

Association newsletter 14/2016

If you want to receive AYY’s association newsletter to your e-mail, please subscribe at http://list.ayy.fi/mailman/listinfo/yhdistykset.

This is AYY’s association newsletter for the week 14/2016.

Please note! The Otax server will be updated on Monday 4.4. The interruption to usage resulting from this will begin at 6 pm. During the outage, the sites on the server will not be available and no remote usage connection can be made to the server.

Content of the newsletter

  1. Update and maintenance break on the Otax server on April 4
    2. Reply to the survey of Nyyti ry on college bullying
    3. Have your association join WappuAalto on April 20
    4. Overall badges on sale for the Wappu badge sale!
    5. Come and be a checkpoint keeper at Hullu Jussi!
    6. AYY’s 6th Annual Ball 14th of May 2016


  1. Update and maintenance break on the Otax server on April 4

The student union’s Otax server will be updated on Monday, April 4, starting at 6 PM. During the update, web sites on the server will be unavailable and there will be no remote access to the server. The update should be done and services available again as soon as possible, by Tuesday morning at the latest. The server will also be moved to a virtual environment, which will make future updates easier.

All current user accounts and their files, databases and web sites will be copied to the new server as is. If you suspect that some system at your site will not work because of things such as new software versions, please get in touch at least one week in advance; if necessary, your association’s site can be left on the old server for a while, or applications can be tested in the new system in advance. The transfer of the most common content management systems and wikis (WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, MediaWiki etc.) should not pose problems.

The most significant changes for users:

– PHP 5.3 -> 5.6

– MySQL 5.1 -> MariaDB 10.0

– Python 2.6 -> 3.4

In addition, there are plans to start another web hotel server that would offer a wider selection of platforms for associations (e.g. Ruby, Rails, Node.js) and enable the execution of different versions on them.

Additional information about the update will be sent to the Otax administrators’ mailing list; remember to fill in the admin reports and to join the list at the same time. Questions can be sent to tietotekniikka@ayy.fi.

  1. Reply to the survey of Nyyti ry on college bullying

Nyyti ry has begun the drawing up of action guidelines for students’ associations on preventing bullying, early detection and solving problem situations. The guidelines and the supporting material associated with them will be completed in the spring of 2017.

In the creation of the action guidelines, good practices in the prevention of, and intervening in, bullying are identified and modelled. The action guidelines are being drawn up in co-operation with student operatives – you’re welcome to come and work with us!

There is a link to the questionnaire attached, which is used to chart out what kinds of practices exist in student associations at the moment to prevent and intervene in bullying. Unfortunately the questionnaire is only in Finnish.


The aim of Nyyti ry is to promote the aspirations of students to be in control of their own lives by developing, supporting and realising activity that furthers and supports mental well-being. Aalto University Student Union is a member of the Nyyti ry.


3. Have your association join WappuAalto on April 20

Wappu is coming (it’s finally official), and it’s not too far! Following traditions, Aalto’s Wappu will be launched by WappuAalto, a Wappu carnival for all of Aalto. This year, the Akateeminen Wartti race will also take place alongside it!

This year, WappuAalto will be held on Wednesday, April 20 at Alvarin aukio starting at around 3 PM, and we would now like to ask you, the wonderful associations of AYY, to help with the implementation! We bid you welcome to be there and organize some program in your own image for the party people in true Aalto Party spirit! You won’t get a better opportunity this academic year to introduce your own activities to everyone at Aalto and get in the mood for Wappu. 😉

You can sign up by e-mail at sirius.vuorikoski@ayy.fi, or through the form at https://lomake.ayy.fi/aava/wappuaalto-2016/. More specific questions may be sent to the aforementioned address.


  1. Overall badges on sale for the Wappu badge sale!

Would your association be interested in getting badges to offer on the Wappu period badge sales on Wednesday 20.4. and Monday 25.4.? Give us your details and we’ll sell the badges for you! The registration form will be available on 28.3. at http://lomake.ayy.fi/teekkarijaosto/merkkimyynti-2016/  and will be taken down on 17.4.

Teekkarijaosto (Teekkari Section) will take care of the sale of the badges and deposit a sum that corresponds to the badges sold onto your account, as well as returning any unsold badges. In order to cover any possible spoilage, Teekkarijaosto will take a 5 percent commission from the sales takings. Badges to be sold should be delivered to Teekkarijaosto before the badge sale; the time and place will be given to those who want their badges to be included.

If you have any questions, contact the Teekkari Culture Directors: Jan Juvonen and Miia Mäkinen (etunimi.sukunimi@ayy.fi)


  1. Come and be a checkpoint keeper at Hullu Jussi!

Wappu is coming again and, with it, the traditional Hullu Jussi awaited by the Wappu people is approaching!

In the event in question, teams of 4-10 people go around Otaniemi carrying out particular checkpoint tasks in competing for the title of Hulluin Joukkue™ (’the Craziest Team’). Now your association (or group of friends) has the opportunity to get to follow the event from a grandstand seat in the form of a checkpoint!

Registration of checkpoint keepers opens on 1.4. at: http://lomake.ayy.fi/teekkarijaosto/hullu-jussi-2016-rastit/ and ends on 20.4. If your association does not have club premises and you want to have the checkpoint indoors, register as soon as possible and contact the organisers.

As a bonus, for the association that holds the best checkpoint we’re offering a gorgeous (and delicious) Wappu basket and also a one-off use of a single-rental sauna premises during the end part of the year. For the checkpoint keeper group that registers the quickest, four places have also been reserved for bus transportation to Ullanlinnanmäki on 1.5.!


WHAT: Checkpoint for Hullu Jussi!
WHERE: Around Otaniemi
WHEN: 29.4.2016 approx. 10 p.m. – 1 a.m., after the Fuksispeksit and Yöjäynä starting bang
REGISTRATION OPEN: 1.-20.4. http://lomake.ayy.fi/teekkarijaosto/hullu-jussi-2016-rastit/

You can ask for further information from the Teekkari Culture Directors: Jan Juvonen and Miia Mäkinen (firstname.lastname@ayy.fi)


6. AYY’s 6th Annual Ball 14th of May 2016

AYY’s – Aalto University Student Union’s 6th Annual Ball is celebrated on Saturday 14th of May 2016. The Ball begins with a cocktail reception open for all guests in the headquarters of Varma in Salmisaari. The main venue of the Ball is Loistosali, also in Salmisaari, where a delicious three-course-menu will be served. The celebration continues with Biitsi Afterparty in a beach atmosphere downstairs at Biitsi.fi Arena. After afterparty is held at Rantasauna in Otaniemi.

Tickets to the Annual Ball are available for AYY’s members and other students at the price of 80 € and non-students at the price of 100 €. Registration for invited guests is open 28.3-20.4. Other guests can purchase tickets 4.-24.4. In addition, there will be a restricted amount of tickets for sale to the Biitsi Afterparty at the price of 12 € between April 11 and 24.

The dress code for the Annual Ball is dark suite/cocktail dress with Academic medals of honour.

More information about the Annual Ball and events of the Annual Ball Week at www.vuosijuhlat.fi. Facebook-event: https://www.facebook.com/events/961130467274918/



Please send a brief text by Wednesday, 10am, to the address tiedotteet@ayy.fi. The news will be translated so you can submit your text in one language. The content of the newsletter is ultimately edited by AYY’s Organisational Affairs and Communications Specialist Ahto Harmo (ahto.harmo@ayy.fi, tel: 050 520 9442).

Association newsletter for the week 4/2016

This is AYY’s association newsletter for the week 4/2016.

Hopefully your association’s year has started off nicely. Please notice that TTE-funds first application round is still open until Sunday 11:59 pm!

You can also apply for a grant from Finnish University Network for Asian Studies to organize an event to raise awareness of Asian studies.


Content of the newsletter

  1. The first application round of TTE-Fund in 2016 is open until Jan 24 11:59 pm.
  2. Asia event grant for student organizations!
  3. Pick up you association mail from AYY’s letterboxes
  4. Remember to add your association events on AYY site and to AYY Events on Facebook


  1. The first application round of TTE-Fund in 2016 is open until Jan 24 11:59 pm.

The first application round of TTE-Fund in 2016 is open! The fund may grant financial aid for all AYY members and the association within it. TTE-Fund supports visible activities that reach for the stars and make other people excited!

You can apply for grants from TTE-Fund in two ways: through the application rounds arranged approximately three times a year and through the continuous application period which is open during the academic terms. During the continuous application period, you can apply for the grants with the maximum of 2000€, whereas the amount of project grants during the actual application rounds is not limited.

The first application round of 2016 will end on Sunday, 24 January 2016, at 11:59 pm. Instructions for the application and its attachments are available on the website of the fund at http://tter.ayy.fi/. The grant can be applied for with an online form which is available at: https://lomake.ayy.fi/tter/hakulomake/.

Deadlines for the application rounds of spring 2016 and other additional information is available on TTE-Fund’s website at http://tter.ayy.fi/. Also check out the facebook site at http://facebook.com/tterahasto.


  1. Asia event grant for student organizations!

Finnish University Network for Asian Studies turns 20 in 2016! We celebrate our anniversary by awarding three €500 grants for Asia related student events.

– The event can focus on e.g. movies, food, music, K-pop, manga, games, as long as it is Asia related. Use your imagination!
– The event should raise awareness of Asian studies among university students.
– The event has to be organized in 2016.
– Only the student organizations from the member universities of the Finnish University Network for Asian Studies are eligible to apply to this grant (Universities of Aalto, Jyväskylä, Lappeenranta, Oulu, Tampere, Turku, Vaasa and Åbo Akademi).
– application deadline: February 7, 2016.

Link to the application form: https://www.webropolsurveys.com/S/F3331CFBE6540CC1.par



  1. Pick up you association mail from AYY’s letterboxes

AYY’s association letterboxes are overflowing. Please come and pick up your association mail in order to make space for new mail!


  1. Remember to add your association events on AYY site and to AYY Events on Facebook

January’s new students have arrived. Now is a good time to add your association events to AYY’s calendar. Any problems can be reported to jarjestoasiat@ayy.fi.

AYY Events is a channel for events hosted by Aalto University Student Union. In the group, you can advertise your non-commercial events that are intended for Aalto University students. All AYY’s members and association can advertise their events. The group is moderated by the Student Union’s cultural sector, which can be reached at kulttuuri@ayy.fi. https://www.facebook.com/groups/AYYEvents/

However, please remember to submit your events to AYY’s official event calendar /kalenteri/, as events in the Facebook group are not automatically added there.



Please send a brief text by Wednesday, 10am, to the address tiedotteet@ayy.fi. The news will be translated so you can submit your text in one language. The content of the newsletter is ultimately edited by AYY’s Organisational Affairs and Communications Specialist Ahto Harmo (ahto.harmo@ayy.fi, tel: 050 520 9442).

The opening times of AYY service points during Christmas holidays

AYY’s service points have the following opening times during Christmas holidays:

Otaniemi service point

Dec 17 open at 9-11 & 12-14
Dec 18 open at 9-12
Dec 21-29 closed
Dec 30 open at 9-11 & 12-16
Dec 31 open at 9-12.
Jan 1 closed

Open for picking and returning of keys to facilities rented on one-time basis:

Mon 21 Dec at 15-17 & Mon 28 Dec at 15-17

If you’re unable to pick up the keys in the times mentioned, please contact the real estate assistant (050 520 9437) to arrange the key pick up.

Housing office

Dec 17 at 9-14
Dec 18 at 9-12
Dec 21-29 closed
Dec 30 open at 12-16
Dec 31 open at 9-13
Jan 1 closed

Arabia service point

Closed Dec 21 2015 – Jan 3 2016
Open normally from Jan 4 on

Association newsletter for the week 50/2015

This is AYY’s association newsletter for the week 50/2015.

If you want to receive AYY’s association newsletter to your e-mail, please subscribe at http://list.ayy.fi/mailman/listinfo/yhdistykset.

Content of the newsletter

  1. Advance booking of AYY’s facilities rented on a one-time basis
  2. AYY’s association training in English
  3. Sports clubs, apply for development grant for club activities by 18 Dec!

1. Advance booking of AYY’s facilities rented on a one-time basis

The advance booking of AYY’s facilities rented on a one-time basis will start on Monday, 30 Nov 2015.

Advance bookings are organised by using AYY’s own booking system TILA.

TILA can be found at https://tila.ayy.fi/ and the users log on with Aalto University’s IT username, using the same logging system as when using Into, for example. The easiest way to get started is to read the instructions behind the Instructions/Help link in the menu bar at the top of the page.

You can make advance reservations for the period Mon, 11 Jan 2016 – Sun, 14 Aug 2016.

The schedule for facility reservations in the system is as follows:

  1. AYY’s internal operators, reservation period 11-29 Nov 2015. The reservation period ends at 11.59pm on Sun, 29 Nov 2015.
  2. Special status associations 30 Nov – 8 Dec 2015. The reservation period begins at 12noon on Mon, 30 Nov and ends at 2pm on Tue, 8 Dec. The booking session will be held in the Bachelor Building (OK1) hall M1 (M232) from 5pm onwards on Tue, 8 Dec 2015.
  3. Other associations in the 1st register on 9-15 Dec 2015. The reservation period ends at 2pm on Wed, 16 Dec 2015. The booking session will be held in the Bachelor Building (OK1) hall M1 (M232) from 5pm onwards on Wed, 16 Dec 2015.

Check out the entire advance booking schedule here.

A few notes about the making of reservations:

  1. In advance booking, facilities are reserved under the name of associations. The activation key has been sent to the email address provided by an association (usually this is the mailing list address of the association board) already in the spring, so the person who has handled the facility bookings of the association this year may distribute representation rights through TILA if necessary.
  2. If you receive representation rights for a group, the message subject is ”TILA: Activation key for group GROUP NAME”. The activation key can only be used once, so the person who has first logged on to the system may add representation rights to suitable persons in the group in order to make reservations. The reservation right is only activated for the associations which have filled out the association notice and whose information has been updated to the association register this year.
  3. Enter the event name in the reservation. If there is no name, the event may be deleted if there are several reservations for the same date at the later stages of the booking session.
  4. Please note that AYY’s internal reservations are mainly permanent.
  5. Special status associations have the opportunity to permanently book facilities for anniversaries and anniversary brunches. If there are reservations by two separate associations, of which one is anniversary or brunch of a special status association, the special status association will have the reservation. Other reservations of special status associations should be defended at a later booking session. Therefore, in the advance booking session of special status associations, we will first clarify the duplicate reservation of special status associations and in the second booking session we will clarify all the rest of the duplicate reservations.
  6. Duplicate bookings can only be made within the reservation periods. After the end of the reservation period, associations can edit, delete or add new reservations which do not overlap with other reservations. Any duplicate reservations can be cancelled by using your own username in the advance booking session, so please bring your laptop in order to get the event running smoothly.
  7. Only reserve the facility for times when you really need it. If possible, please avoid reservations for the following times:
    a. PO has rehearsals at Smökki every Monday at 6pm-9pm and RWBK every Tuesday at 6pm-9pm. So please avoid sitsit on Mondays and Tuesdays!
    b. The multi-purpose facility and tatami hall are actively used by trainers on a daily basis between 4pm and 11pm. Reservations before 4pm are usually available.
  8. Facility prices for the year of 2016 will be confirmed after the Representative Council has approved the budget for the next year on Wednesday, 25 Nov.
  9. Three new facilities are available for reservations: cabinet and sauna at Vaasankatu and the upper floor of OK 20. More information on all the facilities is available in TILA system and AYY’s website.
  10. System instructions are available in Finnish and English. The implementation of the Swedish interface and instructions are in progress. In addition, TILA system is being further developed. Users are asked to report about detected problems, inconsistencies in the text or development ideas to the addresstila@ayy.fi.

If you have not received your confirmation code for the user group that you represent or if you have any other questions related to advance booking sessions, please contact Administrative Director (johanna.pietilainen (a) ayy.fi, 050-5209434).

2. AYY’s association training in English

The training session for association activities in English will be held on 9 Dec at 1500-1800. The session is directed at international students who are active in associations that function within the Aalto community. We will discuss such matters as communications, regulations concerning associations and AYY’s services for associations. The training location is AYY’s office (Otakaari 11, Espoo).

Please register latest at Monday 7th Dec: https://lomake.ayy.fi/yhdistykset/334-2/

More information:
Ahto Harmo
Specialist, Organizational Affairs and Communications
Aalto University Student Union (AYY)

3. Sports clubs, apply for development grant for club activities by 18 Dec!

Last week on Thursday, the Ministry of Education and Culture (OKM) opened the call for applications for the development grant for club activities. The grant is ideal for any student sports club and I definitely recommend you to read about the call for applications in more detail.

The development grant for club activities is intended for the development of sports club activities. The sports club grant is a state grant for situations when a club wishes to develop easily available activities for children and young people, try out new innovative activities, increase versatility of activities through new sports or develop leisure activities within the field. With the grant, clubs can also strengthen the quality of activities and communality as well as support volunteering. The sports club grant promotes the implementation of diverse sports in voluntary activities.

The applied amount ranges from €2,500 to €15,000 and the share of the club’s own financing must be at least 25%. The deadline for applications is 18 Dec, so please act fast. Af first, please read carefully the application instructions and the form: http://www.minedu.fi/OPM/Liikunta/liikuntapolitiikka/avustukset/Avustukset_seuratoiminnan_kehittamiseen.html?lang=en

The Finnish Student Sports Federation is glad to help sports clubs in all matters related to the application process. Please contact Training and Event Coordinator Jyrki Eriksson (jyrki.eriksson@oll.fi). Please do not hesitate to get in touch, together we can make your application as good as possible.

Please send a brief text by Wednesday, 10am, to the address tiedotteet@ayy.fi. The news will be translated so you can submit your text in one language. The content of the newsletter is ultimately edited by AYY’s Organisational Affairs and Communications Specialist Ahto Harmo (ahto.harmo@ayy.fi, tel: 050 520 9442).

Association newsletter for the week 48/2015

This is AYY’s association newsletter for the week 48/2015.

If you want to receive AYY’s association newsletter to your e-mail, please subscribe at http://list.ayy.fi/mailman/listinfo/yhdistykset

Registration for association training sessions is ongoing!

Content of the newsletter
1. Registration for association training sessions is ongoing
2. Torchlight procession of the Independence Day on 6 Dec

1. Registration for association training sessions is ongoing

How to lead volunteers and how to take care of finances in the association? Do you have questions about association bureaucracy or rules? How to create events and communications? What does the advocacy sector do? You can learn about these matters in AYY’s association training session at Design Factory on 2 Dec. You can now sign up for the training session!

More information in the registration form: https://lomake.ayy.fi/yhdistykset/ilmoittautuminen-ayyn-yhdistyskoulutukseen-2-12-2015/

Please register in advance in order to confirm the amount of refreshments and evaluate the need for space.

The training session is held in Finnish.

The English training session for association activities will be held on 9 Dec. The English training session is directed at international students. Registration: https://lomake.ayy.fi/yhdistykset/334-2/

2. Torchlight procession of the Independence Day on 6 Dec

University students in the metropolitan area traditionally celebrate the Finnish Independence Day with a torchlight procession on 6 Dec. All are welcome to join the procession, torchlights are provided at the beginning of the procession. Associations can participate in the procession with their own flags.

The event instructions and schedule are available at http://itsenaisyyspaiva.ayy.fi/en/.
The schedule will be updated as soon as possible.

AYY traditionally provides the following services to its members:
Transport of flags:
Association flags must be delivered to the service point (Otakaari 11) by 4pm on Thursday, 3 Dec 2015 AND recorded in the transport list. Please make sure that you record your flag in the list, as we only bring the flags mentioned in the list. Flags are returned to the same place from where you can collect them by Wednesday, 9 Dec.
Flag carrying belts and sashes in the colours of the Finnish flag:
The Student Union can borrow a limited number of flag carrying belts and the blue and white sashes suitable for all flags. Reservations for the fastest ones to arkisto@ayy.fi. Equipment can be found next to the flags at the beginning of the procession.

During the procession, flag-bearers and heralds can leave their bags to the vehicle which drives to the Senate Square. When you leave your flag for the return transport, you can get your items back. Flag-bearers and heralds are not allowed to wear bags in the procession.

3. Pre-notification: Advance booking of AYY’s facilities rented on a one-time basis to start on 30 Nov!

The advance booking of AYY’s facilities rented on a one-time basis will on Monday, 30 Nov 2015.
Advance bookings are organised by using AYY’s own booking system TILA. TILA can be found at https://tila.ayy.fi/ and the users log on with Aalto University’s IT username, using the same logging system as when using Into, for example.

You can make advance reservations for the period Mon, 11 Jan 2016 – Sun, 14 Aug 2016.

The schedule for facility reservations in the system is as follows:

1. AYY’s internal operators, reservation period 11-29 Nov 2015. The reservation period ends at 11.59pm on Sun, 29 Nov 2015.

2. Special status associations 30 Nov – 8 Dec 2015. The reservation period begins at 12noon on Mon, 30 Nov and ends at 2pm on Tue, 8 Dec. The booking session will be held in the Bachelor Building (OK1) hall M1 (M232) from 5pm onwards on Tue, 8 Dec 2015.

3. Other associations in the 1st register on 9-15 Dec 2015. The reservation period begins at 8am on Wed, 9 Dec and ends at 2pm on Wed, 16 Dec 2014. The booking session will be held in the Bachelor Building (OK1) hall M1 (M232) from 5pm onwards on Wed, 16 Dec 2015.

More specific information on the advance booking will be available in the association newsletters in the coming weeks. However, you can already mark down these dates on your calendar!


Please send a brief text by Wednesday, 10am, to the address tiedotteet@ayy.fi. The news will be translated so you can submit your text in one language. The content of the newsletter is ultimately edited by AYY’s Organisational Affairs and Communications Specialist Ahto Harmo (ahto.harmo@ayy.fi, tel: 050 520 9442).

AYY Shop’s clearance sale

AYY shop has already closed down on the web, but you can still buy the some products on AYY’s Service Point in Otaniemi. AYY T-shirts and hoodies are available as long as there’s stock. Come and get your shirt!