Front Page Features


AYY gave out scholarships of the autumn 2014

Scholarship holders by scholarships below. Only exchange scholarships were distributed in the autumn.

Lotta Ahonen 400€
Milja Asikainen 400€
Jenni Haavisto 450€
Nelli Huikari 400€
Markus Junkkari 600€
Hannes Kallioinen 750€
Pietari Keskinen 600€
Milla Kivioja 450€
Christine Korjus 400€
Pasi Lohi 450€
Elsa Mannila 400€
Laura Matikainen 400€
Anni Pesonen 400€
Minna Rissanen 550€
Juho Salmi 400€
Michael Saulny 400€
Niko Snirvi 600€
Elli Taimela 600€
Mikael Taipale 650€
Otso Takala 400€
Aaro Väkeväinen 400€


FSHS’s appointment fees to rise in 2015

Appointment fees charged by the Finnish Student Health Service will rise on 1 January 2015. This is because the state’s rental subsidy received by the FSHS is to be halved.

Student appointment fees will rise for certain specialist services and long oral health appointments. General practitioner, public health nurse, dental hygienist, short dentist appointments (max. 10 min) and mental health appointments will remain free of charge for students.

The new fee for specialist appointments (except for psychiatrists) is €24, and the fee for dentist appointments subject to charge will rise with €2.

The charge for no-show appointments will rise from €25 to €35.

Fees for FSHS certificates subject to charge will also rise, while some changes will be introduced to the issuing of certificates.

Read more .

SELL Student Games in Lithuania 15th-17th of May 2015

Dear Student!

SELL Student Games is a multisport event and open to all university and polytechnic students from all over the world. The games became to be known as SELL Games according to the first letters of the original names of the host countries (Suomi, Eesti, Latvija, Liettuva). The traditional friendship-games are organized by these four countries and they gather 1800-2000 participants per year. There are no age limits or level requirements, and the event offers sports and opponents to sports enthusiasts on all levels.

SELL Student Games 2015 will be held in Kaunas Lithuania the 15th-17th of May 2015. The registration will start at the beginning of 2015. The SELL-sports in Kaunas are: athletics, volleyball, orienteering, mini-football, table tennis, swimming, judo, power lifting and basketball. If you are interested of participating, please study more from:

SELL Student Games offers you a budget-friendly opportunity to participate in entertaining and memorable student-competitions! The participation fee is only 25 euros/night/person from SELL-countries, 30e/night/person non SELL countries, when you register before the 12th of April 2015. 

Nominate for Aalto Athlete 2014 by 12 Sept

Aalto Athlete 2014 will be awarded in connection with Aalto Kymppi event on Sunday, 21 Sept 2014. You can submit your nomination for Aalto Athlete to AYY.

The criteria are as follows:

  • successful in ones’ sport on a national or international level or particularly this year
  • successful study progress
  • fair and upright member of community

Nominations with reasons for Aalto Athlete 2014 can be submitted to by Friday, 12 Sept.

Aalto 10K – A social running event for Aalto students, staff and alumni – officials needed for Aalto-kymppi

Aalto-kymppi (Aalto 10 km), is a kick-off event of Aalto University academic year in term of sports, which will be organized on 21 September 2014. Aalto 10 km is organized together with Espoo 10 km run and is part of the

This year we’ll run for CLEAN WATER. During 2014 Aalto is celebrating National theme year ‘Gulf of Finland’,

For the runners we’ll provide information how to improve the state of the Baltic Sea at home and at work.

Aalto University will pay the Aalto 10 km registration fee for all its student, staff and alumni. All Aalto participants will receive a free technical T-shirt with Aalto and Rantamaraton logo.

The running event, starting in the afternoon, is intended to anyone who wishes to take part in the 10-kilometer course in free-form and style according to your fitness level by walking, nordic walking, jogging, running, forwards or backwards or in any other appropriate manner – even stopping to enjoy the beautiful scenery on along the route. Last year, more than 1300 Aalto colleagues enrolled to the Aalto 10 km running event!

If you are joining the event with work colleagues or student friends, come up with a name for your “team” which all team members then marks down on the registration form.


Registration for Aalto 10 km is done in the MyNextRun -service. The registration link is available on the Rantamaraton webpage

Registrations will be closed on 31 August 2014.

Post- registration

Registrations are possible via web until midnight Sunday 14 September. Last minute registrations, on event day, directly to event office Otahalli, address Otaranta 6. Event office is open on Friday 19 September at 2-8 pm and Saturday 20 September 9 am-7.30 pm, Sunday 10am-5 pm. Opening hours are informed on the Rantamaraton web page. Last minute registrations have to be done latest two hours before start. There is only a limited number race numbers with chip-timing reserved for late- and last minute registrations. If they run out, you can still participate in the jogging category with no timing.

Officials needed for Aalto-kymppi

Aalto University will recruit 30 officials to work in the maintenance staff of  Aalto-kymppi on 21st September or on 20th September. The shifts will be on Sunday, 8.30-13.30 or 11.30-16.30 or on Friday 12.00 – 16.00.

The officials will get the technical sports shirt with Aalto and Rantamaraton logos, some packed lunch and either the possibility to participate the marathons on 20.9. free of charge, or a 40€ sports gift token to Intersport Forum.

Registrations to `Mara´ Martti Kyykoski:

The officials on Friday 5.9. at the latest.

The officials running marathons on Saturday 31.8. at the latest.

Contact information:

Martti Kyykoski, gsm 040 353 8221 or 0400 744 258,