Student Advocacy


Submit your Choice for the Teacher of the Year!

The Aalto University Student Union wishes to support the improvement of teaching at Aalto by recognizing distinguished teachers in the university’s various schools. The Teacher of the Year prize will be awarded to the best teachers in each school in the anniversary celebration of the Aalto University Student Union on 4 February.

The Aalto University Student Union will choose the Teachers of the Year based on the students’ nominations at When selecting the winners, we take the following criteria into consideration:

– contents of teaching
– taking students into consideration
– the suitability of methods and material used in teaching
– student guidance, also outside teaching sessions
– informing about teaching
– innovativeness in teaching

In addition to this criteria, we may consider other reasons included in the nominations, in the spirit of the purpose of this prize. So go to the address and do your share on the development of teaching at Aalto! The form will be open 7.12.2011 – 8.1.2012.

Student Representative Application to Campus Sounding Board

The Aalto University Student Union has decided on 17 Nov 2011 to open the call for applications for student representatives in the administration of Aalto University to the Campus Sounding Board working group of Aalto University for the years 2012-13. Students of Aalto University can apply for the position of the student representative in administration.

The application period will begin on 17 Nov 2011 at 4 p.m. and end on 24 Nov 2011 at 16 p.m. by which the applications must be delivered. The application is completed electronically at The instructions for applying are available at the recruitment website for the volunteers at Aalto University at /en/student-union/student-advocacy/student-representatives/.

The Board of the Aalto University Student Union will appoint the student representatives to the administration at its meeting on 30 Nov 2011.

Role of the Sounding Board

The Aalto Sounding Board (ASB) represents the university community in the campus project. Its main function is to bring the ideas and views of the end-users to the campus process. Members of ASB are expected to act as a connection between the campus project and their relevant community. AYY is searching for a total of six student representatives, one from each school, so a familiarity with the student community of the school is important. Furthermore, any relevant experience or special skills pertaining to the campus project are seen as an advantage in the application process.

Student Representatives are sought for a two-year mandate. Half of the elected members will resign after the first year. Those selected to resign will be determined by lottery.

Further information:

Janne Peltola

Specialist, Academic Affairs, +358 50 520 9438


Arjo Laukia

Member of the Executive Board, Education Policy and Aalto University, +358 50 520 9438

AYY awarded the Best International Teacher and the International Act of the Year prizes

Press release
12 Nov 2011, 7pm

Tuomas Paloposki was awarded the Best International Teacher prize of Aalto University Student Union (AYY) and Pamela Spokes was awarded the International Act of the Year prize for her work on providing health insurance for international students across Finland.

Doctor Tuomas Paloposki from Aalto Department of Energy Technology was awarded the Best International Teacher prize based on descriptions collected from students. The Best International Teacher prize is awarded to a teacher or instructor teaching in a language other than Finnish or Swedish.

Paloposki was particularly applauded for getting the Finnish and international students to work together and for his skills in using the diversity of a group as an advantage. Students also praised him for combining theory in practical exercises, initiating lively discussion, his captivating teaching manner and exemplary use of feedback to develop teaching.

The International Act of the Year prize was awarded to Pamela Spokes working in the international relations team, who acted swiftly and decisively to achieve health insurance for international students. The unavailability of a comprehensive and affordable insurance has been a major problem for many international students coming from outside the EU and EEA countries. The Finnish student movement has promoted the group insurance-based solution for several years. AYY is particularly pleased that Aalto also invited other Finnish universities and universities of applied sciences to participate in the process. This has improved the situation of international students in a number of higher education institutions across Finland.

AYY granted both prizes this year for the first time. ”With these prizes, AYY wishes to draw attention to the importance of high-quality internationalisation of Aalto students. The quality of teaching in English and the well-being of international students require continuous effort from the University”, emphasises AYY’s Chairperson Saara Hyrkkö.

The prizes will be awarded in the international celebration at Aalto Design Factory on 12 Nov, 7pm.

Aalto University Student Union AYY is the service and advocacy organisation for approximately 15,000 Aalto University students. AYY acts as the advocate of its members in academic and social affairs, in particular.

Further information:

Hanna Sauli, Specialist, International Affairs., tel. 050 520 9446.

Doctor Tuomas Paloposki, Department of Energy Technology, Aalto University., tel. +358 9 470 23605.

Pamela Spokes, Manager, International Student Recruitment, Aalto University., tel. +358 401843391.


TEE – Teaching and Education Evaluation Feedback Seminar


9.9.2011 at 13.15-16.00 at the Aalto University School of Economics, Nokia Hall

Welcome to the seminar where the feedback given by the international evaluation panels to the degree programmes, students and to the leadership of the Schools and Aalto University will be presented. The seminar is internal for Aalto staff and students.

A draft version of the report will be available at Aalto Inside on 7 September 2011 at the latest.

Please register by sending e-mail to, on 5 September 2011 at the latest.

The seminar will be in Finnish, but the slides will be in English.

The programme:

13.15–13.20 Opening words, TEE Project Manager Lena Levander

13.20-13.50 Exploiting feedback of evaluations, Adjunct Professor Seppo Saari, University of Helsinki

13.50–14.25 TEE results and conclusions, Vice President Martti Raevaara

14.25–14.45 Students of Technology Improvisation Group

14.50–15.20 The significance of the TEE in developing the degree programmes
Professor Matti Pohjola, School of Economics and Professor Arvo Vitikainen, School of Engineering
15.20–15.35 TEE from students’ perspective Antti Karkola, AYY

15.35–15.55 The significance of the TEE feedback in the implementation of Aalto University’s strategy. President Tuula Teeri

16.00 The seminar ends with a celebration toast outside Nokia Hall.

AYY’s Teachers of the Year selected for the first time

High quality teaching is an essential part of a positive learning experience and therefore the development of quality in teaching benefits the students. AYY wishes to support the development of teaching at Aalto University by paying homage to teachers who have merited in the field of teaching, in particular. We hope that the prize, which is distributed for the first time this year, will become a tradition across the whole Aalto University. With this prize, students can concretely contribute to the improvement of teaching. The winners were selected based on the students’ nominations in AYY’s first anniversary on 5 February. In accordance with the spirit of Aalto, we chose one teacher to be awarded from each six schools of Aalto. The selection criteria included, among other things, the contents of teaching, student-centred teaching, innovativeness in teaching and student guidance.

The following persons were awarded with the Teacher of the Year prize 2010 and the first operational year of Aalto University in AYY’s anniversary on 5 February 2011:

  • School of Engineering – Arvo Vitikainen
  • School of Economics – Mikko Tarkkala
  • School of Chemical Technology- Ville Alopaeus
  • School of Science – Hannele Wallenius
  • School of Electrical Engineering – Kimmo Silvonen
  • School of Art and Design- Petri Lankoski

The teachers of the year will be awarded with medals of honour in AYY’s colours made by the students of the University of Art and Design. In addition, we will create a photo wall to each of the schools where we collect the photos of the best teachers of each year.

Congratulations for the winners and big thank you for excellent teaching! You have inspired the students and set an example for other teachers!