Lumi Ketola, ENG, CHEM, Education Policy
Taneli Myllykangas, ELEC, Internationality and Corporate Relations, Archive and Museum
Anna Halsas, BIZ, Organisations, New Students and Council
Marianne Honkasaari, SCI, Student Centre and Artistic Activities
Antti PentikÀinen, BIZ, Social Policy, Municipal Influencing and Sports
Olli Kesseli, SCI, Community, Volunteers and Alumni

Take a look at the compositions of the sections and committees here: /en/blog/2019/01/16/vuoden-2019-toimijat-ovat-aloittaneet/

P.S. Application to Aava’s Outdoor Games Committee (/stop/en/culture-events/outdoorgames/) and the renewed Mosaic Committee ( is open until 27 Jan.


2. Remember to join AYY’s events groups and to promote your events
AYY Events is a channel administered by Aalto University Student Union for events. On the channel, you can advertise your non-commercial event that is meant for Aalto students:

AYY Sports and Wellbeing is a channel administered by Aalto University Student Union for sporting and wellbeing events and opportunities that are aimed at students. On the channel, you can advertise, for instance, interesting sporting opportunities and wellbeing-related events that are meant for Aalto students. The group’s main goal is to encourage Aalto people to take part in low-threshold sporting and wellbeing activities that are easy to join in:

AYY Study Events is a channel administered by Aalto University Student Union for study events and opportunities. On the channel, you can advertise interesting study opportunities that are meant for Aalto students: In addition, the themes of advocacy and influencing can be discussed on Telegram:

Aalto International is a channel administered by Aalto University Student Union for communications and discussion related to matters and events aimed at both international students and anyone interested in internationalisation: The channel can also be found on Telegram:


3. Follow AYY on social media
Do you want to be among the first to know what your Student Union is doing and what is going on in the Aalto Community? Follow AYY’s social media accounts to instantly find out what is going on:


Also keep in mind the Facebook groups AYY Events, Aalto International and AYY Study Events and AYY: Advocacy, as well as the Telegram groups AYY: Advocacy and Aalto International!


4. Attention, persons in charge of studies!
Are you the person in charge of studies in your organisation in 2019? The Study Council, which brings together the persons in charge of studies from associations operating within AYY, is starting its operations. For the persons in charge of studies, the Study Council offers peer support, interdisciplinary friends and current information on study matters.

If you are interested in taking part, contact the Chair, Tarmo Kivioja, at tarmo.kivioja(a) or Leila Kettunen from AYY’s Board at leila.kettunen(a)


5. Development of the JMT3 rentable facilities
Join the Campus Section in developing AYY’s rentable facilities!

Let us know what your association has been using the soon-to-be-renovated facilities for and what kinds of wishes you have for the them in the future. The survey focuses particularly on the following facilities: Rooftop Sauna, Game Room, Takka Cabinet, Sitsi Kitchen.


The survey closes on 31 Jan 2019.


6. First application round of TTE Fund for 2019 closes soon!
The first application round of TTE Fund for 2019 is open! The Fund can grant financial aid for all AYY members as well as communities operating in connection with it. TTE Fund supports operations that reach for the stars, get other people excited to join in and can be seen and heard.

You can apply for grants from TTE Fund in two ways: through the application rounds organised around three times a year, or via the continuous application process which is open during semesters. Via the continuous application process, the maximum amount of a grant is 2000 €, whereas the amount of project funding in the actual application rounds is not limited.

Application time for the first round of 2019 ends on Sunday 20 Jan 2019 at 11.59 pm. Instructions for preparing an application and its attachments can be found on the Fund’s website at The grants are applied for by filling in an online form that can be found at

The times of the application rounds for autumn 2019 and other information is available on the TTE Fund website at Also, check out the Facebook page at (in Finnish).


7. AYY is looking for a communications intern
Aalto University Student Union, creating the best student’s life in the world, is looking for a communications intern for our diamond communications team. As the intern, you will be involved with launching AYY’s new website, planning and executing communications about the parliamentary and European elections as well as the crowning of Havis Amanda taking place on May Day.

We will fill the position as soon as a suitable person is found, so please act fast! Send an application and your CV to soon, at the very latest by 31 Jan 2019. More information on the position can be found at /
/avoimet-tyopaikat/viestinnan-harjoittelija/ (in Finnish).

P.S. There is also a rare position of Financial Director on offer. Application ends on Sun 20 Jan already. More information: /ylioppilaskunta/avoimet-tyopaikat/talousjohtaja/ (in Finnish).


8. Pool table – Something to brighten up your Guild room or do in your shared apartment?
KY is giving away a pool table for free! The table measures 250 cm x 150 cm (inner measurements 230×120) and is not in perfect shape, but that doesn’t stop a good game from being played on it! You will also get the balls, some cues and chalk packets. You can arrange a time to have a look at the table at Saha (Konemiehentie 4). We are hoping for a quick pickup but, above all, that the table would find a new home!

Queries: KY’s service secretaries, or tel. 040 353 8283 (Mon–Thu at 1–5 pm).




Send us your short text by 10 am on Wednesday to tiedotteet (a) The news will be translated, so you only have to use one language.

The information in the newsletter is edited by the AYY Association and Communications Specialist, Essi Puustinen (essi.puustinen (a), tel. 050 520 9442).

Want to unsubscribe from the association newsletter mailing list? Click on the link and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page: