All-day sitsit

9.10.2018 09:00—04:00

S i t s i t.
And once again, S I T S I T.

Tuesday, October 9th. At Smökki. It has never been done before.

Everybody is familiar with the concept of the academic table feast, but not like this. The Hosts and Hostesses of Otaniemi will deliver this year. Something many have been dreaming, hoping and afraid of: Smökki will be filled with sitsi parties for the entire day and night, starting before the first rays of sunlight touch the Peninsula of Otaniemi and continuing long after the Sun has fallen below the zenith.

24h Sitsit will consist of four different sitsi experiences. These sitsis are:

09:00-13:00 – Morning Sitsit
14:00-18:00 – Work lunch Sitsit
19:00-23:00 – Romantic Dinner Sitsit
00:00-0400 – Bonkers Sitsit

You can buy individual tickets for these sitsis, but the most enjoyment and pleasure will come from buying our different combos! Legend tells that no single student that has been able to attend sitsit for 24 hours straight. Will this change this year?

Prices for the ticket combos are as follows:
One sitsi: 10€
Two sitsis: 20€
Three sitsis: 28€
Four sitsis: 35€

The sales of the tickets will begin soon and the supply won’t last long. Stay tuned!