International Affairs


Support Your Local Brits

Britain is in the midst of turmoil, not having managed to work out a Brexit agreement. This has caused some worry and concern amongst our British students. With this card campaign, you can show them your support!

Send the local Brits your best wishes via the attached form and show that we do not leave anyone alone. Cards will be printed from the messages and hung on display in VĂ€re.

Apply for SYL’s Advisory Board for Development Cooperation

Are you inspired by global influencing and promoting education on an international level? Are you a persistent communicator, good at building networks, or a fundraising pro? Do you want to share some of your expertise with the world?

We are looking for imaginative people, who are committed and motivated, to join the National Union of University Students in Finland SYL’s Advisory Board for Development Cooperation (KENKKU). SYL is Finland’s largest lobbying and service organisation for students, representing 15 member organisations and 130,000 university students. The Advisory Board for Development Cooperation advises SYL’s board on matters relating to development cooperation.

We expect KENKKU members to be committed and motivated, but the main aim of the KENKKU membership is to improve one’s skillset.

KENKKU is made up of three themed groups: the Communications Team, the Influencing Team and the Networking/Corporate Relations Team.

Each team has five members, and one of them acts as chairperson of the team. All KENKKU members meet three times a year: in September, in December/January and in May. KENKKU members are expected to participate in the joint meetings. In addition, the chairpersons of the teams also meet approximately once a month at SYL’s office to plan and develop KENKKU’s activities.

In between the chairperson and member meetings, the team work independently using the collaboration tool Slack. Each team also has two meetings of its own at SYL’s office. We hope that all KENKKU members will promote SYL’s development cooperation activities to the representatives, board and/or subcommittee for Development Cooperation of their student union.

KENKKU’s first joint meeting will be held on Friday 14 September 2018 from 10:00 to 16:00.

Apart from the meetings, members should reserve approximately 20 hours per term for KENKKU’s activities – slightly more for chairpersons. Lunch will be served at the meetings held at SYL’s office, and the travel expenses of the participants will be reimbursed.

The teams and their tasks:

  1. The Communications Team

The Communications Team is in charge of our development cooperation activities’ visibility on social media, creates content and comes up with ideas to improve our communications.

As a team member you get to write blog posts, coordinate student union visits and their content, and act as a link between KENKKU and the communications sectors of the student unions.

  1. The Influencing Team

The parliamentary elections will be held in the spring of 2019. As a member of the Influencing Team you get to develop content for SYL’s election lobbying in relation to development policy. As the European Parliament election is also drawing near, you also get to acquaint yourself with EU development policy.

The team’s tasks include research and creating background material and arguments for the lobbying work.

  1. The Networking/Corporate Relations Team

The Networking/Corporate Relations Team does the fundraising for the development cooperation work. You get to research and contact potential corporate partners and find support for SYL’s development cooperation activities.

We want to find team members with lots of ideas and a vision for marketing and fundraising.

In its work, SYL emphasises diversity and equal opportunities, so we welcome applications from people of all backgrounds and genders.

Please send us an application, including a CV and a cover letter where you explain your views and experience in relation to our activities. You should also tell us which team you would like to become a member of and whether you might be interested in chairing a team. Please also include details on any circumstances which may lead to you not being able to take part fully in the activities for a prolonged period of time (e.g. plans for studies abroad).

Send in your application via email by 23 May 2018 to

Interested in development cooperation? Application open for SYL’s Advisory Board for Development Cooperation

Are you inspired by global development and promoting education internationally? Are you a persistent communicator, good at forming networks, or know a lot about funding? Do you want to put some of your knowledge to the use of the rest of the world?


We are looking for people with lots of ideas who are committed and motivated to join the Advisory Board for Development Cooperation (KENKKU) of SYL. SYL is Finland’s largest lobby and service organisation for university students. SYL represents 15 member organizations and 135,000 university students. The development cooperation advisory board advises SYL’s executive board on development cooperation, and administers SYL’s development cooperation projects together with the Coordinator for Development Cooperation.


We expect KENKKU members to commit to their tasks and be motivated but KENKKU is also meant for developing your personal expertise. KENKKU members are expected to attend most meetings during their term.


In 2016-2017 in addition to managing the project in Guatemala, we will take our development cooperation work to a new direction planning, for instance, joint projects and working with businesses. The term of office is from August 2017 to August 2018. We will elect 15 members, some of whom will be continuing from the previous term. The board meets about once a month in Helsinki and teleworks in various degrees between meetings. We serve lunch at the meetings, and also cover the travel expenses for the member of the board to participate in the meetings.


KENKKU members are divided into smaller groups each of which will appoint their Chair and member responsible for communication. We are looking for people with different skills for the advisory board:


  1. Team members of the communications team for the Advisory Board for Development Cooperation. The communications team will ensure that our development cooperation work is visible on social media, create content and come up with ideas for developing our communication. This time the communications team also gets to design and implement a crow-funding campaign.


  1. Members of the project administration group for Guatemala

This duty includes work on administering the development cooperation project in Guatemala. Members will also focus on annual reports and plans as well as keep in touch with our local partners. For this position, you will need motivation, interest in and knowledge of project administration, ability to work independently, as well as knowledge of Spanish. The Guatemala project continues until the end of year 2017 and we will make final report of the project in the spring of 2018.


  1. Members for the funding team

The funding team will ponder SYL’s option for a new direction for our development cooperation work, especially with a view to fundraising. How can we continue our development cooperation work of high quality when circumstances change and the sources of funding from e.g. the Ministry for Foreign Affairs narrow. Members of this team are expected to be inventive and be able to provide points of view on marketing and project funding.


  1. Members of team(s) planning new projects

Those who participate in the planning of new projects are expected to take the greatest responsibility over building new partnerships and working on project plans under SYL’s guidance.


SYL ask the student unions to submit proposals for 2–3 members for the Advisory Board for Development Cooperation. We do not require student unions to have local development cooperation activities and welcome applicants from various background. Applications should include a rĂ©sumĂ© and a cover letter. In the letter, the applicant can present their views on and experience in the field. Applicants are also asked to include ideas for how they would improve the level of awareness and knowledge of SYL’s development cooperation work at their student union and among students. Applicants should express their interest in positions based on the position profiles outlined above and to describe their language skills. Similarly, we ask applicants to mention plans that could prevent them from attending several meetings (e.g. studying abroad).


If you’re interested in applying to KENKKU as a representative of AYY, send your application to at the latest 11.5.2017 by 4pm. More information: Specialist in International Affairs Milla Ovaska ( tel. 050-5209446

In our operations, we emphasize diversity and equal opportunities. We hope to receive applications from persons from diverse backgrounds and genders.

Competition for associations – the most internationalised will be rewarded!

How to make your association more international? AYY is organizing a competition for associations, rewarding the association that has made the most developments in internationalisation during 2017. The means for internationalisation and opening new participation opportunities for international students can be freely chosen by the associations, but inspiration can be sought from the ABC-guide, made to help with the process.

The association with most advancement in internationalisation will be rewarded at the association assembly in December 2017 with praise, glory and a free sauna booking at one of AYY’s saunas. We won’t award an association that’s already very international, but rather one that has developed their organization the most towards international activities during the ongoing year. Sign up with the link below, plan on how to integrate internationality into your events and operations, and prepare to report your development in November 2017. In the report you must open up what you’ve done differently this year with, for example, the enrolment of new students, information coordination or events, and what you’ve learned along the way.

Sign up here.



Association newsletter 41/2016

If you want to receive AYY’s association newsletter to your e-mail, please subscribe at

This is AYY’s association newsletter for the week 41/2016.

Next week is AYY’s Development Cooperation Week! There will be events such as inequality coffee, movie night, discussions and debates, a “running dinner”, surprise performances and a bag and comics workshop. Check out bulletins 3 and 4 and also Facebook

Upcoming events and important dates and events for associations

10.10.-14.10.: AYY’s Development Cooperation Week:
8.12.: AYY Association Training

Content of the newsletter

  1. Special status association member lists available from AYY
  2. Communications 101 for the weekly newsletter
  3. Next week is AYY’s Development Cooperation Week!
  4. Donate unclaimed lost & found stuffs of your association at ‘AYY Global Development Week’ event

  1. Special status association member lists available from AYY

All special status associations whose membership fees have been payable through Oodi along with the AYY membership fee may request their member lists from AYY between October 10 and 16 at tietotekniikka(at) and after October 17 from the administrative manager at johanna.pietilainen(at)

The member list includes each member’s name, municipality of residence and e-mail address.


  1. Communications 101 for the weekly newsletter

The weekly newsletter is published during the academic year on Mondays in three languages. Materials must be sent to on the Thursday of the previous week by 10 AM. The information officer will then edit the content and send it for translation. If proficiency in a specific language is essential for your notice, state it in the text explicitly, e.g. “The seminar will be in Finnish!” to make sure it will be included in the other language versions. The translations are available for viewing at on Monday – take advantage of them with your Facebook events, for example. Texts delivered in English will be published in English in all language versions.

The optimal length of a notice is about two paragraphs + link for more information. This amounts to about 100 words, 750 characters or 10 lines. The more concise the text, the better. Remember to give your text a catchy title!

By default, one notice is published in the newsletter once. If there are few other notices, one news item may be published several times. The student union’s own announcements and those of organizations operating in the immediate sphere of the union take priority over other news. You can state a desired week of publication for your notice. Also, let us know if the time of publication is crucial for some promotional event, for example. Without any special information/wishes, notices will be published in the newsletter about 1-2 weeks before the big date (i.e. date of the event, deadline for sign-ups).

Questions? Feedback? Suggestions? Contact AYY information officer Henna Palonen at tiedottaja(Ă€) or 0505209440.


  1. Next week is AYY’s Development Cooperation Week!

What would you like to make better in the world by 2030? What are the effects of your actions or career on the environment here or in developing countries? Learn and take inspiration from the themes of sustainable development and initiatives and innovations related to them during AYY’s Development Cooperation Week. The week kicks off with a flea market in Otaniemi and Töölö, followed by events such as inequality coffee, movie night, discussions and debates, a “running dinner”, surprise performances and a bag and comics workshop. Events will be organized at all campuses. Welcome!

See the more detailed program on Facebook:


  1. Donate unclaimed lost & found stuffs of your association at ‘AYY Global Development Week’ event

AYY is organizing ‘AYY Global Development Cooperation week’ from 10th to 16th Oct. The opening event ‘Flea Market’ in Otaniemi & Töölö main building lobby aims to promote sustainability and effective utilization of resources. More information about the event can be found on fb link:

For Otaniemi :
For Töölö :

We are inviting the associations to donate unclaimed lost & found stuffs during the event. Please reply to this mail if you plan to bring stuff to the event so that we can arrange space. The event is on Monday (10.10) between 10 to 13 hrs.!

Please contact us in case you need clarification. You can call +358417266344 (Alok) for quick response.

Thank you
Best Regards
Alok & Maja



Please send a brief text by Wednesday, 10am, to the address The news will be translated so you can submit your text in one language. The content of the newsletter is ultimately edited by AYY’s Organisational Affairs and Communications Specialist Ahto Harmo (, tel: 050 520 9442).

Are you interested in development cooperation? Apply to KENKKU and get into hands-on development cooperation projects!

Are you inspired by global development and promoting education internationally? Are you a persistent communicator, good at forming networks, or know a lot about funding? Do you want to put some of your  knowledge to the use of the rest of the world?

We are looking for people with lots of ideas who are committed and motivated to join the Advisory Board for Development Cooperation (KENKKU) of SYL. SYL is Finland’s largest lobby and service organisation for university students. We represent 15 member corporations and 135,000 university students. The development cooperation advisory board advises SYL’s executive board on development cooperation, and administers SYL’s development cooperation projects together with the Coordinator for Development Cooperation. In 2016, we will be applying for traditional projects, but also looking for a new direction for our development cooperation work. We will ponder, for instance, joint projects, working with businesses, and new marketing of development cooperation work. The term of office is from August 2016 to August 2017.

We kick off with a joint picnic for the current and new advisory board. We will elect 15 members, some of whom will be continuing from the previous term. The board meets about once a month in Helsinki and telework in various degrees between meetings. At the meetings we serve lunch, which we each in our turn help prepare. We also cover the travel expenses for the member of the board to participate in the meetings.

The National Union of University Students in Finland SYL take responsibility for the poorest of all. We strive to support education in developing countries. During 2015, SYL had a project in Mozambique where we worked on improving reading and writing skills among first and second form students by handing out 800 exercise books and training teachers.  The schools who took part in our project scored highest on learning outcomes in the regional comparison of Maputo. Our project in Guatemala aimed to improve the livelihood of indigenous Maya women through growing and selling avocados: our project organised 39 trainings in growing avocados and more 2,000 seeds for avocado was planted. The project in Guatemala will continue during the advisory board’s mandate and we will also apply for a continuation of the projects in Mozambique and Mongolia.

We are looking for people with different skills for the advisory board:

1) A coordinator for communication for the Advisory Board for Development Cooperation (1). The communication coordinator will ensure that our development cooperation work is visible on social media. Coordinator will also create content and come up with ideas for developing communication. The communication coordinator also coordinates visibility towards our member student unions.

2) Members of the project administration group for Guatemala (4-5), chairperson and communication officer. The position include work on administering the development cooperation project in Guatemala. Members will also focus on annual reports and plans as well as keep in touch with our local partners. For this position you will need motivation, interest in and knowledge of project administration, ability to work independently, as well as knowledge of Spanish. From the member of the Guatemala administration group, a chairperson and an information officer for the group will be elected. The information officer will be expected to write blog posts, be active on Instagram, and disseminate information about the project. The position as chairperson is a great opportunity to develop project administration and leadership skills. The chairperson keeps in touch with SYL’s development cooperation coordinator on issues pertaining to the project and handles practicalities of the group.

3) Members for the funding team (3). The funding team will ponder SYL’s option for a new direction for our development cooperation work, especially with a view to fundraising. How will we continue to provide development cooperation work of high quality when circumstances change and the sources of funding from e.g. the Ministry for Foreign Affairs narrow. Members of this team are expected to be inventive and be able to provide points of view on marketing and finances. A chairperson will be elected from among the team members.

4) Members of the event team (4). The member of the event team come up with ideas for and organise possible development cooperation events, such as participating in the Global Village festival. The event team may also be part of organising the Development Cooperation Theme Week.

Apply now to become AYY’s representative in the Advisory Board for Development Cooperation. SYL does not require student unions to have local development cooperation activities and welcomes applicants from various backgrounds. Applications should include a rĂ©sumĂ© and a cover letter. In the letter, you can present your views on and experience in the field. Also include ideas for how you would improve the level of awareness and knowledge of SYL’s development cooperation work at your student union and among students. You should express your interest in positions based on the position profiles outlined above.

If you’re interested getting active in the Advisory Board, please send your application at the latest on 5.5.2016 to! More information from Milla Ovaska, Specialist in International Affairs, tel. 0505209446,