Campus festival

13.9.2015 18:00—01:00

Festival season over and out? Did you miss Flow and the other summer festivals?
– No problem!

Now you have a great chance to meet the biggest music associations of Otaniemi at campus festival! Come to Servin mökki to check out the stands of either your favorite or all of the clubs, there’s plenty to choose from. All artists will also have their own gig during the night. Unlike most other festivals, this one is totally free of charge!

18.00 Humpsvakar
18.45 RWBK
19.30 KYL
20.30 PK
21.00 MC Mökä
21.45 Teekkarispeksi
22.30 PO
23.15 Polirytmi
00.00 Entropy

Polyteknikkojen Orkesteri, Polirytmi
Olli Keski-Rahkonen