Student Advocacy


AYY awarded the learning promotion deed of the year 2012

At its 3rd anniversary party on 2 Feb 2012, Aalto University Student Union (AYY) awarded the learning promotion deed of the year 2012. The award was granted to ”Paremman oppimisen puolesta! (POP)” project of Aalto University School of Science. The purpose of POP project is to create a community and culture around learning. Another aspect which makes POP an excellent project is that it involves both students and the staff. Along with POP, Learning Hub Greenhouse was established in Building T and the basics of optimisation course was developed, among other things. AYY also awarded a grant of EUR 300 for the further development and spreading of the project among the academic community of Aalto University. AYY wishes the dozens of POP members enthusiasm and success in the continuation of the project that began well.

AYY annually awards the learning promotion deed of the year. The award is intended to make visible and to support concrete deeds and projects that have been done at Aalto University for the promotion of learning. This year, the learning promotion deed was the first of its kind. The new prize replaces the teacher of the year award.

Next time, the learning promotion deed will be awarded at AYY’s fourth anniversary party in February 2014. AYY encourages Aalto members from students to professors and janitors to improve learning and learning conditions at Aalto University.

Further information: Board Member Perttu Karjalainen, education policy (

SYL: Pension solutions today, not tomorrow

The public discussion about prolonging the working careers and finding pensions solutions has not gone unnoticed by the Finnish students. The labour market organisations have until 13 February to leave their proposition on how to prolong the working careers to Prime Minister Jyrki Katainen. The National Union of University Student in Finland

(SYL) demands urgent and responsible decisions with immediate effects.

“All generations share the common challenge of the sustainability gap.

It all comes down to deciding what kind of future the post-war baby boomers wish for themselves, and what kind of a society they want to leave behind for future generations. The post-war baby boomers are the biggest and also most influential part of the population. For them to abandon their children and grandchildren in a situation like this would be very short-sighted. Justice between generations is not an unreasonable request,” says Marina Lampinen, President of the National Union of University Students in Finland.

Decisions regarding pension policy carry a significant role when it comes to prolonging the careers and closing the sustainability gap, which is why all options need to be taken into account. The most efficient way to lift the average retirement age and prolong the working careers is to improve the quality of working life, which then affects the entire span of the career. Lifting the retirement age could on the other hand help solve the challenges brought along by the weakening dependency ratio.

”We need to prolong the careers at both the beginning and at the end of working life. While lifting the retirement age alone would be no miracle solution, it is true that the official retirement age has a significant impact on the amount of time spent in working life”, says SYL Executive Board Member Joel Kuuva.  He also points out that ”after the initial lifting of the retirement age, a system synchronized with the expected life span would erase the constant need for new and trying political decisions.”

We also need to revise the employment pension contributions. The Finnish Centre for Pensions (ETK) has calculated that following 2012, all employment pension contributions should be raised to a level of

25.9 per cent. Not increasing the level of the contributions would result in increased stress on the younger and smaller generation. SYL now demands that the level of the employment pension contributions is raised to the level calculated by ETK. An adequate level would secure visible future employment pension expenditures and strengthen the financing of the earnings-related pension provision. The labour market organisations should immediately begin the negotiations for raising the contributions.

“It is the social responsibility of the labour market organisations to secure just treatment between generations. Regrettably, the current situation shows that the younger generations are overpowered by the post-war baby boomers. However, the situation is not beyond repair.

Still, there is no more time to wait or hesitate,” says SYL President Marina Lampinen.

Helsinki 6 February 2013

  • Marina Lampinen, President
  • Matti Parpala, Secretary General

More information:

The National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL), Lapinrinne 2, 00180 Helsinki

Nominate the Learning Promotion Deed of the Year

Aalto University Student Union wants to support work done for promoting learning
at all levels of Aalto University. Learning Promotion Deed of the Year award will be granted at AYY’s anniversary on 2 Feb 2013.

Every Aalto member from students to the President have the opportunity to influence their own learning and the learning of others. What has contributed to your learning the most in the year 2012?

Aalto University Student Union selects the learning promotion deed or deeds from among the students’ nominations. The nominations for the award are collected at . You may nominate a deed of any Aalto member who has contributed to the learning of Aalto members in one way or another.

So go to the address and do your bit for the development of learning at Aalto! The form is open between 21 Dec 2012–13 Jan 2013.

Apply for the union meeting delegation of SYL

SYL, the National Union of University Students in Finland, is the association of the Finnish student unions, which represents the Finnish university students in national decision making. The annually appointed board implements the action plan and the policy paper which guide the advocacy work of SYL. The policy paper and the action plan will be approved in the union meeting where the board is also elected. The union meeting of the year 2012 will be held in Tampere on 23-24 November. SYL’s union meeting is an excellent vantage point to the Finnish student movement as well as university students’ national interest representation and its impact on students’ everyday life.

In the union meeting, AYY is represented by a delegation which consists of 16 union meeting representatives who use the student union’s voting right in the union meeting, and their sixteen deputies. The board will appoint the delegation to SYL’s union meeting after consulting the Representative Council groups. An open electronic application will be organised for the delegation.

The application period is Friday 31 Aug 12noon–Friday, 16 Sept 2012, 11.59pm.

You can apply here.

At its meeting 7/2012, the Representative Council approved a regulation on acting in a union meeting. The regulation is available here.

Further information: Juho Salmi, Board Member,

Do you have ideas about the future of library and student services at Aalto?

Call for applications for student representatives in the administration of Aalto University

The Aalto University Student Union has decided on 28 May 2012 to open a supplementary call for applications for student representatives in the administration of Aalto University to the joint administrative bodies and the working groups of Aalto University for the year of 2012. Students of Aalto University can apply for the position of the student representative in administration.

The following positions are available:

Working Group on the Future of Library Services

1 actual member (ARTS), 1 actual member (CHEM, ELEC, ENG, SCI)

The working group maps out the future of library services in Aalto University. The Group starts its work in May and will end its work by the end of December.

Working Group on Student Services at Otakaari 1

3 actual members

The working group plans the use of Otakaari 1 premises with regard to providing student services.

The application period will begin on 28 May 2012 at 12 a.m. and end on 6 Jun 2012 at 12 a.m. by which the applications must be delivered. The application is completed electronically. The electronic application forms and the instructions for applying are available at the recruitment website for the volunteers at Aalto University at /en/student-union/student-advocacy/student-representatives/.

The Student Union wishes that the applicants also include international degree students as well as representatives of both genders and various schools. The working language in the bodies of University is Finnish unless otherwise stated in the description of the body.

The Student Union organizes training for new representatives on a time to be agreed on later.

The Board of the Aalto University Student Union will appoint the student representatives to the administration at its meeting on 6 Jun 2012.


Application form:

Further information: /en/student-union/student-advocacy/student-representatives/

In Otaniemi, 28 May 2012

Janne Peltola

Specialist, Academic Affairs, +358 50 520 9438

AYY´s Teacher of the Year selected

AYY´s Teacher of the Year 2011 selected. Image Hermanni Sarjakoski
AYY´s Teacher of the Year 2011 was announced at AYY´s Anniversary Party. Image Hermanni Sarjakoski.

The cornerstones of a good university include good teaching, which is based on the continuous development of teaching both by the university and individual teachers. AYY wants to support the development of teaching and give recognition to teachers who have distinguished themselves in teaching and its development. Teacher of the Year prize was awarded on the basis of students’ proposals on AYY’s 2nd anniversary on 4 Feb. The selection criteria included, for example, the content of teaching, taking account of students and the student’s guidance both in and outside of teaching.

AYY awarded the Teacher of the Year 2011 prize to D. Sc. Mamdouh El Haj Assad, who works for the Aalto University Department of Energy Technology.

Teacher of the Year winner receives Teacher of the Year general bravery medal in AYY’s colours. In addition, the teacher’s picture will be added on the University’s Teacher of the Year photo wall.

Congratulations to the winner and a big thank you for excellent teaching! You have shown a good example to other teachers.