Aalto strategy @AYY: Afterwork

AYY:n toimisto, Reiluus

Otakaari 11

19.3.2019 16:15—17:45

What does the Aalto University of your dreams look like?

Aalto’s strategic work is underway and it’s important for our students to also be able to have an impact on the content of the strategy. The Aalto University Student Union, in cooperation with Aalto University, is organizing a strategy-themed after-work event!

The theme of the after-work event is student well-being and the student experience. What should the new Aalto strategy be like to make the student life here the best in the world? What aims or development areas should be the focus in the coming years, in your opinion?

The after-work event will be held in the Reiluus space (address: Otakaari 11) of the Aalto University Student Union. Light refreshments will be served. Please make sure to register in advance so we can ensure enough refreshments for all:


Aalto-yliopiston ylioppilaskunta
Heikki Isotalo
heikki.isotalo@ayy.fi 040 575 9092