International Affairs


All EU citizens have a right to vote in European Parliament elections – remeber to register as a voter!

The European Parliament elections are getting closer. If you wish to vote in advance in Finland (for a Finnish candidate) you can do that 14-20 May and if you are residing abroad and voting for a Finnish candidate you can do so 14-17 May. The actual Election Day is 25 May.

The EU elections are somewhat special, as all EU citizens that have turned 18 have the right to vote, regardless if you live in your home country or abroad. If your municipality of residence is in Finland, then you have to inform the Finnish authorities by 6 March if you wish to use your voting right in Finland. No one may vote in more than one Member State of the European Union in the same election.

As a citizen of a Member State of the European Union you will be entered in the register on those with the right to vote in Finland as eligible to vote provided that

1) you still have a municipality of residence in Finland on 4 April 2014

2) you have not forfeited your right to vote in your home State due to a decision on a single civil or criminal case

3) you have, by 4.00 p.m. on 6 March 2014 at the latest, notified the Local Register Office (maistraatti) in writing that you want to use your right to vote only in Finland. You can make the notification by filling in the attached form.


If you register in Finland as a person entitled to vote, the Population Register Center will inform the relevant authority in your home State of your registration. In this case, your personal data will be removed from the electoral register of your home State.

If you want to vote in the European Parliament elections in your home State, you are not required to submit any notification to the Finnish authorities. Contact your embassy in Helsinki for further information on voting in the elections for a candidate from your country.

AYY awarded the International Deed and Learning Promotion Deed of the year 2013

Publish date: Sat, 1 Feb 2014

Aalto University Student Union (AYY) has awarded the International Deed and Learning Promotion Deed of the year 2013 at its fourth anniversary on 1 Feb 2014. The Physicist Spex was awarded as the International Deed 2013. In addition, the honorable mentions of the international deed were awarded to Sergei Chekurov and Gaurav Das. Uudet koekäytännöt (”new examination practices”) project was awarded as the Learning Promotion Deed of the year 2013.

The Physicist Spex performed its spex Limbo – No loitering in English in December 2013. This gave the opportunity for over hundred international students to experience the performance, which is an integral part of the student culture, in the language that they understand. The deed of the Physicist Spex is an excellent example of how the integration of international students to Aalto community can be promoted.

Sergei Chekurov received an honorable mention for his activities to improve the position of international students in the Guild of Mechanical Engineering (KIK) and Students of Engineering (ITY). Thanks to Chekurov, many international students feel that they are part of the Aalto community. With this recognition, AYY wishes to encourage the student associations to include international students in their activities.

Gaurav Das was awarded an honorable mention for his participation in various activities (such as BEST and Student Family Friend). Das is an excellent example of an international student who is open-minded and interested in exploring the local culture. With this recognition, AYY wishes to encourage international students to take part in the Aalto community.

With the International Deed award, AYY wishes to draw attention to the importance of high-quality internationalisation for Aalto students. International students must have the opportunity to participate in the activities of the academic community at all levels. Uudet koekäytännöt project was awarded as the Learning Promotion Deed 2013. The project does concrete work to transform study performance in a more flexible direction. The effective accumulation of credits is becoming increasingly important both for universities and the students themselves and this project effectively removes practical obstacles to gain credits. In addition, the participants in the project have been very active and devoted in the piloting of the project and have persistently continued to develop the concept even after achieving the end point of the initial project.

The purpose of the Learning Promotion Deed is to support and make visible the actions and projects, which have promoted learning at Aalto University.


Further information:

International Deed:

Milla Ovaska, Specialist, International Affairs, 050 520 9446
Sanna Unkuri, Board Member, International Affairs, 040 579 6125

Leaning Promotion Deed:

Pietari Keskinen, Board Member, Academic Affairs,, 040 502 4015

Wanted: The learning promotion deed and the international deed of the year 2013!

The time has come to reward the learning promotion deed and the international deed of the year. Has a professor of yours, a student association or someone else done something special to enhance learning or internationalization in Aalto? If yes, propose their deed for the learning promotion deed or the international deed of the Year-award! The price can be awarded to any person, group or organization within Aalto.

Please send your proposal these forms by 31st December 2013:

Learning promotion deed:

International deed:

Please include a description justification why this deed should be selected to win the award. The prize will be awarded at the annual ball of Aalto University Student Union in February.

Plan for trilingualism 2012–

Approved by the Board on May 18th 2012

This document describes in general terms the procedures which will continue the implementation of the Student Union’s language strategy approved in the Representative Council meeting 6/2010 from the year 2012 onwards. If the Representative Council amends the language strategy, this document will be considered outdated.

Described below are continuing procedures which the student union actors implement in their daily work.

1. Student Union’s essential documents are translated into three languages


Essential documents related to advocacy work are translated into three languages, so that language minorities can monitor the student union activities, participate in discussions and have full impact. Important day-to-day documents, such as instructions regarding the student union services and activities, newsletters and other documents are provided in three languages.


  • Essential documents concerning advocacy, such as statements, policy papers approved by the Representative Council, newsletters, opinions published in newspapers as well as the board programme and its updates or their summaries will be translated into three languages within a week of their publication.
  • Openings for halloped positions (i.e. openings for student members in university administration) and all information regarding the Representative Council elections will be published in all three languages simultaneously.
  • Headlines in meeting invitations of the Representative Council must be translated into three languages.
  • Subheadings of the minutes of the Board will be translated into English and Swedish within one month from the meeting.
  • Information about other official documents must be made available in Swedish and English on request. Examples of such documents are minutes, draft resolutions, budget, financial statement and balance sheet.
  • The weekly newsletter will be translated into three languages within two days of publication.
  • More extensive guides, such as the legal rights’ guide, halloped guide and association guides will be translated into three languages after they are finished, primarily within six months of publication.
  • Other guides are translated into three languages when appropriate. The communications sector will annually evaluate the need to update translations.
  • The student union rules, housing guidelines, housing information packages and different forms, contracts, contract drafts and check lists used at AYY’s service points will be made available in three languages.
  • Other brochures, guides, publications, surveys and the calendar published by the Student Union are translated within the limits of available translation resources. The Student Union actors should clarify the possibility to use translation services on a situational basis.
  • Signs and notifications are written in three languages.
  • Multilingualism is promoted in AYY’s media.
  • Trilingualism is visible in AYY’s visual style and insignia.

Overall responsibility: communications sector

2. website is trilingual


In particular, static material on the website is mainly identical in three languages. In principle, all material on the website may be of interest to students in all language groups. Only if the information only concerns members of a certain language group for a justified reason, it does not have to be translated.


  • Static material added on the website is delivered immediately to translators.
  • Indicative translations of material which is updated often, such as news, events and discussions, are created with the help of a translator, translation programme and summaries.
  • On the website and in training courses, associations are encouraged to add information on their events to their website in several languages.
  • Persons in charge of language affairs with contact details are added to websites.

Overall responsibility: communications sector

 3. Events and activities open to all language groups


It is easy for language minority members to take part in the events and activities of the Student Union and the associations operating within AYY. Interaction between students of different language groups is lively.


  • It is recommended to produce multilingual event advertisements, invitations and additional material.
  • The student union events aim to increase programme suitable for language minorities.
  • Associations and volunteers are encouraged to communicate in many languages about their activities, and organise activities and events which are also suitable for language minorities. Associations are encouraged to appoint a person in charge of international affairs, whose duty is to attend to the use of the English language in the association’s communications and activities, among other things.
  • All operators are encouraged to use summaries in daily communications, such as e-mail lists, training courses and various events if producing a precise translation is too burdening.

Responsibility: organisation and cultural sector

4. Language minority representatives involved in influence work


Language minorities must also have a genuine opportunity to influence the activities of the Student Union and the University.


  • Representative Council groups are encouraged to take language minorities into account in all their activities, particularly in candidate recruitment and campaigning in the Representative Council elections.
  • Simultaneous interpreting in English is organised in the Representative Council meetings if non-Finnish speakers are present. Meeting speeches can be held in Finnish, Swedish or English.
  • English or at least English summaries and titles should be used in e-mail lists.
  • Evening meetings of the Representative Council do not provide interpretation, but English and Swedish may be used when necessary. Slides in presentations and introductions should be made in English and special terms should be mentioned in Finnish, English and Swedish when applicable.
  • Material discussed in the Representative Council meeting is available in three languages. Translations are submitted at least five days before the meeting. Only a document version preceding the meeting is translated, and further information on versions in progress will be provided on a request.
  • The Student Union encourages language minorities to apply for halloped positions and supports them in their duties.

Overall responsibility: international and education policy sector

5. Support and training of staff members


Staff members are able to operate in three languages and do not consider trilingualism a burden or a negative aspect of their work. The staff members have adequate support and resources for the implementation of trilingualism. The implementation of the language strategy is not solely the responsibility of certain sectors. All operators should take the language strategy into account at their own initiative.


  • Training courses are organised for the staff on a regular basis, where clear practices concerning translations and the use of different languages are discussed.
  • The staff can agree to complete language courses suitable for one’s professional needs with the support of the employer.
  • When hiring new employees, adequate language skills and a positive attitude towards the use of foreign languages is among the hiring criteria.

Overall responsibility: main sector

6. Student advocacy


Aalto University is an international university, which offers students diverse opportunities for an international learning environment and high-quality education in three languages.


  • In cooperation with Aalto University and other interest groups, the Student Union promotes advocacy goals in accordance with Section 4 of the language strategy.

Overall responsibility: international sector


Funding available for International Student Projects (October 2011 round)

Aalto International Relations (IR) has reserved funding to enhance internationalisation and development of international and intercultural competence of Aalto students.

Funding is now available for application. Aalto IR finances primarily projects that

  • support and implement Aalto strategy focus areas
  • enhance development of international and intercultural competence of participating Aalto students
  • are multidisciplinary and involve students from different Schools
  • support students at Bachelor’s and/or Master’s level and are implemented either in Finland or abroad
  • are extra-curricular -activities.

Funding is not available for conference participation fees or for Projects with study credits (e.g. IDBM, CEMS, and Student Business Projects).

Funding decisions will be made by Aalto IR and results of this round will be announced by mid Nov 2011. Final reports of the funded projects are to be submitted to Aalto IR (1-2 pages) within one month of the end date, reflecting the learning outcome. Next application round will take place in March 2012.

Send your application latest 31 Oct 2011 to with the following information

  • description of the project (including start date of the project)
  • project objective and expected results
  • relevance to internationalization of Aalto and participants
  • participants  (incl. name of the contact person)
  • total budget
  • requested amount
  • sustainability aspect of the project

More information from

Be part of the Aalto – China day 14.5.2011

How would you like to get to know Tongji students personally? Would you like to design a Chinese Pavilion for the World Design Capital 2012 year? Would you like to be part of a workshop together with Chinese students.

All this is possible during the Aalto-China day that takes place Saturday May 14th, at Salmisaari, in the Masters of Arts 2011 Exhibition space, Porkkalankatu 13 G. The event starts at 12 and ends around 17.

What is the workshop about?

The event is part of the Tongji on Tracks (ToT) project, 80 students from Tongji University, Shanghai, arrive by train to Finland May 10th and will spend the next 10 days here. Aalto University hosts the visit, which can be seen as a continuation for the Aalto on Tracks project that took place last year. The 10-day-visit is filled with program one of them being the Aalto-China day at MoA.

Aalto-China day consists of getting first hand information about WDC2012 project, learning about Chinese education and China itself, of “baptizing” the ToT students to be WDC 2012 Ambassadors and of a inspiring workshop to design the Chinese Pavillion for Helsinki and for the WDC2012 year. In addition to this the events is about getting to know each other, have lunch, socialize and enjoy!

The Aalto-China day is open for everyone to join but requires registration. Register here: