Representative Council


Apply to the Student Union’s Central Election Committee for 2019!

AYY’s highest decision-making body, the 45-member Representative Council, will be elected again next autumn. However, the Council election does not organise itself, so we are in need of volunteers.

Would you like to be involved with making AYY’s next Council election more visible, resonating and participatory than ever?

The call for applications to the Central Election Committee operating at the heart of the Council election has now been opened. For example, the Central Election Committee decides upon the polling and advance polling stations’ locations, establishes the Election Committees, reviews the candidacy notices and agreements on electoral alliances and groups, conducts the recount of the votes and oversees the election proceedings in general. A member of the Central Election Committee is not eligible to stand in the Representative Council election 2019.

Applications to the Central Election Committee are submitted via the electronic form at

The application period runs until Sunday 17 Mar 2019 at 11.59 pm.

Further information: Administrative and HR Manager Johanna PietilÀinen (johanna.pietilainen (a), +358 50 520 9434.

AYY has appointed its Board for 2019 – Tapio HautamĂ€ki to act as Chair


The Representative Council of Aalto University Student Union (AYY) has appointed the Student Union’s Board for 2019 in its meeting on Thursday 22 November 2018. As Chair of the Board, AYY appointed Tapio HautamĂ€ki, a master’s level student from the School of Science. In 2018, HautamĂ€ki has acted as Vice Chair of the AYY Board and been in charge of the Student Union’s Advocacy operations. Previously, HautamĂ€ki has been involved with the Tempaus 2016 project, for example.


The other nine (9) members of the AYY Board are:

Iida Palosuo, ARTS

Ellen HeikkilÀ, ARTS

Leila Kettunen, CHEM

Lumi Ketola, ENG, CHEM

Taneli Myllykangas, ELEC

Anna Halsas, BIZ

Marianne Honkasaari, SCI

Antti PentikÀinen, BIZ

Olli Kesseli, SCI


In the coming year, prominent issues include developing AYY’s operations to become ecologically sustainable, influencing in the spring’s European and parliamentary elections and planning the new Student Centre, among others.

“AYY has done excellent work on its vision in recent years. The Student Union has a brand-new policy paper, a comprehensive brand strategy, a clear and ambitious real estate strategy and a freshly updated direction reaching boldly for the future. Next year needs to be a year of action,” states HautamĂ€ki.

The Board’s term of office begins in January and lasts one calendar year. The new Board will be organised in its first meeting. Aalto University Student Union is the service and advocacy organisation of around 14 000 Aalto University students.

Further information:

Tapio HautamÀki, Chair of the Board 2019,, +358 40 757 9629


Candidates for the former of AYY Board and the chair of the Representative Council on panel 3rd Nov.

Candidates for the positions of the former of AYY Board and the chairperson of the Representative Council will be interviewed at TUAS Building, Hall TU1, at 6pm on Monday, 3 Nov. Interviewers are the previous year’s Chairperson of the Board Piia Kuosmanen and the Chairperson of the Representative Council 2012 Antti Karkola.

All the student union members are welcome to attend the event. You can also watch the event online at

Nomination of candidates for the Representative Council elections 2013 – What? Where? When?

Nomination of candidates for AYY’s Representative Council elections 2013 will end at 12noon on Tuesday, 24 Sept. Election documents can be delivered until the deadline to AYY’s service points in
Arabia (HÀmeentie 135A, Helsinki), Töölö (Runeberginkatu 14-16, Helsinki) or Otaniemi (Otakaari 11, Espoo).
Election documents may also be sent by mail, when the document must be postmarked no later than Friday, 20 Sept 2013. The sender is responsible for the arrival of documents delivered by mail.

I want to stand for election. What should I do?
1.Find an electoral coalition, which you would like to join. You can inquire the existing electoral coalitions from the current Representative Council members or your subject organisation, for example. You may also contact the Chair of the Representative Council Martin Aalto (

You can also establish your own electoral coalition or stand for election as an independent candidate. Due to the proportional election method, Central Election Committee strongly recommends that candidates should join an electoral coalition.

2.Fill and print out the candidate form at In order to fill in the form, you will also need contact information of the representative of the electoral coalition.

3.Sign a personal candidate form and check with the representative of the coalition that your name will also be added to the electoral coalition agreement. Also sign the electoral coalition agreement.

4.If you are responsible for delivering the documents by yourself, please make sure that material is delivered to one of AYY’s service points by 12noon on Tuesday, 24 Sept. Documents sent by mail must be postmarked no later than Friday, 20 Sept.

Candidate lists with numbers will be published on Friday, 27 Sept at, and in other locations specified in the electoral declaration. The electoral declaration is available here.

Which elections? What is the Representative Council?
In AYY’s Representative Council elections, the Representative Council of 45 members is appointed to decide on the student union matters for the next two years.
The Representative Council decides on AYY’s major issues, such as the annual budget, and appoints the former of the Board and the Board. In addition, the Representative Council approves the Student Union’s action plan and decides on AYY’s membership fee.
The Representative Council meets approximately once a month during the academic year.
Further information on the Representative Council activities, meeting minutes and agendas can be found at

For further information, please contact Secretary of Central Election Committee, AYY’s Administrative Director Johanna PietilĂ€inen ( or 050 5209 434)

Election announcement of Representative council election of AYY

The election announcement of the representative council elections of Aalto university student union can be read bon this site, through pdf below or at the bulletin boards on campuses.


Read the election announcement of representative council election of AYY here (pdf).

Candidate nomination ends on Tuesday 24th of September at noon.

Further information about the election can be found at