Aalto Russian Career Evening

23.1.2013 17:00—22.00

Come and meet representatives of leading Finnish companies working in Russia!

Register ASAP! The amount of places is limited. Registration for event:

1) YIT Construction Ltd: Virpi Outila, Senior Vice President, Human Resources
2) Stockmann: Lauri Veijalainen, Development Director for International Operations
3) Tikkurila Group: Maarit Taskinen, Export Director
4) Valio Oy: Reetta Tikanmäki and Edvard Haimi
5) Finnish-Russian Chamber of Commerce: Maria Hartikainen, Project Manager

1. Presentations of companies’ representatives where they tell about Russian market operations, their career path as Russian market experts and starting positions / career prospects for students interested in Russia.
2. Panel discussion on topics related to doing business in Russia
3. Networking part, there you will be able to meet companies’ representatives and other students interested in Russia. Beverages and snacks will be offered as well 🙂

The event is held in English.

Organized by Aalto Russian Business Society

Aalto Russian Business Society

arbs.contact@gmail.com 044 377 7457

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