Student Representatives


AYY is searching for a designer for the web training module for student representatives in administration


AYY is searching for a project worker/workers to design the web training model for training student representatives in administration (hallopeds) at the Aalto University. The assignment includes designing the training module, including but not limited to the following subjects: Technical meeting equipment and appliances, Aalto decision-making, yearly clock, development of studies (e.g. pedagogics, feedback, course material), teaching planning development, student admissions, and legislation regarding studies and lobbying.

Successfully completing the assignment requires knowledge in project working and pedagogics, studying at a higher learning institution and experience in student advocacy, a strong knowledge of Aalto as a university environment, understanding the Administrative Procedure Act and good management, and a clear and concise knowledge of oral and written Finnish along with a good knowledge of oral English. Swedish is seen as a plus.

A more detailed call for applications in Finnish can be found at /blog/2018/06/26/ayy-etsii-hallinnon-opiskelijaedustajien-verkkokoulutuskokonaisuuden-suunnittelijaa/.

Problems with login to

ATTENTION to those applying to become student representatives in the university!

In the search website,, are login issues and we are not sure how long they will last. You can send your application via email to

If the problems are not resolved very soon, the call time will be extended after the bug has been fixed. We are deeply sorry for the inconvenience!

More information

Susanna Koistinen, 050 5209438

Extended: Call for applications for student representatives in the administration of Aalto University

The Student Union of Aalto University (AYY) has decided on the 1st of December 2017 to continue a call for applications for student representatives in the Aalto University administration for the year 2018. All students of Aalto University are eligible to apply. The descriptions for the different organs of trust contain more detailed information about possible requirements and restrictions.

Prior applications don’t have to be renewed, they will be taken into account even when the call is extended.

Open places:

Academic Affair’s committee
Language center management group
Restaurant committee
Aalto Entrepreneurship education steering group
Learning IT -steering group
Open university steering group
Doctoral education working group DEWG
Academic affairs committee of ARTS
(Aalto-ohjelma) Creative Sustainability -steering group
Quality and Development Group
Academic affairs committee
Kauppatieteen kandidaattiohjelman ohjelmaryhmä
Entrepreneurship Programme Committee
Quality committee of BIZ
Academic affairs committee
Kemian tekniikan korkeakoulun johtoryhmä
Kemian tekniikan korkeakoulun laaturyhmä
Degree programme committee for Automation and Electrical Engineering
Degree Programme Committee for Nano and Radio Sciences
Sähkötekniikan korkeakoulun opetuksen laatutoimikunta
Science and Technology bachelor programme committee
Computer, Communications and Information Sciences, CCIS Programme Committee (SCI, ELEC)
Life Science Technologies Programme Committee (SCI, ELEC, CHEM)
IDBM-programme committee
Degree Programme Committee of Advanced Energy Solutions
Urban studies and planning-masters degree programme committee

The call for applications opens on the 1th of December and closes on the 5th of December2017, at 23:59, by which the applications must be handed in. The application is done via the electronic application form available at The application instructions and the regulations for student representatives can be found on the Aalto University Student Union website at /en/student-union/student-advocacy/student-representatives/ .

The names of the applicants and their applications may be handed to special status associations of the Aalto University Student Union for the purpose of giving recommendations when choosing the student representatives that represent associations.

The Student Union also wishes international students and students of all genders to apply for the student representative positions.

The Board of the Aalto University Student Union chooses the student representatives by the 15th of December.

The selection will follow the requirements of the administrative procedure act, the act on equality between women and men, and the non-discrimination act.

Criteria for selection

Academic affairs committees

The maximum length of the application is 2000 characters (not counting spaces), and the application should clearly show the experience relevant to the position, motivation and the applicant’s field of study. Be sure to describe concisely what you think are the most important development targets of Aalto University or your school in your application.

The criteria used for selection include interest in the task, proven knowledge of how the organ of trust works, commitment for the entire term of office and broad contacts to students via e.g. organizations, associations or other types of activity. Previous experience as a student representative or as a person responsible for studies in an association is considered a plus. Representation from different fields of expertise or study and possibly the stage of the candidates’ studies are taken into consideration when making the selection.


The maximum length of the application is 2000 characters (not counting spaces), and the application should clearly show the experience relevant to the position, motivation and the applicant’s field of study.

The criteria used for selection include interest in the task, proven knowledge of how the organ of trust works and commitment for the entire term of office. Previous experience as a student representative and broad contacts to students via e.g. organizations, associations or other types of activity are considered a plus. Representation from different fields of expertise or study and possibly the stage of the candidates’ studies are taken into consideration when making the selection.

In Otaniemi, on the 31st of October 2017

Aalto University Student Union Board

More information:

Susanna Koistinen

Specialist, Academic Affairs, +358 50 520 9438

Call for applications for student representatives in the administration of Aalto University 2018

The Student Union of Aalto University (AYY) has decided on the 31st of October 2017 to open a call for applications for student representatives in the Aalto University administration for the year 2018. All students of Aalto University are eligible to apply. The descriptions for the different organs of trust contain more detailed information about possible requirements and restrictions.

The call for applications opens on the 6th of November and closes on the 30th of November 2017, at 23:59, by which the applications must be handed in. The application is done via the electronic application form available at The application instructions and the regulations for student representatives can be found on the Aalto University Student Union website at /en/student-union/student-advocacy/student-representatives/ .

The names of the applicants and their applications may be handed to special status associations of the Aalto University Student Union for the purpose of giving recommendations when choosing the student representatives that represent associations.

The Student Union also wishes international students and students of all genders to apply for the student representative positions.

The Board of the Aalto University Student Union chooses the student representatives by the 15th of December.

The selection will follow the requirements of the administrative procedure act, the act on equality between women and men, and the non-discrimination act.

Criteria for selection

Academic affairs committees

The maximum length of the application is 2000 characters (not counting spaces), and the application should clearly show the experience relevant to the position, motivation and the applicant’s field of study. Be sure to describe concisely what you think are the most important development targets of Aalto University or your school in your application.

The criteria used for selection include interest in the task, proven knowledge of how the organ of trust works, commitment for the entire term of office and broad contacts to students via e.g. organizations, associations or other types of activity. Previous experience as a student representative or as a person responsible for studies in an association is considered a plus. Representation from different fields of expertise or study and possibly the stage of the candidates’ studies are taken into consideration when making the selection.


The maximum length of the application is 2000 characters (not counting spaces), and the application should clearly show the experience relevant to the position, motivation and the applicant’s field of study.

The criteria used for selection include interest in the task, proven knowledge of how the organ of trust works and commitment for the entire term of office. Previous experience as a student representative and broad contacts to students via e.g. organizations, associations or other types of activity are considered a plus. Representation from different fields of expertise or study and possibly the stage of the candidates’ studies are taken into consideration when making the selection.

In Otaniemi, on the 31st of October 2017

Aalto University Student Union Board

More information:

Susanna Koistinen

Specialist, Academic Affairs, +358 50 520 9438


Hallinnon opiskelijaedustajat 2018
Aalto-yliopisto vars. + vara
Aalto-yliopiston akateeminen komitea 4+4+4
Tutkintolautakunta 3+3
Kielikeskuksen johtoryhmä 3+3
Ravintolatoimikunta 3+3
Tasa-arvotoimikunta 1+1
Taiteiden ja suunnittelun korkeakoulu
Taiteiden ja suunnittelun korkeakoulun akateeminen komitea 4+4+4
(Aalto-ohjelma) Creative Sustainability -ohjausryhmä 1+1
Taiteiden ja suunnittelun korkeakoulun opetuksen johtoryhmä 2+2
Quality and Development Group 1+1
Arkkitehtuurin laitoksen koulutusryhmä 3+3
Kauppatieteen akateeminen komitea 4+4+4
Kauppatieteen kandidaattiohjelman ohjelmaryhmä 2+2
Entrepreneurship Programme Committee 1+1
Kauppakorkeakoulun laatukomitea 2+2
Kemian tekniikan korkeakoulu
Kemian tekniikan akateeminen komitea 3+3+3
Kemian tekniikan koulutusneuvosto 3+3
Kemian tekniikan korkeakoulun johtoryhmä 1+1
Kemian tekniikan korkeakoulun laaturyhmä 1+1
Biotuotteiden ja biotekniikan laitoksen johtoryhmä 1+1
Kemian ja materiaalitieteen laitoksen johtoryhmä 1+1
Kemian tekniikan ja metallurgian laitoksen johtoryhmä 1+1
Sähkötekniikan korkeakoulu
Sähkötekniikan akateeminen komitea 4+4+4
Sähkötekniikan kandidaattikoulutusneuvosto 4+4
Degree programme committee for Automation and Electrical Engineering 3+3
Degree Programme Committee for Nano and Radio Sciences 3+3
Sähkötekniikan korkeakoulun opetuksen laatutoimikunta 4+4
Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulu
Insinööritieteiden akateeminen komitea 4+4+4
Insinööritieteiden koulutusneuvosto 3+3
Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulun laaturyhmä 4+4
Insinööritieteiden maisteriohjelmien ohjausryhmä 2+2
Insinööritieteiden kandidaattiohjelman ohjausryhmä 2+2
Perustieteiden korkeakoulu
Perustieteiden akateeminen komitea 4+4+4
Perustieteiden kandidaattiohjelmien koulutusneuvosto 4+4
Tuotantotalouden koulutusneuvosto 3+3
Informaatioverkostojen koulutusneuvosto 3+3
Teknillisen fysiikan ja matematiikan koulutusneuvosto 3+3
Science and Technology bachelor programme committee 4+4
Aalto SCI:n laatutoimikunta 1+1
Perustieteiden opetuksen arviointitoimikunta 1+1
Yhteiset ohjelmat
Computer, Communications and Information Sciences, CCIS Programme Committee (SCI, ELEC) 4+4
Life Science Technologies Programme Committee (SCI, ELEC, CHEM) 3+3
IDBM-koulutusneuvosto 1+1
Degree Programme Committee of Advanced Energy Solutions 3+3
Urban studies and planning-maisteriohjelman koulutusneuvosto 3+3
Tutkimuksen ja innovaatiotoiminnan ohjausryhmä (RISG) 1+1
Taiteellisen toiminnan työryhmä (AASG) 1+1
Digital Transformation & Enterprise Architecture -ohjausryhmä (DTSG) 1+1
LUMA-keskuksen ohjausryhmä 1
Aalto Entrepreneurship education steering group 1-2
Learning IT -ohjausryhmä 1
Avoimen yliopiston ohjausryhmä 1
Tohtorinkoulutuksen työryhmä DEWG 1

Call for applications for student representatives in the administration of Aalto University

The Aalto University Student Union has decided on 23.10.2017 to open the call for applications for student representatives in the degree committee of Aalto university for 2017. Students of Aalto University can apply for the position of the student representative in administration.

The application period will begin on 23.10.2017 at 13 p.m. and end on 5.11.2017 at 23.59 p.m. by which the applications must be delivered. The application is completed electronically. The electronic application forms are available at the website . The instructions for applying are available at the recruitment website for the volunteers at Aalto University at /en/student-union/student-advocacy/student-representatives/ .

Representative and vice representative will be chosen from all three fields of Aalto. As criteria for this position primarily will be used:

  • Applicants motivation and ability to commit to a year
  • Ready bachelor’s degree

As a benefit can be seen:

  • Prior knowledge of the degree committee
  • Prior experience as being a student representative
  • Student advocacy activity
  • Ready master’s thesis.

Information on the names of the applicants and their applications is disclosed to the special status associations of the Aalto University Student Union for providing recommendations in the selection of student representatives in the administration of the university represented by the associations.

The Student Union wishes that the applicants also include international degree students as well as representatives of both genders and various schools. The working language in the bodies of University is Finnish unless otherwise stated in the description of the body.

The Board of the Aalto University Student Union will give the names for decision to the academic affairs committee at its meeting in November.

In Otaniemi, 23.10.2017


Susanna Koistinen

Specialist, Academic Affairs


Further information: /en/student-union/student-advocacy/student-representatives/

Susanna Koistinen

Specialist, Academic Affairs, +358 50 520 9438

Call for applications for student representatives in the administration of Aalto University

The Aalto University Student Union has decided on 8 Aug 2017 to open the call for applications for student representatives in the administration of Aalto University to the joint administrative bodies and the working groups of Aalto University for the year of 2017. Students of Aalto University can apply for the position of the student representative in administration.

The application period will begin on 7 Aug 2017 at 12 a.m. and end on 20 Aug 2017 at 23.59 p.m. by which the applications must be delivered. The application is completed electronically. The electronic application forms are available at the website . The instructions for applying are available at the recruitment website for the volunteers at Aalto University at /en/student-union/student-advocacy/student-representatives/ .

Information on the names of the applicants and their applications is disclosed to the special status associations of the Aalto University Student Union for providing recommendations in the selection of student representatives in the administration of the university represented by the associations.

The Student Union wishes that the applicants also include international degree students as well as representatives of both genders and various schools. The working language in the bodies of University is Finnish unless otherwise stated in the description of the body.

The Board of the Aalto University Student Union will appoint the student representatives to the administration at its meeting in august.


In Otaniemi, 7.8.2017



Susanna Koistinen

Specialist, Academic Affairs


Further information: /en/student-union/student-advocacy/student-representatives/

Susanna Koistinen

Specialist, Academic Affairs, +358 50 520 9438