Recycling Block

Otakaari 20
17.9.2018 16:00—20:00

At the Recycling Block, you can make amazing flea market finds and sell off your spare gadgets!

Autumn is on its way, with new students arriving in Otaniemi and old ones leaving. How to optimise the flow of belongings in and out of student housing? By recycling, of course! At the Recycling Block, the two floors and courtyard of Otaniemi 20 will be transformed into a dream destination for even the most experienced flea market goer on Monday 17 September between 4 pm and 8 pm.

What’s the Recycling Block all about?

1) Relaxed hanging out at the flea market! Come round for some flea market finds and to enjoy some waffles and coffee, all for mere pennies.

2) Checking out the Bring and Take table! Bring along any free things, leave them on the table for others to find and, in turn, take away some free finds for yourself.

3) Selling your stuff! You can sell your own spare belongings by booking a sales stand free of charge via the following link between 3 and 16 September:

4) Recycling your old clothes! Bring us any home textiles (clothes, other textiles, bags, belts, shoes) that you no longer use or that are used up and we’ll take them into a recycling facility for you.

More information about the programme and schedule of the event will be announced later.

There will also be a Bike Sale of used bicycles near the Recycling Block.

WHAT? Recycling Block
WHERE? Otakaari 20 upstairs, downstairs and courtyard
WHEN? Mon 17 September 4–8 pm
WHY? Come for some flea market finds!
