Front Page Features


AYY is searching for a designer for the web training module for student representatives in administration


AYY is searching for a project worker/workers to design the web training model for training student representatives in administration (hallopeds) at the Aalto University. The assignment includes designing the training module, including but not limited to the following subjects: Technical meeting equipment and appliances, Aalto decision-making, yearly clock, development of studies (e.g. pedagogics, feedback, course material), teaching planning development, student admissions, and legislation regarding studies and lobbying.

Successfully completing the assignment requires knowledge in project working and pedagogics, studying at a higher learning institution and experience in student advocacy, a strong knowledge of Aalto as a university environment, understanding the Administrative Procedure Act and good management, and a clear and concise knowledge of oral and written Finnish along with a good knowledge of oral English. Swedish is seen as a plus.

A more detailed call for applications in Finnish can be found at /blog/2018/06/26/ayy-etsii-hallinnon-opiskelijaedustajien-verkkokoulutuskokonaisuuden-suunnittelijaa/.

AYY Condemns Inappropriate Behavior

Yesterday, on the 8th of February 2018, the Student Magazine Aino published the story “Sisäpiirivitsi” (“Inside Joke”), which discussed the discriminatory speech and behavior found in the Aalto community. The story also mentioned a few student associations by name.

After the publication of the story, the author, Sonia El Kamel, and Aino’s editor-in-chief, Emilia Mäenmaa, have received a huge amount of feedback. Lot of the feedback has been positive, praising the article, but there has also been some critical feedback. Some of the feedback was totally unacceptable, vulgar and personal.

Aino is an independent publication that operates independently from the Student Union and is committed to following the guidelines for journalists. Nevertheless, its employees are employees of AYY. As an employer, AYY has a zero tolerance regarding threats, vulgar speech and other poor behavior towards our employees.

AYY condemns racism and discrimination strongly and unequivocally, and we do not accept any kind of discriminatory behavior within our community.

The theme raised in the article was discussed at AYY’s central office when the Secretary General was interviewed for the story. The publication of the article and the discussion it has created have shown that there is still much work to be done to promote equality. That is why AYY thinks that it is extremely important to have a broader discussion about the subject throughout the entire Aalto community.

More information: Secretary General Niko Ferm (050 520 9415, niko.ferm (a)

AYY is searching for a Real Estate Specialist!

Type: Permanent, full-time
Work hours: 37,5 hours/week
Background: End of studies / Graduated
Location: Espoo
Starting date: As soon as possible, according to agreement
Application deadline extended: 18th of February 2018

AYY is searching for a Real Estate Specialist!

As a Real Estate Specialist, you will work as a part of the Real Estate Team, being in charge of contracting new buildings and maintaining our current buildings. The tasks of a Real Estate Specialist include influencing work on zoning projects, project work pertaining to construction, cooperation with AYY’s stakeholder groups, and supporting the Real Estate Team. The Real Estate Specialist works under the supervision of the Financial Director.

The Student Union has several significant new construction projects coming up – the construction of hundreds of new student apartments and the new student center – and these projects require new and enthusiastic know-how. You will do work with our Real Estate Strategy, which can be found here:

What we expect from the applicant:

  • Experience on real estate project activities.
  • Fluency in Finnish and English.

Seen as a bonus:

Professional training in the real estate field. You may be at the end of your studies or have already graduated.

What we offer:

  • Several opportunities in being involved in large projects, like the student center and the planned student housing buildings that will be built in Otakaari.
  • A chance to develop the Otaniemi campus together with the City of Espoo, the Aalto University and other stakeholders.
  • Option to apply for housing governed by the Student Union.
  • Functional and modern offices and an enthusiastic work community. The AYY central office is located in Otaniemi, Espoo, within good commuting routes.

We will contact the endorsers of the applicants during the process. Please add the personal contact information of your endorsers into your CV or application already during the application process.

Please send your free-form applications to (preferrably PDF) no later than the 18th of February, 2018. We aim to organize the interviews during weeks 8 and 9, and the announcement on hiring will be made as soon as possible after the interviews have concluded.

You may read more about AYY at: For more information on the tasks, please contact Financial Director Reija Väätäinen, reija.vaatainen(at) or via telephone, 040 709 5900. For more information on the application process, please contact Recruitment Manager Anna Oikarinen,, telephone 050 4155 345 (aTalent Recruiting)

The Aalto University Student Union (AYY) is a service and advocate association for nearly 15 000 students of the Aalto University. AYY employs about 50 people and dozens of volunteers and associations work within its sphere of influence. AYY is a young and innovative player in the student union field, one where you can implement your own ideas and create something new. As a working environment, AYY is young and very flexible. Offering affordable student housing near our members’ place of study is a central member service of AYY. AYY owns about 2500 apartments, which are rented to AYY members. The real estate team, situated at Otaniemi, helps members in questions and issues related to housing and in the rental of various kinds of facilities.

APPLICATION DEADLINE HAS BEEN EXTENDED: AYY is looking for a Specialist in Academic Affairs

Type: Permanent, full-time, 37.5 hours a week
Stage of studies: University studies undertaken
Starting date: As soon as possible
Location: Otakaari 11, Espoo
Wage: According to the Student Union collective labor agreement, grade III, starting at 2100 €
NOTE! Application deadline has been extended. New deadline: 23rd of January 2018.

The Specialist in Academic Affairs works in the Student Union’s advocacy sector. Other people working in the sector include the Specialist in Social Affairs and the Specialist in International Affairs and the Advocacy and Communications Manager. The work is conducted in close cooperation with the Board Members of the Student Union. The job description of the Specialist includes advocacy work in the University and within the scope of the national education policy, related to e.g. studies administration, development of the Aalto University and students’ legal protection.

Tasks include working in working groups in these areas of responsibility and working on related statements and opinions. The Specialist is also responsible for selecting and training the student representatives in University administration, for conducting cooperation with students and student organizations in the field of education policy, and for student counseling in matters related to legal protection. In 2018, the sector’s focus will be on updating the policy papers, themes related to student well-being, and planning AYY’s advocacy work for the parliamentary elections.  Particular themes of the Student Union for the upcoming years include the development of students’ well-being and studying capacity and encouraging social influence.

The job entails learning about a wide range of issues, preparing the policies of the Student Union and doing advocacy work according to these policies, and bringing forth the students’ point of view at various stakeholder meetings. The advocacy work is conducted locally in the Aalto community, regionally in the Helsinki metropolitan area, and nationwide. Working in the Student Union and with the University requires a passion for development, an independent manner, initiative, effective implementation of decisions, and an eye for strategy. All our specialists also communicate about their own areas of responsibility.


  • Higher education studies
  • Experience in student advocacy
  • Knowledge of issues related to the legal protection of students and the above-mentioned areas of responsibility
  • Ability to comprehend large issues and adopt new things
  • Negotiation skills and the skill to adapt to changing situations

Seen as a plus for the job:

  • Knowledge of the legislation related to the task
  • English and Swedish skills
  • Experience with student unions or organizations

Things that may be useful for the task include e.g. knowledge of administrative law, interest in university pedagogy, and knowledge of the national education policy.

What we offer:

  • A versatile and challenging task where you get to implement your own ideas and develop your knowledge
  • An expert team in a changing and enthusiastic work community in a youthful organization
  • An opportunity to combine studies and the job!
  • Opportunity to apply for an AYY apartment
  • Opportunity to work from home and good office spaces in Otaniemi with great public transport options along the West Metro

If you are the person we seek, send your application along with your CV by the 23rd of January 2018 to Please submit your documents in PDF. We will confirm all applications as received. We aim to organize the interviews during Thu – Fri 25th – 26th of January, and the announcement on hiring will be made as soon as possible after the interviews have concluded.

We will contact the endorsers of the applicants during the process. Please add the personal contact information of your endorsers into your CV or application already during the application process.

For more information on the task, please contact Specialist in Academic Affairs Susanna Koistinen (tel. 050 520 9438) between the 3rd and 5th of January 2018 or Secretary General Niko Ferm (tel. 0505209415).

The Aalto University Student Union (AYY) is a service and advocate association for nearly 15 000 students of the Aalto University. AYY employs about 50 people and dozens of volunteers and associations work within its sphere of influence. AYY is a young and innovative player in the student union field, one where you can implement your own ideas and create something new. As a working environment, AYY is modern and very flexible.

AYY is looking for a Student Advocacy Specialist for ARTS students and Executive Manager for TOKYO

Type: Temporary, full-time, 37.5 hours a week
Stage of studies: University studies undertaken
Starting date: 22nd of January 2018 or according to agreement
Location: Otakaari 11, Espoo
Wage: According to the Student Union collective labor agreement, grade III, starting at 2100 €
Application deadline: 10th of January 2018 at 16:00.


The Aalto University Student Union AYY is looking for a full-time Student Advocacy Specialist and Executive Manager for TOKYO ry (organization for students of Aalto University’s School of Arts, Design and Architecture) to work as a substitute for the current Executive Manager while they are on parental leave. The employment will start on the 22nd of January 2018 or according to agreement, and it will last until the 31st of January 2019. The selected person will be introduced to the task at the start of the employment.

Tasks include:

  • Coordinating the Student Union’s Year of Art 2018 project
  • Substitute for TOKYO’s Executive Manager
    • responsible for the organization’s administration and planning tasks as well as event production-related tasks
  • Doing advocacy work for ARTS students and supporting the advocacy activities of volunteers
    • Cooperation with various stakeholder groups, such as the school and the University
  • Participating in the planning and implementation of the transfer of university functions of Aalto ARTS in the summer of 2018


  • Relevant studies in a higher education institution
  • Expertise in the areas of responsibility and in organizational activities
  • Good knowledge of the field and study of arts
  • Fluent Finnish and English oral and written skills
  • Ability to comprehend large issues and adopt new things
  • Skill to adapt to changing situations
  • An independent manner, enthusiasm and initiative, swift execution of decisions and flexibility with office hours from time to time

Seen as a plus for the job:

  • A vision for the development of the Student Union’s activities as a student union of arts
  • Experience in leading projects and teams
  • Experience in applying for grants/funding
  • Swedish skills

What we offer:

  • A versatile and challenging task where you get to implement your own ideas and develop your knowledge
  • An expert team in a changing and enthusiastic work community in a youthful organization
  • Opportunity to apply for an AYY apartment
  • Opportunity to work from home

The job is full-time (37.5 hours a week). The wage is defined according to the Student Union collective labor agreement. Places of work include AYY’s Service Point in Arabia and AYY’s Central Office and TOKYO’s office located in Otaniemi, Espoo.

If you are the person we seek, send your application along with your CV by the 10th of January 2018, by 16:00 to Please submit your documents in PDF. We will confirm all applications as received. We aim to organize the interviews during the 3rd week of the year, and the announcement on hiring will be made as soon as possible after the interviews have concluded.

We will contact the endorsers of the applicants during the process. Please add the personal contact information of your endorsers into your CV or application already during the application process.

For more information on the task, please contact Specialist Anna Merikari (tel. 050 520 9439) on the 28th of December 2017 from 11:00 to 13:00 or between the 8th and 9th of January 2018 from 12:00 to 15:00, or AYY’s Secretary General Niko Ferm (tel. 050 520 9415).


The Aalto University Student Union (AYY) is a service and advocate association for nearly 15 000 students of the Aalto University. AYY employs about 50 people and dozens of volunteers and associations work within its sphere of influence. AYY is a young and innovative player in the student union field, one where you can implement your own ideas and create something new. As a working environment, AYY is modern and very flexible.

AYY is looking for an Advocacy and Communications Manager!

Type: Permanent, full-time
Required background: End of studies – Graduated
Working hours: 37,5 hours/week
Starting date: Jan-Feb 2018
Location: Otakaari 11, Espoo
Application deadline: Tuesday, 2nd of January 2018

AYY is looking for an Advocacy and Communications Manager! In this role you get to plan, lead and implement effective advocacy work and act as the manager of the advocacy and communications teams. Your task is to increase the effectiveness of the advocacy work done in AYY and undertaken by it in its stakeholder groups, build AYY’s new brand and be in charge of implementing the societal influencing part of AYY’s new strategy.

We require you to have an understanding of communications and influencing that pertains to student advocacy, and knowledge of manager work and team leading through work, association activities or hobbies. Successful management of the task requires understanding large entities and creating new ideas. You have excellent interaction skills and an eye for strategy. In your work, you take the initiative, aim for solutions and have a positive view on development and teamwork. You like sparring others, but you also let your team members work their own vision out freely. The youthful group at AYY is united in a relaxed attitude and an interest in student organization activities, so we hope you are interested in student activities and wish to commit to the job for a long time.


  • Completed or near-completed studies in higher education that pertain to the task
  • Understanding of student advocacy and the communications and influencing work that pertains to it
  • Knowledge of management through either work, hobbies or association activities
  • Excellent interaction skills and a solution-oriented mindset in work
  • Time-to-time flexibility in working hours
  • Fluency in English and Finnish

Seen as a plus for the job:

  • Fluency in Swedish

What we offer:

  • Responsibility and development opportunities in an enthusiastic work community
  • A versatile and challenging task where you can really see the fruits of your labor
  • Opportunities to work from home and good office spaces in Otaniemi with great public transport options along the West Metro.
  • Opportunity to apply for an AYY apartment

The work contract is full-time and permanent. The work starts according to contract as soon as the suitable candidate is found. The wages are based on the student union collective labor agreement (wage grade IV, plus relevant experience and education bonuses).

Interested? Send us your CV and application no later than by Tuesday, 2nd of January 2018 at: Please mention your preferred salary in your application, along with your earliest starting date. The interviews will be held at AYY during week 2, so mark that down in your calendar. We will contact your recommenders during the applications process, so please include contact information for recommendations in your CV or application.

More information on the task and process from Niko Ferm (0505209415) and aTalent Recruitment Manager Meeri Sarkkinen (050 4350511,

The Aalto University Student Union (AYY) is a service and advocate association for nearly 15 000 students of the Aalto University. AYY employs about 50 people and dozens of volunteers and associations work within its sphere of influence. AYY is a young and innovative player in the student union field, one where you can implement your own ideas and create something new. As a working environment, AYY is modern and very flexible. Read more at