Front Page Features


Apply to the Student Union’s Central Election Committee for 2019!

AYY’s highest decision-making body, the 45-member Representative Council, will be elected again next autumn. However, the Council election does not organise itself, so we are in need of volunteers.

Would you like to be involved with making AYY’s next Council election more visible, resonating and participatory than ever?

The call for applications to the Central Election Committee operating at the heart of the Council election has now been opened. For example, the Central Election Committee decides upon the polling and advance polling stations’ locations, establishes the Election Committees, reviews the candidacy notices and agreements on electoral alliances and groups, conducts the recount of the votes and oversees the election proceedings in general. A member of the Central Election Committee is not eligible to stand in the Representative Council election 2019.

Applications to the Central Election Committee are submitted via the electronic form at

The application period runs until Sunday 17 Mar 2019 at 11.59 pm.

Further information: Administrative and HR Manager Johanna Pietiläinen (johanna.pietilainen (a), +358 50 520 9434.

AYY is looking for an Administrative and HR Manager

Come work on open-minded personnel development and nimble administration in a nice work community!

As the Administrative and HR Manager, for the part of human resources, you will be responsible for e.g. carrying through and developing AYY’s recruitment and induction processes and everything they involve, comprehensively promoting wellbeing at work and spurring on the managers in relation to various personnel management questions. In this position, you get to boldly implement the personnel strategy completed at the end of 2018, to make the position reflect yourself and to take all of HR in a new direction. The work also includes tasks related to the Student Union’s records management, for example, in relation to meetings of the Board and Representative Council, making travel and meeting reservations as well as many other tasks related to the office’s general administration.

What we require from you:

  • Good organisational skills
  • Good interaction skills
  • Ability to see the big picture and to prioritise and, at the same time, an eye for detailed observation
  • Solution-centred and independent approach to work
  • Ability to work under pressure and to adapt to changing circumstances
  • Higher-education studies
  • Fluent knowledge of the Finnish language and knowledge of the English language

What we see as beneficial:

  • Familiarity with organisation operations as well as AYY and Aalto University
  • Suitable higher education degree
  • Familiarity with the Administrative Procedure Act and Administrative Judicial Procedure Act as well as employment legislation in general
  • Knowledge of the Swedish language

The salary is determined by the collective labour agreement for student unions (salary class IV, acknowledging also possible education and experience supplements). The recruited person will have the opportunity to apply for residence in the Student Union’s apartments. The AYY Office is located in Otaniemi, Espoo, and has good transport connections.

The position is a fixed-term cover for a leave of absence. The work begins as soon as possible in March 2019. The fixed-term contract ends on 22 Mar 2020.

Send your application and salary request to rekrytointi(a) by Sunday 3 Mar 2019. You will be notified of the receipt of your application. Interviews will take place primarily between 6 and 8 Mar at our office in Espoo. The decision on the recruited person will be made shortly after the interviews, and we hope the selected person to start work as soon as possible.

Further information on the position is available from Secretary General Niko Ferm (niko.ferm(a), 050-5209415) and Administrative and HR Manager Johanna Pietiläinen (johanna.pietilainen(a), 050-5209434).

Aalto University Student Union (AYY) has approximately 14.000 student members. AYY employs more than 40 permanent employees as well as around 100 volunteer operators. There are around 200 associations operating within AYY. The focal points of the Student Union’s operations are advocacy, communal operations and service operations. In addition, the Student Union provides a home to around 3000 of its members in the apartments it owns. AYY’s assets are worth approx. 150 million euros, and its annual turnover is approx. 15 million euros. It has been scientifically proven that AYY has an exceptionally good working environment, and we take pride in maintaining this.

AYY is looking for a Graphic Designer for its Communications team!

Join us in producing versatile visual content related to volunteering, events, advocacy work and other Student Union services!

The Graphic Designer’s tasks incluse designing and laying out AYY’s publications and materials. In practice, these take the form of different posters and brochures as well as the annual report. In terms of the online content, the Graphic Designer also executes the Facebook banners, website banners and some of the Facebook and Instagram posts. Smaller projects include business cards, ID cards, invitations and other running matters.

You will use the Adobe CS software as your working environment, and your design work is eased by a subscription to the Shutterstock image bank.

An absolute prerequisite for applying to the position is a professional knowledge of graphic design and layout. Skills in illustration and photography are considered beneficial, and extra points are also available for video filming and editing abilities. We hope the applicants to be able to manage projects independently and to prioritise their working hours. Applicants must have good communication skills in Finnish as well as English. Swedish skills are considered beneficial.

Working at the Student Union requires enthusiasm, efficiency and occasional flexibility with the working hours. Familiarity with the Aalto community is an advantage in this position, as it will ease the design of visual elements. You will be working in a team with the Advocacy and Communications Manager and two Communications Specialists, who will help guide your work, spur you on and bounce ideas with you.

The work is permanent and part-time (25 h/week). The salary is determined by the collective labour agreement for student unions (salary class II, acknowledging also possible education and experience supplements). The recruited person will have the opportunity to apply for residence in the Student Union’s apartments. The AYY Office is located in Otaniemi, Espoo, and has good transport connections.

We will be contacting the recommenders of the proceeding applicants during the application process. Please add the contact details of your recommenders to your CV or application.

Send your freely formatted application with your CV to rekrytointi(at) by 24 Feb 2019. You will be notified of the receipt of your application. Interviews are intended to take place in week 9 or 10, and applicants will be notified of the selection shortly afterwards.

More information on the position is available from Advocacy and Communications Manager Heikki Isotalo (heikki.isotalo(a), 040 575 9092) and Administrative and HR Manager Johanna Pietiläinen (johanna.pietilainen(a), 050 520 9434).

Learn about our operations at

Aalto University Student Union AYY is the advocacy and service organisation of around 14 000 students. Altogether, AYY employs about 40 people and has hundreds of volunteers and organisations operating within it. The provision of reasonably-priced student apartments near the place of study is a central member service of AYY’s. AYY has around 2500 apartments that are rented out to AYY members. As a working environment, AYY is youthful and very flexible. AYY highlights equality and versatility in its operations. We are hoping for applicants with different backgrounds.

Aalto University Student Union is looking for an Executive Director

Do you want to be part of a versatile and innovative work community and observe the development of the Aalto community and construction of the Otaniemi campus area from a front-row seat? Apply to become our Executive Director!

The primary task of the Executive Director is to ensure the execution of the Student Union’s strategy. Further tasks of the Executive Director include close cooperation with the Board and Representative Council. In the day-to-day work, the planning and continuous development of the operations play a large role. Cooperation with stakeholders and representing the Student Union are also a central part of the Executive Director’s tasks. In your position, you will direct multiple teams and act as the manager of approximately 20 employees.

In your management work, you will work closely with the Financial Director and the rest of the Management Team. In addition to general executive direction, you will be responsible for some of AYY’s operational fields, such as the community, fundraising and the promotion of digitalisation. You will be deciding upon management responsibilities and work distribution in more detail together with the Financial Director who has newly taken up their position.

What we require from you:

  • Knowledge of student union or organisation operations
  • Skills to execute change strategically
  • Understanding of financial planning
  • Management and organising skills
  • Ability to work under pressure
  • Good communication skills
  • Ability to see the big picture and to prioritise
  • Solution-centred approach
  • Higher-education studies
  • Fluent knowledge of the Finnish and English languages

What we see as beneficial:

  • Familiarity with AYY and Aalto University
  • Experience of association and volunteer operations in the Aalto community
  • Experience of fundraising and corporate cooperation
  • Experience of managerial positions
  • IT skills, particularly from a management-point-of-view
  • Suitable higher education degree
  • Knowledge of employment legislation
  • Knowledge of the Swedish language
  • A good eye

During your post, a development plan will be created for you to guarantee personal development. Succeeding in your work will be supported by AYY’s excellent professionals as well as the mentor or support network we will seek out for you. During your employment, you are entitled to accommodation in AYY-owned apartments.

The position is fixed-term for the period of 1 May 2019–30 Apr 2022.

Send your application and salary request to rekrytointi(a) by Wednesday 20 Feb 2019. We will let you know that your application has been received.

The recruitment team will interview suitable applicants during the periods of 13–15 Mar and 18–19 Mar. Those invited to an interview will be sent an advance task prior to the interview as well as asked to participate in a possible adaptability test before selection. The final selection will be made by the Representative Council, who is likely to interview the top candidates in week 15 or 16. The Representative Council will decide upon the new Executive Director in its meeting on Wednesday 17 Apr 2019.

Further information on the position is available from Secretary General Niko Ferm (niko.ferm(a), 050-5209415).

Aalto University Student Union (AYY) has approximately 14.000 student members. AYY employs more than 40 permanent employees as well as around 100 volunteer operators. There are around 200 associations operating within AYY. The focal points of the Student Union’s operations are advocacy, communal operations and service operations. In addition, the Student Union provides a home to around 3000 of its members in the apartments it owns. AYY’s assets are worth approx. 150 million euros, and its annual turnover is approx. 15 million euros. It has been scientifically proven that AYY has an exceptionally good working environment, and we take pride in maintaining this.

Aalto University Student Union and the World Student Capital network are disappointed in HSL’s decision on student discounts

Aalto University Student Union and the World Student Capital network are disappointed in HSL’s decision to decrease the student discount and to remove the student discount from single tickets.

In its meeting today, 30 October, the Board of Helsinki Region Transport (HSL) decided to make the student discount in public transport cover all full-time basic degree students regardless of their age. At the same time, however, it decided to decrease the student discount on season tickets bought on travel cards from 50 to 45 per cent and to restrict the student discount so that it only applies to season tickets. The World Student Capital (WSC) network of the student unions of the Capital Region is disappointed in the decision to decrease the discount and to leave single tickets outside the discount.

‘Our goal was to retain the 50% discount in all ticket types. We believe HSL has overestimated the costs of having no age limit for the discount’, Chair of the WSC network Otto Rosenlund states.

Most of students over 30 years of age have previously been left without the student discount in public transport because the right to receive student aid has been a condition for getting the discount. The positive side of the new decision is that students over 30 years of age will now get the discount on the same terms as younger students. This has been a long-term goal for student organisations, and we are happy that we have now achieved it, even though the rest of the decision is a disappointment. The removal of age discrimination from the student discount may lead to new groups of people starting to use public transport, which reinforces the profitability of public transport.

” The student discount for HSL tickets should extend to all students and all student types. What is more, our estimations based on figures provided by HSL indicate that the increase in costs after the expansion of the discount would not be significant. The discount model could have been adjusted later based on the actual costs” comments Aalto University Student Union board member Lauri Seppäläinen.

Aalto University Student Union and the WSC network urge HSL to monitor the effects of its decision on the cost accumulation for student discounts and to return any possible deficit compared to the previous cost level to the student discount through either raising the percentage of the discount or reapplying the discount to single tickets.

The new discount criteria take effect in connection with the zone reform in the spring of 2019.


Otto Rosenlund

Chair of the World Student Capital network

Lauri Seppäläinen

Member of board, Aalto university student union

Further information:

Lauri Jurvanen,
Specialist (social affairs), aalto university student union, +358 50 520 9418


AYY is looking for a Secretary of Member Services!

Aalto University Student Union AYY is the advocacy and service organisation of nearly 15 000 students. Altogether, AYY employs around 50 people and has dozens of volunteers and organisations operating within it. AYY is a young and innovative operator in the student union field that enables people to bring their ideas into life and to create new things. As a working environment, AYY is youthful and very flexible. 

We are currently looking for a Secretary of Member Services to join our team

AYY’s services office, located in Otaniemi, Espoo, assists members in different matters relating to membership and the Student Union’s services. As Secretary of Member Services, you are an important part of the team doing its share for realising the vision of our Student Union: AYY – The best student’s life in the world.

The duties of the Secretary include customer service (electronically, by phone and in person), duties relating to invoicing and cashier services, controlling and developing the processes relating to rentable facilities, and otherwise supporting the office and the service operations.

Requirements from the applicant:

  • Customer service spirit and self-initiative
  • Strong team working skills and a positive outlook on development
  • Ability to withstand pressure and occasional flexibility in working hours
  • Specificity with numbers and papers
  • Mastering MS Office programmes
  • Fluent oral and written skills of Finnish and English

Aspects advantageous to the applicant:

  • Fluent oral and written skills of Swedish
  • Experience of customer service work

We offer you:

  • A permanent and full-time working relationship (37.5 weekly working hours)
  • A versatile and challenging position as part of an enthusiastic work community
  • A functional working environment in Otaniemi, with good transport connections
  • The possibility to apply for residence in the Student Union’s apartments in Espoo and Helsinki

Working at the Student Union requires enthusiasm, effective execution of decisions and occasional flexibility in working hours. A certain educational background is not required; instead, the deciding factor is aptitude for the position. You will be inducted to the position.

The work begins as mutually agreed as soon as a suitable person is found. The salary is determined by the collective labour agreement for student unions (salary class II, acknowledging also possible education and experience supplements).

We will be contacting the recommenders of the proceeding applicants during the application process. Please add the contact details of your recommenders to your CV or application when applying.

Freely formatted applications with CVs should be sent to rekrytointi(at) by Mon 12 Nov 2018 at 4pm. You will be notified of the receipt of your application. Interviews are intended to take place in weeks 46-47, and applicants will be notified of the selection as soon afterwards as possible.

More information on the position is available from Service Manager Riitu Nuutinen, riitu.nuutinen(at) or tel. 050 520 9450 (Fri 2 Nov at 10-12 noon and Tue 6 Nov at 2–4 pm).

Learn about our operations at AYY emphasises equality and diversity in its operations. We are hoping for applicants with different backgrounds and genders.