ABP & POJU presents: Drinkathlon

4.11.2012 12:00—01.00 5.11.2012

The best drinking game associations in Finland; Aalto Beer Pong and Poju have gathered their forces and come up with a drinking game tournament evening. There are three different tournaments: Beer Pong, Flunkyball and Flipcup. You can participate in all of them, two or only one. The beer pong tournament is 6€ if you play with your partner with beer, 7€ if one plays with cider or lonkero and 8€ if both play with cider/lonkero. Flunkyballs participation fee is 4€ with beer and 5€ with cider/lonkero. Flipcup’s participation fee is 5€ per team.
We have a simple but useful gift for the ones who participate in all three contests. The sign-up sheets are in the link below. Don´t miss this event, it is going to be big!!!


For more information contact the ABP or POJU crew or check Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/268072529961857/?fref=ts


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