“Concrete!” – Community and culture workshop

4.3.2011 14:00—19.00

What is Aalto culture? Does Aalto spirit exist? What kind of events and happenings should the student union produce? What is wrong with the community? What future does AYY culture work have?  Or even what kind of happenings and culture are there in fact?

Aalto university student union and the Aalto community and culture committee welcome you to attend “Concrete!” student culture workshop 4.3.2011 starting from 14:00 at the Design Factory (Betonimiehenkuja 5). The attendees get to tackle issues related to student culture and the role associations and the student union have in creating it. The work includes relaxed work shop groups and selected speakers. This is the chance to really make an impact on what kind of happenings does the student union have!

The specific program is tailored according to wishes of the participant, but will include such questions as for example about the student unions own community- and culture work, what it is and who is it for or what is Aalto culture? In addition the workshop gives a lot of room for wild ideas and new projects!

The registration to the workshop is open at https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dE1PZnkxV2pwNHY4c0ZEamVIWjEzLWc6MQ

The workshop is free and ends at 19.00. The program is in Finnish.


Aava – Aalto-community and culture committee


voitto.kangas@ayy.fi 045 631 7689

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