Aalto Gamers Annual General Meeting – Board Elections

Päärakennuksen U-siiven luokka

Otakaari 1

28.11.2016 16:00—18:00


Welcome to the annual general meeting of Aalto Gamers on Monday 28th November starting at 16. The location of the meeting will be one of the classrooms at the Otaniemi main building. The exact classroom will be informed on the meeting day.

During the meeting, the new board for 2017 will be elected, so everyone interested in our activities are very welcome to apply to join the board as regular board members, treasurer, vice president, or president.

After the elections, the new board will approve the previous board’s annual report and financial statements, and decide to discharge the previous board. Additionally, the new action plan and budget will be approved, and the size and due date of the membership fee will be decided.

Aalto Gamers
