Educational Policy


Call for Applications for Student Representatives in the Administration of Aalto University

Aalto University Student Union (AYY) opens 3.5.2019 a call for applicants for student representatives in the Aalto University administration for the year 2019:

  • IDBM (International Design Business Management) programme committee, 1 deputy member
  • Degree Programme Committee of Animation, 2 members and 2 deputy members.

All students of Aalto University are eligible to apply. The descriptions of the different organs of trust contain more detailed information about possible requirements and restrictions. The call for applications closes on 19.5.2019, by which time the applications must be handed in. The application is done via the electronic application form available at

The application instructions and the regulations for student representatives can be found on the Aalto University Student Union website at /en/student-union/student-advocacy/student-representatives/

The Board of Aalto University Student Union chooses the student representatives by 23.5.2019. The Student Union also wishes international students and students of all genders to apply for the student representative positions. The selection will follow the requirements of the Administrative Procedure Act, the Act on Equality Between Women and Men, and the Non-discrimination Act.

Criteria for selection

The selection decisions are made based on the applications, which are written in the field on the application form. The application should clearly show the applicant’s field of study, School, experience relevant to the position, and their ability to hold their position for the duration of the term of office. The criteria used for selection include interest in and commitment to the task, proven knowledge of influencing work in an administrative organ, and contacts to students via e.g. organisations or other types of activity. Representation from different fields of expertise or study, and possibly the stage of the candidates’ studies, are also taken into consideration when making the selection. Previous experience as a student representative or as a person responsible for studies in an association may also be considered advantageous.

More information:
Minna Mäkitalo
Specialist, Academic Affairs, +358 50 520 9438

Call for applications for student representatives in the administration of Aalto University

Aalto University Student Union (AYY) opens 18.1.2019 a call for applicants for student representatives in the Aalto University administration for the year 2019:

  • Degree Programme Committee of Animation, 2 members and 2 debuty members.

All students of Aalto University are eligible to apply. The descriptions of the different organs of trust contain more detailed information about possible requirements and restrictions. The call for applications closes on 3.3.2019, by which time the applications must be handed in. The application is done via the electronic application form available at

The application instructions and the regulations for student representatives can be found on the Aalto University Student Union website at /en/student-union/student-advocacy/student-representatives/

The Board of Aalto University Student Union chooses the student representatives by 6.3.2019. The Student Union also wishes international students and students of all genders to apply for the student representative positions. The selection will follow the requirements of the Administrative Procedure Act, the Act on Equality Between Women and Men, and the Non-discrimination Act.

Criteria for selection

The selection decisions are made based on the applications, which are written in the field on the application form. The application should clearly show the applicant’s field of study, School, experience relevant to the position, and their ability to hold their position for the duration of the term of office. The criteria used for selection include interest in and commitment to the task, proven knowledge of influencing work in an administrative organ, and contacts to students via e.g. organisations or other types of activity. Representation from different fields of expertise or study, and possibly the stage of the candidates’ studies, are also taken into consideration when making the selection. Previous experience as a student representative or as a person responsible for studies in an association may also be considered advantageous.

Further information:

Minna Mäkitalo

Specialist, Academic Affairs, +358 50 520 9438

Call for applications for student representatives in the administration of Aalto University

Aalto University Student Union (AYY) opens 24.1.2019 a call for applicants for student representatives in the Aalto University administration for the year 2019.

  • Aalto Ventures Program (AVP) steering group, 1 ordinary member
  • Urban Studies and Planning Programme Committee, 3 ordinary members and 3 deputy members.
  • Degree Programme for Electronics and Nanotechnology, 1 ordinary member and 3 deputies

All students of Aalto University are eligible to apply. The descriptions of the different organs of trust contain more detailed information about possible requirements and restrictions. The call for applications closes on 7.2.2019, by which time the applications must be handed in. The application is done via the electronic application form available at

The application instructions and the regulations for student representatives can be found on the Aalto University Student Union website at /en/student-union/student-advocacy/student-representatives/

The Board of Aalto University Student Union chooses the student representatives by 12.2.2019. The Student Union also wishes international students and students of all genders to apply for the student representative positions. The selection will follow the requirements of the Administrative Procedure Act, the Act on Equality Between Women and Men, and the Non-discrimination Act.

Criteria for selection

The selection decisions are made based on the applications, which are written in the field on the application form. The application should clearly show the applicant’s field of study, School, experience relevant to the position, and their ability to hold their position for the duration of the term of office. The criteria used for selection include interest in and commitment to the task, proven knowledge of influencing work in an administrative organ, and contacts to students via e.g. organisations or other types of activity. Representation from different fields of expertise or study, and possibly the stage of the candidates’ studies, are also taken into consideration when making the selection. Previous experience as a student representative or as a person responsible for studies in an association may also be considered advantageous.

Further information:

Minna Mäkitalo

Specialist, Academic Affairs, +358 50 520 9438

AYY has selected the Student Representatives in Administration for 2019

The Board of Aalto University Student Union has selected the Student Representatives in Administration for 2019 in its meeting on 18 Dec.

Student Representatives in Administration are ordinary students who operate in the University’s administrative bodies in accordance with the Universities Act. Aalto University has Student Representatives on University level, on School levels and on Department level as well as in smaller working groups. The term of office of Student Representatives in Administration, i.e. Hallopeds, is one calendar year.

The selection of Student Representatives in Administration is a statutory task of Aalto University Student Union. The application period was 31 Oct–3 Dec, during which most of the open positions were filled. For a few positions, the call for applications was continued until 11 Dec. A total of 216 applications was received. The largest number of applications in relation to open positions came in for the Equality Committee of Aalto University, for which one ordinary and one deputy member were sought and 10 applications received.

In early 2019, a call for applications will be announced for a few positions. Otherwise, the positions will be filled throughout the year as required.

AYY is searching for a designer for the web training module for student representatives in administration


AYY is searching for a project worker/workers to design the web training model for training student representatives in administration (hallopeds) at the Aalto University. The assignment includes designing the training module, including but not limited to the following subjects: Technical meeting equipment and appliances, Aalto decision-making, yearly clock, development of studies (e.g. pedagogics, feedback, course material), teaching planning development, student admissions, and legislation regarding studies and lobbying.

Successfully completing the assignment requires knowledge in project working and pedagogics, studying at a higher learning institution and experience in student advocacy, a strong knowledge of Aalto as a university environment, understanding the Administrative Procedure Act and good management, and a clear and concise knowledge of oral and written Finnish along with a good knowledge of oral English. Swedish is seen as a plus.

A more detailed call for applications in Finnish can be found at /blog/2018/06/26/ayy-etsii-hallinnon-opiskelijaedustajien-verkkokoulutuskokonaisuuden-suunnittelijaa/.

Opinion: Swedish is one of Aalto University’s three languages

For release 25th of April 2018

The Aalto University Student Union AYY and Teknologföreningen TF are worried for the position of Swedish-speaking students at Aalto University. AYYs theme for 2018 has been well-being and equality, and the language issue is essential. TF has long upheld discussion regarding these matters in meetings with the university management, and there have been promises to tackle the problems.

According to feedback we’ve received, Swedish-speaking students encounter challenges both in everyday teaching situations and when consulting administrative services. For example, updating and maintaining Swedish study related information on the web is often neglected, and study counseling is not always available in Swedish. Being forced to discuss such matters in a non-native language causes an inconvenient situation for the student. The language an exam should be determined by a simple choice made on WebOodi, but in practice this often requires some negotiation, which puts the student in an uncomfortable position.

Aalto has three working languages: Finnish, Swedish and English, enabling everyone to flexibly take part in all daily activities at the University. Following the agreed-upon guidelines and policies is important, in order for students speaking a minority language to have equal opportunity in education and efficient legal security.

If you feel like your student rights are not being fulfilled as they should, there are three options:

  1. Talk to the teacher in charge of the course.
  2. Talk to the student representatives, association study affairs responsibles or to the AYY advocacy experts. AYY, student representatives and study study affairs responsibles work together: the student union carries out advocacy in the scope of all of Aalto and supports the student representatives. The best answers on questions of a specific field of expertise can be found from the staff members in charge of student representatives and from study affairs representatives. Advocacy pertaining to Swedish-speaking students in Aalto is carried out especially by TF.
  3. You can also contact the head of the degree program or the head of learning services of your school. You should also talk to your co-students, since the problem might concern several students.

More information:

Suvi Vendelin, study policy correspondent of the AYY Board,, 0407524692

Victor Granlund, vice chairman of the board, Teknologföreningen,, 045 1381738

Minna Mäkitalo, Specialist (Academic Affairs),, 050 520 9438