International Affairs


Join the volunteering group of AYY Development Cooperation Week 2015!

Are you interested in global issues, economic development, or technology cooperation between northern and southern countries? How can education foster development? What is Finland’s role in global development questions? AYY Development Cooperation Week would be the one for you! The aim of the week is to raise the awareness of global responsibility in Finland and mutual cooperation with developing countries. The week is financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and it takes places in most of the Finnish student unions.

As a volunteer, you will help with event planning, project organizing and networking. No prior experience is required and all that matters is your interest and passion. Sound interesting? Lunch vouchers are provided at student cafeteria restaurants for volunteers during the Dev-Co week and possibly other benefits! Dev-Co week happens last week of October 2015. Join our team with your ideas and enthusiasm!

Please send a short description to by May 20th, including the contents of your name + major + contact number + email address + why are you interested +your expectations.

Our first meeting will be at May 21st (Thu.) 6:00p.m. at AYY Office (Otakaari 11),Otaniemi Campus. Snacks & drinks will be provided. Welcome to hear more! If any questions, please contact (0451660598)/ (0406471852). If you cannot join the meeting but would like to be involved in the team, don’t hesitate to contact us!

How could teaching be improved in Aalto? Participate in AYY’s video and share your perspective with the teachers!

During spring 2015 AYY will film a 10-15 min video to develop teaching of multicultural groups in Aalto and we’re now looking for potential students to share their opinions on the video. You don’t have to be a film-star or an experienced speaker, we’re looking for all kinds of students to share their experiences and feelings about teaching in Aalto. What has disturbed you in teaching in Aalto? How is teaching different in your country of origin? What is the teacher-student-relationship like? Is the concept of a good student the same in your country and in Finland? Have you had difficulties understanding the teaching or instructions you’ve gotten in Aalto? Has it been easy to understand Finnish academic culture? Do you know what is expected of you? Have you had difficulties understanding why your Finnish teacher/fellow student acts in a certain way? How has the cooperation been in group works? The video will be made for the teaching staff and it’s meant to open their eyes to understand the variety of students they have in their class. In the video we also give advice on how to develop teaching of multicultural groups, so we appreciate your ideas for that as well.

If you’re interested in joining the project and appearing on the video, send a brief description yourself and some experiences regarding the theme to by 9.3.2015. The filming will be done in March-April and you’re time is needed for maximum 30 minutes. All the persons appearing on the video will get a movie ticket as a reward.

Take part in the development cooperation themed writing competition and win a 500 euro gift voucher for travel

What do students in your field have to offer development cooperation? Or what can development cooperation offer you? Take part in the writing competition and inspire other students in your field to engage in development cooperation.

The development cooperation themed writing competition is announced by the student unions participating in the Development Week (Fi. Kehyviikko) AYY, HYY, ISYY, JYY, LYY, OYY, Tamy, and TYY. The week is a joint project of aforementioned student unions and The National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL). The writing competition is arranged in cooperation with The Finnish University Partnership for International Development UniPID. The competition is open to students who are members of the student unions participating in the Development Week.

Write a factual text pondering the connection between your field of study and development or development cooperation. You can also use your text to inspire other students in your field to get involved in development cooperation, or use it to highlight how your field of studies could be used more as a resource in development cooperation.

Send your max two pages long text (line spacing 1.5, font 12, Times New Roman) at the latest Friday 15 August 2014 to AYY’s Specialist of International Affairs (milla.ovaska(at) You can write in English, Finnish or Swedish. The three best texts from each participating student union will participate in the final. The student unions will select the finalists by Monday 8 September 2014. The winner is decided by a three-person jury with representatives of SYL, UniPID, and the Developemnt Week Coordinators. The winner will be announced during the Development Week on Monday 13 October 2014. The winner will be contacted personally.

Participating student unions may, if they wish, publish the texts submitted by their members on their own Development Week Facebook page. The texts in the final will be published on the Facebook page of The National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL).

The winner will be awarded a 500 euro gift voucher for travel.

The student unions, SYL and UniPID retains the right to use all submitted texts in their  events and information about the Development Week as well as on their websites. The name or pseudonym (as the writer prefers) will always be mentioned when the text is used.

For more information, contact SYL’s Development Cooperation Coordinator Salla Mäkelä:, 044 780 0220

AYY’s EU election panel Live Stream

AYY’s EU election panel: The Grand Debate on the Future of Europe

Aalto University Student Union AYY will organise the EU election panel in English at Design Factory in Otaniemi at 5pm on Thursday, 8 May 2014. Doors will open at 4pm, when you can meet the representatives of political parties. Themes of the interactive panel include European employment and economic policy, climate and energy policy, as well as the future of the European Union.

Come to challenge the candidates or follow the panel via the live stream ( you can also find live stream address from You can also follow the discussion at Twitter with the hashtag #EUdebate. You can also find the event on facebook at

The panel includes experienced parliamentarians and keen challengers:

Antti Kaikkonen, Centre (Anneli Jäätteenmäki has unfortunately cancelled her participation)
Janne Paalijärvi, Pirate Party: “Respect privacy, end the spying!”
Jyrki J.J. Kasvi, Greens: ”Civil Digital Futures for Europe”
Silja Sandelin, Swedish People’s Party (Marcus Rantala has unfortunately cancelled his participation)
Simon Elo, Finns Party (Sampo Terho has unfortunately cancelled his participation)
Sari Essayah, Christian Democrats: “Let the good work continue!”
Sirpa Pietikäinen, National Coalition Party: “Get it together, loose it alone”
Timo Harakka, Social Democratic Party (independent): “Putting Europe to work – protecting people, not banks”

The discussion will be led by Juhani Mykkänen.

Event: AYY’s EU debate: The Grand Debate on the Future of Europe
Time: Thursday, 8 May 2014, 5pm–7pm. Come and meet the representatives of political parties at Design Factory before the debate from 4pm onwards.
Location: Aalto Design Factory (Betonimiehenkuja 5, Otaniemi Espoo)
Social media: #EUdebate

Further information on /en/blog/2014/05/06/ayys-eu-election-panel-the-grand-debate-on-the-future-of-europe/ or

AYY’s Specialist for International Affairs Milla Ovaska, 050 520 9446 or

Sano se suomeksi (Say it in Finnish) campaign prizes were awarded on the Finnish Language Day

Sano se suomeksi was a joint campaign arranged by Aalto University and AYY. The campaign was held on Aalto campuses for the first time in January-March 2014. The purpose of the campaign was to encourage international students to speak Finnish in everyday situations – and to remind the campus staff about the students’ opportunity to practise Finnish. Students were able to participate in the campaign at the Student Service Desks (OOP), libraries, student cafeterias, AYY’s services points and Unisport centres. International students collected signatures to their Sano se suomeksi passports from the organisations that participated in the campaign after speaking Finnish in everyday situations.

The Director of the Language Centre Heidi Rontu says the campaign was a successful step towards increasing encounters on campus. ”International students are bold to study Finnish, but the Finns also need to be bold and speak Finnish with our international students in order to develop their language skills”, Rontu suggests. Inkeri Lehtimaja, Coordinator of the Finnish language teaching at the Language Centre, says that the purpose of the campaign, on one hand, was to encourage international students to practise Finnish outside the classroom. On the other hand, the aim was to increase awareness of the possibility to speak Finnish with international students.

The campaign received positive feedback both from students and the organisations which participated in the campaign. Lyubov Milakhina, who received an honorable mention in the campaign, says that she felt she exceeded herself after having a long discussion on the effects of different vitamins at Otaniemi pharmacy – in Finnish. International students were satisfied with the open and patient attitude, by which they were approached in the campaign. The participating services also reported about good experiences. Täffä student restaurant signed several passports, and discussions progressed to small talk about the weather when making lunch orders.

”During the campaign, many international students could be found at AYY’s service desk getting a stamp on their passport. We have made a big effort to encourage them to speak Finnish, and most of them have in fact tried to do so. Some have pronounced a few words but some of them have been able to say a couple of long sentences. I remember one Polish man who knew 2 sentences in Finnish: I cannot speak Finnish and I am good-looking – and he if anyone did earn his stamp!”, explains Karita Nohrström at the AYY’s Otaniemi Service Desk.

On Mikael Agricola Day, i.e. the Finnish Language Day on 9 Apr 2014, the most distinguished students in the campaign were awarded. Indian Gaurav Das won the contest, who had not only filled his passport with signatures but also with useful phrases he had learned during the campaign.

”This fun campaign motivated me in the middle of the job application process during the darkest moments of the winter, when my job applications were rejected day after day. Now I have found a summer job and in my job interview I was able to demonstrate that I have eagerly studied Finnish”, Gaurav says. In the viewpoint of international students, Finnish language studies are important not only for understanding the surrounding culture and people, but also for their future career in Finland. Employers appreciate the Finnish language studies of international students, even if fluent language skills developed slowly.

”It has been easier to make Finnish friends along with the campaign. They have wanted to help me to fill my passport and they have been enthusiastic to tell me about the specialities of the Finnish language”, Gaurav praises the campaign and will continue the Finnish language studies.

Honorary mentions were awarded to the following students: Kseniia Belenestceva, Lyubov Milakkina, Dmitry Buiskikh, Tetsuya Kudoh and Vikram Kamath.

Please provide feedback on the campaign at:

Sano se suomeksi! campaign at Aalto University 13.1.-14.3.2014

International student,

do you want to improve your Finnish language skills? Wish you had more opportunities to use Finnish? Aalto University’s Sano se suomeksi! campaign, starting on 13 January is just the thing for you! It gives you the chance to practice Finnish in everyday situations and makes learning Finnish fun.

How can you take part in the campaign?
Pick up a “Finnish passport” from the Aalto Language Centre, from an AYY service point or from the Student Services Office of any Aalto School.  Use Finnish in everyday situations at the University and ask the staff to sign your passport with their name as well as the date and place where you used Finnish. Return the passport(s) to the Language Centre or to the Student Services office of your School by 14 March 2014. Five students who collect the most signatures will win small prizes. In addition, a lottery will be organized among all participants who collect at least ten signatures.

Where can you use Finnish and collect signatures for your passport?

  • Student restaurants and cafeterias
  • University libraries
  • Student Services Offices
  • AYY service points and KY office
  • From guild and other student organization officials
  • Teachers etc.

For a complete list and more information, please visit The campaign is organized by the Aalto University Language Centre, the AYY and the Aalto University Schools.