Training and Courses


Association newsletter for the week 10/2017

If you want to receive AYY’s association newsletter to your e-mail, please subscribe at

This is AYY’s asscociation newsletter for the week 10/2017

NB! Submissions for association notices and operating grant applications is open:

Upcoming events and important dates and events for associations

Mar 29th: The main administrator notifications of Otax deadline (see 3)
Apr 3rd, 12.00 noon: Deadline for applications for operational grants and association notices (see  1)
Apr 21st – Apr 30th: Wappuarena: (see 5)
Sep 8th: Opening ceremonies for the academic year 2017-2018

Content of the newsletter

  1. Submissions for association notices and operating grant applications is open from March 1st, at 12:00 noon to April 3rd, at 12:00 noon
  2. The second application round of TTE-Fund in 2017 is open!
  3. The main administrator notifications of Otax must be done by 29.3.
  4. Train as a Security Officer, AYY pays for the costs!
  5. Wappuarena


  1. Submissions for association notices and operating grant applications is open from March 1st, at 12:00 noon to April 3rd, at 12:00 noon

All associations within AYY must fill out a yearly association notice. Failing to fill out the notice for two consecutive years or submitting an association notice with clearly inadequate information may lead to the association being removed from the AYY Association Register. Only associations belonging to the first list of AYY’s Association Register can apply for operating grants. You can check which list your association belongs to from the TAHLO system when it opens on March 1st, or you can contact the organizational sector before that (jarjestoasiat at

The operating grant applications and association notices will be handled as soon as possible during April. Any possible delays will be informed of separately.

More information about the operating grants can be found at /en/associations/services/operating-grants/, where you can also find the scoring model that is used for distributing the grants and the amount of grants distributed in the past years. In any unclear matters, please contact the organisational sector (jarjestoasiat at You can also contact the Organisational Affairs Specialist by phone at 050 520 9442, available from Monday to Friday between 10-14 (excluding Thursdays).

NB! Funding for projects outside the regular operations and for new mind-blowing ideas can be applied through the TTE-Fund (

Using the association database TAHLO

The association notice is filled out and the operating grants are applied for via the TAHLO system (Operating grant application). The system can be found at

NB! This year, the association notice and operating grant application are done using the updated TAHLO system, so no information can be entered into the old system. The information from the previous years is copied into the new system. The new system opens when the submissions for association notices and operating grant applications start.

You can log in by using the association’s username and password. These are the same as during the last round of operating grant applications. If you have forgotten your username or password, you can recover it and have it sent to the association’s contact e-mail address at If you still have problems logging in, please contact the organisational sector (jarjestoasiat at If your association does not already have a username and password, please contact the organisational sector immediately (jarjestoasiat at, and they will create a username and password for you. Store the TAHLO password somewhere safe: you will need it again next year.

Take care when filling out the information. The information from the previous year is copied from the old system. The basic information for 2016 (name of the association, address, etc.) are filled out automatically also for this year, so you do not need to fill out all the fields again. You can update the form up until it closes on 3rd April, at 12:00, so you do not need to do everything at once. Remember to save your changes before exiting a tab! Please also note that the form has some fields that the association cannot fill in by themselves (for example the class within the Association Register that the association belongs to). These fields will be filled in by the organisational sector.

If you have any problems with the system, spot any spelling mistakes or anything else that is out of place, please notify us at jarjestoasiat(at) We try to be alert if, for example, the system goes down, but letting us know of any problems will help us react even faster.

New section in the application for special status associations

NB! This year, special status associations also need to fill out the new Special status tab. This is compulsory for all special status associations. The tab asks you to answer how the association currently fulfils the requirements of a special status association, as laid down in AYY’s association regulations. The information is used to examine the special status and to develop the association field of the Student Union. The information entered into the Special status tab does not affect the operating grant application, but the operating grant possibly awarded to the special status association will not be paid if the information is missing.

If you are only filling out the association notice without applying for the operating grant,

you will need:

*   Rules in effect

*   The annual report for 2016

*   The strategy for 2017

*   A list of the officers

Fill out the following tabs: General, Board, Facilities and Attachments. Special status associations must also fill out the Special Status tab. You do not need to do anything with the tab labeled Application.

If you are also applying for the operating grant,

you will need:

* Rules in effect

* The annual report for 2016

* The financial statement, balance sheet, profit and loss statement for 2016

* The strategy for 2017

* The budget for 2017

* A list of the officers

If you are going to be late with any of the documents, for example because of the date of the annual meeting, please let the organisational sector know well in advance (jarjestoasiat at! Additional time can be granted for good reasons, but missing documents will count negatively towards the awarded grant.

Take good care when filling out the tabs, especially the Operating Grant Application. The operating grants will be distributed according to the scoring model: /wp-content/uploads/Pisteytysmalli_ENG.pdf. Make sure to answer all the questions carefully, as points will be distributed according to your answers.

A prerequisite for the operating grant is an association profile on the AYY website. The profile needs to exist in at least one of the official languages (Finnish or Swedish) and in English. The most important thing is that all association profiles can be found in all three language versions. You do not need to translate the profiles into all three languages; two out of three is sufficient. For example, the profile can be found in Finnish on the Finnish site ( and in English on the English and Swedish sites. You can add the translations from the editing page: under the Language bar on the right-hand side, you will find a section called Translations or Translate this Document.

Every association is responsible for updating their profile and its translated version. If there is no one in your association who knows either one of the official languages (Finnish or Swedish), please contact the Organisational Affairs Specialist.

You can edit the profile by logging in at /wp-admin/. The username is usually the abbreviation the association uses of itself. If you have forgotten the password, you can reset it via the login page. The usernames are usually connected to the e-mail address of the association’s board, so you should receive the confirmation e-mail there. If you have any problems, please contact the organisational sector (jarjestoasiat at


  1. The second application round of TTE-Fund in 2017 is open!

The second application round of TTE-Fund in 2017 is open! The fund may grant financial aid for all AYY members and the association within it. TTE-Fund supports visible activities that reach for the stars and make other people excited.

You can apply for grants from TTE-Fund in two ways: through the application rounds arranged approximately three times a year and through the continuous application period which is open during the academic terms. During the continuous application period, you can apply for the grants with the maximum of 2000€, whereas the amount of project grants during the actual application rounds is not limited.

The second application round of 2017 will end on Sunday, 19 March 2017, at 11.59pm. Instructions for the application and its attachments are available on the website of the fund at The grant can be applied for with an online form which is available at:

Deadlines for the application rounds of spring 2017 and other additional information is available on TTE-Fund’s website at Also check out the facebook site at


  1. The main administrator notifications of Otax must be done by 29.3

Concerning associations which have webpages or IDs at AYY’s web hotel service Otax.

The main administrator notifications of Otax must be done by 29.3. In the case of those accounts from which notifications have not been made, the IDs will be locked on 1.4. and the site will be closed down.

At the same time, the notifier must check the applications that are running, users who have access to the ID etc. You can find more detailed instructions on the notification form. Set aside enough time to make the notification and check the site.

You can make a notification at

More information Otax and other IT services offered by AYY to associations can be found at


  1. Train as a Security Officer, AYY pays for the costs!

AYY is organizing a Security Officer course as intensive training from the 24th to the 28th of March 2017. The course is free if you commit to working as a Security Officer in four (4) AYY events by the end of 2018.

The course has 20 slots and it’s organized at AYY premises in Otaniemi and Vaasankatu. The signup opens on the 27th of February at 12:00 and closes on the 12th of March at 23:59 or when the course is full.

The course will be held in Finnish.

More info and signup:


  1. Wappuarena

This year the 30. Jäynäkilpailu (30th annual Student Prank Competition) is being celebrated and to honor the anniversary we want to add a little extra boost to the Wappu spirit! Our goal is to offer everyone a great place right in the middle of Otaniemi campus, to be used as a location for  all the awesome Aalto community Wappu events that are held.

Wappuarena will work both as the hottest meeting point of Otaniemi as well as the most wanted place to organize all sorts of Wappu events, from April 21st to April 30th. Wappuarena will be built on Alvarin aukio. We, on behalf of Jäynäkilpailu will create an awesome setting for you as an organisation to take your Wappu fever to another level!

Interested? Read more about the project and how to book it from:

Send your short text to us by Wednesday 10:00 AM, into the address tiedotteet (a) The news will be translated, so you can send them only in a single language if you wish.

The information in the newsletter is edited by the AYY association and communications specialist, Ahto Harmo (ahto.harmo (a), phone: 050 520 9442).

Association newsletter for the week 4/2017

If you want to receive AYY’s association newsletter to your e-mail, please subscribe at


This AYY’s association newsletter for the week 4/2017

Upcoming events and important dates and events for associations

Feb 28th: Fastlagsjippot
Sep 8th: Opening ceremonies for the academic year 2017-2018

Content of the newsletter

  1. The first application round of TTE-Fund in 2017: DL 22nd of Jan at 23:59!
  2. The main administrator notifications of Otax must be done by 29.3
  3. AYY’s lost property practices have changed
  4. Presentations from AYY’s association training online
  5. Join Laskiaisrieha with your association on February 28th

  1. The first application round of TTE-Fund in 2017: DL 22nd of Jan at 23:59!

The first application round of TTE-Fund in 2017 is open! The fund may grant financial aid for all AYY members and the association within it. TTE-Fund supports visible activities that reach for the stars and make other people excited.

You can apply for grants from TTE-Fund in two ways: through the application rounds arranged approximately three times a year and through the continuous application period which is open during the academic terms. During the continuous application period, you can apply for the grants with the maximum of 2000€, whereas the amount of project grants during the actual application rounds is not limited.

The first application round of 2017 will end on Sunday, 22 January 2017, at 11.59pm. Instructions for the application and its attachments are available on the website of the fund at The grant can be applied for with an online form which is available at:

Deadlines for the application rounds of spring 2017 and other additional information is available on TTE-Fund’s website at Also check out the facebook site at


  1. The main administrator notifications of Otax must be done by 29.3

Concerning associations which have webpages or IDs at AYY’s web hotel service Otax.

The main administrator notifications of Otax must be done by 29.3. In the case of those accounts from which notifications have not been made, the IDs will be locked on 1.4. and the site will be closed down.

At the same time, the notifier must check the applications that are running, users who have access to the ID etc. You can find more detailed instructions on the notification form. Set aside enough time to make the notification and check the site.

You can make a notification at

More information Otax and other IT services offered by AYY to associationns can be found at


  1. AYY’s lost property practices have changed

Up till now, it has been possible to bring objects from clothes and bags to items of value to AYY, found in the one-off rental premises of AYY or the campus area. Due to a lack of resources, the lost property service has discontinued at the end of 2016 and lost items will not be accepted at the office of AYY.

This means that passing on clothes or bags found in the premises of AYY or the campus to lost property offices or their owners is at the responsibility of the event organisers. It will only be possible to bring phones, wallets, keys and spectacles to the service point of AYY. Travel cards found are to be returned to the service points of HSL or given to bus drivers, who will pass them on to HSL.


  1. Presentations from AYY’s association training online

Most of the presentations from the Finnish association training can now be found on AYY’s website at /yhdistykset/palvelut/koulutus-ja-kurssit/yhdistyskoulutus/.

Some of the presentations are still missing, but all of them will be uploaded on the website as soon as possible.


  1. Join Laskiaisrieha with your association on February 28th

Laskiaisrieha 2017 will be organised, by tradition, on Feb 28th, 2017 in Kaivopuisto park, Helsinki. Things are about to get wild with music, competitions, and of course the legendary Academic downhill race! More information about the event on Facebook and at!  Vapaateekkarit welcome all associations to bring their own tent, party gear, grill, and other crazy things to Ullanlinnanmäki and spread winter joy to the whole crowd! Please notify us about your association’s arrival by sending an email to at least one week before the event so we can prepare for your arrival.

NB! It is NOT allowed to bring vehicles/trailers, etc. with wheels on the lawn at Ullanlinnanmäki, nor is it allowed to attach structures or for example tent pegs into the lawn.
More information about the event on Facebook and at!

See you at Ullis!

Ilkka Särkiö
Communications officer for Laskiaisrieha
info ät

Association newsletter for the week 3/2017

If you want to receive AYY’s association newsletter to your e-mail, please subscribe at

This is AYY’s association newsletter for the week 3/2017.

Upcoming events and important dates and events for associations

Jan 16th: AYY’s Association Training in English, sign up
Feb 28th: Laskiaisrieha,
Sep 8th: Opening ceremonies for the academic year 2017-2018

Content of the newsletter

  1. AYY’s organisation sector in 2017
  2. AYY’s lost property practices have changed
  3. AYY’s association training in English on January 16th
  4. The first application round of TTE-Fund in 2017 is open!
  5. Pick up you association mail from AYY’s letterboxes
  6. Presentations from AYY’s association training online
  7. Join Laskiaisrieha with your association on February 28th


1. AYY’s organisation sector in 2017

In 2017 the member of the Board responsible of organisational affairs is Ville Myllylä. In addition to organisational affairs, Myllylä’s areas of responsibility as a Board member are facilities and the Council. Ahto Harmo continues as the specialist on communications and organisational affairs. The email for the organisation sector will remain, and the email for facility-related issues is To reach IT, email


  1. AYY’s lost property practices have changed

Up till now, it has been possible to bring objects from clothes and bags to items of value to AYY, found in the one-off rental premises of AYY or the campus area. Due to a lack of resources, the lost property service has discontinued at the end of 2016 and lost items will not be accepted at the office of AYY.

This means that passing on clothes or bags found in the premises of AYY or the campus to lost property offices or their owners is at the responsibility of the event organisers. It will only be possible to bring phones, wallets, keys and spectacles to the service point of AYY. Travel cards found are to be returned to the service points of HSL or given to bus drivers, who will pass them on to HSL.


  1. AYY’s association training in English on January 16th

AYY’s association training in English will be held on 16th of January from 4 pm to 7 pm at AYY’s office (Otakaari 11, Espoo (upstairs)).

The training will include communications and the basics for association work, but you can also wish for specific topics.

The target group is English speaking association actives and the space is limited (approx. 20 persons), so please attend only if you are in the target group. Max. 4 persons per association. If there are more than four persons in your association’s actives that are in the target group and they wish to participate, please contact the organizational affairs specialist Ahto Harmo (

You can sign up here: Sign up closes on Monday 16th of Jan at 8 am.


  1. The first application round of TTE-Fund in 2017 is open!

The first application round of TTE-Fund in 2017 is open! The fund may grant financial aid for all AYY members and the associations within it. TTE-Fund supports visible activities that reach for the stars and make other people excited.

You can apply for grants from TTE-Fund in two ways: through the application rounds arranged approximately three times a year and through the continuous application period which is open during the academic terms. During the continuous application period, you can apply for the grants with the maximum of 2000€, whereas the amount of project grants during the actual application rounds is not limited.

The first application round of 2017 will end on Sunday, 22 January 2017, at 11.59pm. Instructions for the application and its attachments are available on the website of the fund at The grant can be applied for with an online form which is available at:

Deadlines for the application rounds of spring 2017 and other additional information is available on TTE-Fund’s website at Also check out the facebook site at


  1. Pick up you association mail from AYY’s letterboxes

AYY’s association letterboxes are overflowing. Please come and pick up your association mail in order to make space for new mail!


6. Presentations from AYY’s association training online

Most of the presentations from the Finnish association training can now be found on AYY’s website at /yhdistykset/palvelut/koulutus-ja-kurssit/yhdistyskoulutus/.

Some of the presentations are still missing, but all of them will be uploaded on the website as soon as possible.

7. Join Laskiaisrieha with your association on February 28th

Laskiaisrieha 2017 will be organised, by tradition, on Feb 28th, 2017 in Kaivopuisto park, Helsinki. Things are about to get wild with music, competitions, and of course the legendary Academic downhill race! More information about the event on Facebook and at!  Vapaateekkarit welcome all associations to bring their own tent, party gear, grill, and other crazy things to Ullanlinnanmäki and spread winter joy to the whole crowd! Please notify us about your association’s arrival by sending an email to at least one week before the event so we can prepare for your arrival.

NB! It is NOT allowed to bring vehicles/trailers, etc. with wheels on the lawn at Ullanlinnanmäki, nor is it allowed to attach structures or for example tent pegs into the lawn.
More information about the event on Facebook and at!

See you at Ullis!

Ilkka Särkiö
Communications officer for Laskiaisrieha
info ät

Association newsletter for the week 49/2016

If you want to receive AYY’s association newsletter to your e-mail, please subscribe at

This is AYY’s association newsletter for the week 49/2016.

Upcoming events and important dates and events for associations

13 Dec – 19 Dec 2016 Advance booking period for associations in the 1st list
16.1.2017: AYY’s Association Training in English
8.9.2017: Opening ceremony of the academic year on Friday

Content of the newsletter

  1. AYY’s association training on 8th of December – sign up DL 5th of Dec 7am!
  2. Advance booking of AYY’s facilities rented on a one-time basis is open – check the schedule for booking sessions!
  3. Save the date: The opening ceremony of the academic year on Friday, 8th of September 2017
  4. Welcome to the Christmas concert of Dominante! Group discount for associations!
  5. Sell the Christmas records of Dominante and earn money for your association!

  1. AYY’s association training on 8th of December – sign up DL 5th of Dec 7am!

 AYY’s association training will be held at Design Factory in Otaniemi on 8.12.

The training will be held in Finnish. A training in English will be held on Monday 16th of January and the sign up will open later on.

The programme of the training consists of a shared part, in which issues concerning all association operatives are looked at, and two group parts, which the participants can choose from several options according to their needs.

In compiling the training, the replies to the training need survey are being used, for which we thank all respondents.

Sign up: (in Finnish)

Facebook: (Training in Finnish)


  1. Advance booking of AYY’s facilities rented on a one-time basis is open – check the schedule for booking sessions!

The advance booking of AYY’s facilities rented on a one-time basis will start on Thursday 1 Dec 2016.

Advance bookings are organised by using AYY’s own booking system TILA.

You can make advance reservations for the period Mon, 9 Jan 2017 – Sun, 13 Aug 2017.

The schedule for facility reservations in the system is as follows:

  1. AYY’s internal operators, reservation period 7-30 Nov 2016. The reservation period ends at 11.59pm on Wed, 30 Nov 2016.
  2. Special status associations 1 Dec – 12 Dec 2015. The reservation period begins at 12noon on Thu, 1 Dec and ends at 2pm on Mon, 12 Dec. The booking session will be held in the Bachelor Building (OK1) hall M1 (M232) from 4.30pm onwards on Mon, 12 Dec 2016.
  3. Other associations in the 1st register on 13 Dec – 19 Dec 2016. The reservation period begins at 12 midnight on Tue, 13 Dec and ends at 2pm on Mon, 19 Dec 2016. The booking session will be held in the Bachelor Building (OK1) hall M1 (M232) from 4.30pm onwards on Mon, 19 Dec 2016.

Check out the entire advance booking schedule here.

A few notes about the making of reservations:

  1. TILA can be found at and the users log on with Aalto University’s IT username, using the same logging system as when using Into, for example. The easiest way to get started is to read the instructions behind the Instructions/Help link in the menu bar at the top of the page.
  2. In advance booking, facilities are reserved under the name of associations. The activation key has been sent to the email address provided by an association (usually this is the mailing list address of the association board) already in the spring, so the person who has handled the facility bookings of the association this year may distribute representation rights through TILA if necessary.
  3. If you receive representation rights for a group, the message subject is ”TILA: Activation key for group GROUP NAME”. The activation key can only be used once, so the person who has first logged on to the system may add representation rights to suitable persons in the group in order to make reservations. The reservation right is only activated for the associations which have filled out the association notice and whose information has been updated to the association register this year.
  4. Enter the event name in the reservation. If there is no name, the event may be deleted if there are several reservations for the same date at the later stages of the booking session.
  5. Please note that AYY’s internal reservations are mainly permanent.
  6. Special status associations have the opportunity topermanently book facilities for anniversaries and anniversary brunches. If there are reservations by two separate associations, of which one is anniversary or brunch of a special status association, the special status association will have the reservation. Other reservations of special status associations should be defended at a later booking   session. Therefore, in the advance booking session of special status associations, we will first clarify the duplicate reservation of special status associations and in the second booking session we will clarify all the rest of the duplicate reservations.
  7. Duplicate bookings can only be made within the reservation periods. After the end of the reservation period, associations can edit, delete or add new reservations which do not overlap with other reservations. Any duplicate reservations can be cancelled by using your own username in the advance booking session, so please bring your laptop in order to get the event running smoothly.
  8. Only reserve the facility for times when you really need it. If possible, please avoid reservations for the following times:
    PO has rehearsals at Smökki every Monday at 6pm-9pm and RWBK every Tuesday at 5pm-10pm. So please avoid sitsit on Mondays and Tuesdays!
    b. The multi-purpose facility and tatami hall are actively used by trainers on a daily basis between 4pm and 11pm. Reservations before 4pm are usually available.
  9. The rent prices of for the year 2017 will be confirmed in the AYY council meeting on Nov 24 2016.
  10. System instructions are available in Finnish and English. The implementation of the Swedish interface and instructions are in progress. In addition, TILA system is being further developed. Users are asked to report about detected problems, inconsistencies in the text or development ideas to the address

If you have not received your confirmation code for the user group that you represent or if you have any other questions related to advance booking sessions, please contact Administrative Director (johanna.pietilainen (a), 050-5209434).

  1. Save the date: The opening ceremony of the academic year on Friday, 8th of September 2017

Aalto has decided that the opening ceremony of the next academic year will be arranged together with the opening ceremony  of Dipoli on Friday, 8.9.2017. The plans and timetables of the Aalto Parties and Afterparties will become more precise soon!

  1. Welcome to the Christmas concert of Dominante! Group discount for associations!

You’re warmly welcomed to Dominante’s JOULUN TÄHDEN – Dominante’s traditional Christmas concert. Dominante’s traditional Christmas concerts help to cast daily worries aside and receive the brightness of Christmas! This year, Dominante is holding three Christmas concerts, which are:

– on Monday, 19.12.2016 at 7 pm in Tapiola Church

– on Tuesday, 20.12.2016 at 7 pm in St Paul’s Church

– on Wednesday, 21.12.2016 at 7 pm in Helsinki Cathedral

The tickets normally cost €25/€15. The cheaper category is for students, the unemployed, servicemen and children (under 18). To your association, we offer tickets as follows:

10-20 tickets at the price of €22.50/€13.50 each

More than 20 tickets €20/€12 each

More than 30 tickets €17.50/€9.50 each

More than 40 tickets €15/€8 each

Therefore, the total price will be determined as per the following example, e.g. 33 tickets ordered:

20 tickets at €22.50/€13.50 each

10 tickets at €20/€12 each

3 tickets at €17.50/€9.50 each

Paying for tickets is done with an invoice and the final price in group orders (minimum ten tickets) is determined by the number of tickets ordered. You can set your own price for your members if you want and support the cultural experience with the amount that you want. We’ll deliver the tickets to the address of your choice, or alternatively you can also provide a list of names to the door of the concert, meaning that participants can get into the concert by giving their name.

Ask more from and!

  1. Sell the Christmas records of Dominante and earn money for your association!

Dominante’s Christmas record released for the Christmas of 2013, ‘Joulun tähden’, will get both big and small listeners into the Christmas spirit. The record has traditional Christmas songs beloved by the Finns and there are also a few newer compositions for variety. The choir is conducted by Seppo Murto, who’s also known for the ‘Finland’s Best Choir’ programme. You can find excerpts from the record on the web pages of Dominante:

The Christmas song of the shepherd’s flute:
The march of the three kings:
Christmas hymn:

We’re offering the opportunity to support your operations by selling our Christmas records. The records cost 20 euros each, and you’ll get 6-10 euros per record for you own operations for the records that you sell. Unsold records can be returned to Dominante free of charge. Questions and order requests for records can be sent to


Please send a brief text by Wednesday, 10am, to the address The news will be translated so you can submit your text in one language. The content of the newsletter is ultimately edited by AYY’s Organisational Affairs and Communications Specialist Ahto Harmo (, tel: 050 520 9442).

Association newsletter for the week 48/2016

If you want to receive AYY’s association newsletter to your e-mail, please subscribe at

This is AYY’s association newsletter for the week 48/2016.

Please note that the advance booking round of one-off rental premises for special status associations is now open! For other associations in the first list, the possibility to book will open on 13.12. (see paragraph 2). Also, already put the opening day of the academic year on 8.9.2017 in your diaries. The plans and timetables of the Aalto Parties and Afterparties will become more precise soon (see paragraph 4).

Content of the newsletter

  1. AYY’s association training on 8th of December – sign up open!
  2. Advance booking of AYY’s facilities rented on a one-time basis started on 1 Dec!
  3. Independence Day Torch Parade
  4. The opening ceremony of the academic year on Friday, 8.9.2017
  5. AYY’s lost property practices are changing


  1. AYY’s association training on 8th of December – sign up open!

 AYY’s association training will be held at Design Factory in Otaniemi on 8.12.

The training will be held in Finnish. A training in English will be held on Monday 9th of January and the sign up will open later on.

The programme of the training consists of a shared part, in which issues concerning all association operatives are looked at, and two group parts, which the participants can choose from several options according to their needs.

In compiling the training, the replies to the training need survey are being used, for which we thank all respondents.

Sign up: (in Finnish)
Facebook: (Training in Finnish)


  1. Advance booking of AYY’s facilities rented on a one-time basis started on 1 Dec!

The advance booking of AYY’s facilities rented on a one-time basis will start on Thursday 1 Dec 2016.

Advance bookings are organised by using AYY’s own booking system TILA.

You can make advance reservations for the period Mon, 9 Jan 2017 – Sun, 13 Aug 2017.

The schedule for facility reservations in the system is as follows:

  1. AYY’s internal operators, reservation period 7-30 Nov 2016. The reservation period ends at 11.59pm on Wed, 30 Nov 2016.
  2. Special status associations 1 Dec – 12 Dec 2015. The reservation period begins at 12noon on Thu, 1 Dec and ends at 2pm on Mon, 12 Dec. The booking session will be held in the Bachelor Building (OK1) hall M1 (M232) from 4.30pm onwards on Mon, 12 Dec 2016.
  3. Other associations in the 1st register on 13 Dec – 19 Dec 2016. The reservation period begins at 12 midnight on Tue, 13 Dec and ends at 2pm on Mon, 19 Dec 2016. The booking session will be held in the Bachelor Building (OK1) hall M1 (M232) from 4.30pm onwards on Mon, 19 Dec 2016.

Check out the entire advance booking schedule here.

A few notes about the making of reservations:

  1. TILA can be found at and the users log on with Aalto University’s IT username, using the same logging system as when using Into, for example. The easiest way to get started is to read the instructions behind the Instructions/Help link in the menu bar at the top of the page.
  2. In advance booking, facilities are reserved under the name of associations. The activation key has been sent to the email address provided by an association (usually this is the mailing list address of the association board) already in the spring, so the person who has handled the facility bookings of the association this year may distribute representation rights through TILA if necessary.
  3. If you receive representation rights for a group, the message subject is ”TILA: Activation key for group GROUP NAME”. The activation key can only be used once, so the person who has first logged on to the system may add representation rights to suitable persons in the group in order to make reservations. The reservation right is only activated for the associations which have filled out the association notice and whose information has been updated to the association register this year.
  4. Enter the event name in the reservation. If there is no name, the event may be deleted if there are several reservations for the same date at the later stages of the booking session.
  5. Please note that AYY’s internal reservations are mainly permanent.
  6. Special status associations have the opportunity topermanently book facilities for anniversaries and anniversary brunches. If there are reservations by two separate associations, of which one is anniversary or brunch of a special status association, the special status association will have the reservation. Other reservations of special status associations should be defended at a later booking   session. Therefore, in the advance booking session of special status associations, we will first clarify the duplicate reservation of special status associations and in the second booking session we will clarify all the rest of the duplicate reservations.
  7. Duplicate bookings can only be made within the reservation periods. After the end of the reservation period, associations can edit, delete or add new reservations which do not overlap with other reservations. Any duplicate reservations can be cancelled by using your own username in the advance booking session, so please bring your laptop in order to get the event running smoothly.
  8. Only reserve the facility for times when you really need it. If possible, please avoid reservations for the following times:
    PO has rehearsals at Smökki every Monday at 6pm-9pm and RWBK every Tuesday at 5pm-10pm. So please avoid sitsit on Mondays and Tuesdays!
    b. The multi-purpose facility and tatami hall are actively used by trainers on a daily basis between 4pm and 11pm. Reservations before 4pm are usually available.
  9. The rent prices of for the year 2017 will be confirmed in the AYY council meeting on Nov 24 2016.
  10. System instructions are available in Finnish and English. The implementation of the Swedish interface and instructions are in progress. In addition, TILA system is being further developed. Users are asked to report about detected problems, inconsistencies in the text or development ideas to the address

If you have not received your confirmation code for the user group that you represent or if you have any other questions related to advance booking sessions, please contact Administrative Director (johanna.pietilainen (a), 050-5209434).


  1. Independence Day Torch Parade

On 6.12. the students of the capital city area are commemorating Finland’s Independence Day with a joint torch parade. Everyone is welcome to join in the parade. Torches will be handed out for the event at the start of the parade. Associations can take part in the parade with their own flag.

Instructions and timetables for the event can be found at:

The timetable will be updated as soon as possible.

AYY traditionally offers its operatives the following services:

Flag taxi:

The flag of the association is to be delivered to the service point (Otakaari 11) on Friday, 2.12.2015 by 4 pm AND recorded on the delivery list. Make sure that you record the flag on the list because only the flags on the list can be taken along. The flags will be returned to the same place, from where they should be collected by Friday, 9.12.

Carrying belts and herald sashes in the Finnish national colours:

The Student Union has a limited number of carrying belts for flags and blue and white herald sashes that suit all flags. Reservations in order of time of booking at The equipment can be found on the day of the event by the flags. at the organisation point.

The flag-bearers and heralds can leave their bags safely during the parade in the operational vehicle, which is going to Senate Square. When you hand in your flags for return delivery, you’ll get back the things you left for safe keeping. Flag-bearers and heralds must not have bags when they are carrying out their duties.


  1. The opening ceremony of the academic year on Friday, 8.9.2017

Aalto has decided that the opening ceremony of the next academic year will be arranged together with the opening ceremony  of Dipoli on Friday, 8.9.2017. The plans and timetables of the Aalto Parties and Afterparties will become more precise soon!


  1. AYY’s lost property practices are changing

Up till now, it has been possible to bring objects from clothes and bags to items of value to AYY, found in the one-off rental premises of AYY or the campus area. Due to a lack of resources, the lost property service will end at the end of this year and such items will no longer be accepted at the office of AYY.

This means that from there on, passing on clothes or bags found in the premises of AYY or the campus to lost property offices or their owners is at the responsibility of the event organisers. It will only be possible to bring phones, wallets, keys and spectacles to the service point of AYY. Travel cards found are to be returned to the service points of HSL or given to bus drivers, who will pass them on to HSL.

So, the period of November and December is the last time that you can come to look for your lost property. At the end of December, all existing lost property will be taken from the storerooms of AYY for recycling or waste collection.



Please send a brief text by Wednesday, 10am, to the address The news will be translated so you can submit your text in one language. The content of the newsletter is ultimately edited by AYY’s Organisational Affairs and Communications Specialist Ahto Harmo (, tel: 050 520 9442).

Association newsletter for the week 47/2016

If you want to receive AYY’s association newsletter to your e-mail, please subscribe at


This is AYY’s association newsletter for the week 47/2016.


Content of the newsletter

  1. AYY’s association training on 8th of December – sign up open!
  2. Advance booking of AYY’s facilities rented on a one-time basis to start on 1 Dec!
  3. Come and hear about the voluntary positions of AYY at Arabia Campus on 21.11. and in Otaniemi on 24.11.!
  4. Independence Day Torch Parade

  1. AYY’s association training on 8th of December – sign up open!

AYY’s association training will be held at Design Factory in Otaniemi on 8.12.

The training will be held in Finnish.

The programme of the training consists of a shared part, in which issues concerning all association operatives are looked at, and two group parts, which the participants can choose from several options according to their needs. There are groups for at least financial management, the legal and regulation issues of associations, communications, fundraising and corporate relations.

In compiling the training, the replies to the training need survey are being used, for which we thank all respondents. The association that won the prize draw of the survey has been contacted separately.

Sign up:

  1. Advance booking of AYY’s facilities rented on a one-time basis to start on 1 Dec!

The advance booking of AYY’s facilities rented on a one-time basis will start on Thursday 1 Dec 2016.

Advance bookings are organised by using AYY’s own booking system TILA.

You can make advance reservations for the period Mon, 9 Jan 2017 – Sun, 13 Aug 2017.

The schedule for facility reservations in the system is as follows:

  1. AYY’s internal operators, reservation period 7-30 Nov 2016. The reservation period ends at 11.59pm on Wed, 30 Nov 2016.
  2. Special status associations 1 Dec – 12 Dec 2015. The reservation period begins at 12noon on Thu, 1 Dec and ends at 2pm on Mon, 12 Dec. The booking session will be held in the Bachelor Building (OK1) hall M1 (M232) from 4.30pm onwards on Mon, 12 Dec 2016.
  3. Other associations in the 1st register on 13 Dec – 19 Dec 2016. The reservation period begins at 12 midnight on Tue, 13 Dec and ends at 2pm on Mon, 19 Dec 2016. The booking session will be held in the Bachelor Building (OK1) hall M1 (M232) from 4.30pm onwards on Mon, 19 Dec 2016.

Check out the entire advance booking schedule here.

A few notes about the making of reservations:

  1. TILA can be found at and the users log on with Aalto University’s IT username, using the same logging system as when using Into, for example. The easiest way to get started is to read the instructions behind the Instructions/Help link in the menu bar at the top of the page.
  2. In advance booking, facilities are reserved under the name of associations. The activation key has been sent to the email address provided by an association (usually this is the mailing list address of the association board) already in the spring, so the person who has handled the facility bookings of the association this year may distribute representation rights through TILA if necessary.
  3. If you receive representation rights for a group, the message subject is ”TILA: Activation key for group GROUP NAME”. The activation key can only be used once, so the person who has first logged on to the system may add representation rights to suitable persons in the group in order to make reservations. The reservation right is only activated for the associations which have filled out the association notice and whose information has been updated to the association register this year.
  4. Enter the event name in the reservation. If there is no name, the event may be deleted if there are several reservations for the same date at the later stages of the booking session.
  5. Please note that AYY’s internal reservations are mainly permanent.
  6. Special status associations have the opportunity topermanently book facilities for anniversaries and anniversary brunches. If there are reservations by two separate associations, of which one is anniversary or brunch of a special status association, the special status association will have the reservation. Other reservations of special status associations should be defended at a later booking   session. Therefore, in the advance booking session of special status associations, we will first clarify the duplicate reservation of special status associations and in the second booking session we will clarify all the rest of the duplicate reservations.
  7. Duplicate bookings can only be made within the reservation periods. After the end of the reservation period, associations can edit, delete or add new reservations which do not overlap with other reservations. Any duplicate reservations can be cancelled by using your own username in the advance booking session, so please bring your laptop in order to get the event running smoothly.
  8. Only reserve the facility for times when you really need it. If possible, please avoid reservations for the following times:
    PO has rehearsals at Smökki every Monday at 6pm-9pm and RWBK every Tuesday at 5pm-10pm. So please avoid sitsit on Mondays and Tuesdays!
    b. The multi-purpose facility and tatami hall are actively used by trainers on a daily basis between 4pm and 11pm. Reservations before 4pm are usually available.
  9. The rent prices of for the year 2017 will be confirmed in the AYY council meeting on Nov 24 2016.
  10. System instructions are available in Finnish and English. The implementation of the Swedish interface and instructions are in progress. In addition, TILA system is being further developed. Users are asked to report about detected problems, inconsistencies in the text or development ideas to the address


If you have not received your confirmation code for the user group that you represent or if you have any other questions related to advance booking sessions, please contact Administrative Director (johanna.pietilainen (a), 050-5209434).


  1. Come and hear about the voluntary positions of AYY at Arabia Campus on 21.11. and in Otaniemi on 24.11.!

The volunteer search of AYY is now open! There are numerous voluntary positions at our Student Union that differ in terms of their tasks and amount of work! Roles can be found from, amongst others, event production, campus development, international affairs, student advocacy and corporate relations. Do you want to know more, what opportunities there are in our student union? Come and hear about the experiences of volunteers at Arabia Campus in front of Tokyo lounge on Monday 21.11. at 1-3 pm and at the Undergraduate Centre lobby (Otakaari 1) on Thursday 24.11. at 1-3 pm! There will be casual discussion and the opportunity to ask about different positions. Snacks will be served. We want YOU!

Facebook event at Arabia Campus on 21.11.:

Facebook event in Otaniemi on 24.11.:

You can find more information about the search and the experiences of volunteers at /stop/en/.


  1. Independence Day Torch Parade

On 6.12. the students of the capital city area are commemorating Finland’s Independence Day with a joint torch parade. Everyone is welcome to join in the parade. Torches will be handed out for the event at the start of the parade. Associations can take part in the parade with their own flag.

Instructions and timetables for the event can be found at:

The timetable will be updated as soon as possible.

AYY traditionally offers its operatives the following services:

Flag taxi:

The flag of the association is to be delivered to the service point (Otakaari 11) on Friday, 2.12.2015 by 4 pm AND recorded on the delivery list. Make sure that you record the flag on the list because only the flags on the list can be taken along. The flags will be returned to the same place, from where they should be collected by Friday, 9.12.

Carrying belts and herald sashes in the Finnish national colours:

The Student Union has a limited number of carrying belts for flags and blue and white herald sashes that suit all flags. Reservations in order of time of booking at The equipment can be found on the day of the event by the flags. at the organisation point.

The flag-bearers and heralds can leave their bags safely during the parade in the operational vehicle, which is going to Senate Square. When you hand in your flags for return delivery, you’ll get back the things you left for safe keeping. Flag-bearers and heralds must not have bags when they are carrying out their duties.



Please send a brief text by Wednesday, 10am, to the address The news will be translated so you can submit your text in one language. The content of the newsletter is ultimately edited by AYY’s Organisational Affairs and Communications Specialist Ahto Harmo (, tel: 050 520 9442).