
22.5.2015 18:00—23:00

May is full of happenings, Mother’s Day, ice hockey world championship and Eurovision song contest, to name a few. This year Teekkaritytöt pampers women in technology also with heavenly sitsiofferings and thrilling programme.

* Are you studying or have you studied technology at TKK or Aalto? (Well, Tampere, Oulu, Vaasa, lappeen Ranta will also do. OK, any other technical Uni is fine as well.)
* Are you a woman?
* Do you want to have sitsit with your teekkari cap on (or without) and get to know some alumnae at the same time?
* Do you want to get to know how students manage sitsit etiquette these days and reminisce the good old time with your alumnae buddies?

If you answered to any three of the above four questions positively, head your browser to the following address: and click yourself to the party.

Welcome to Teekkaritytöt’s unforeseen alumnaesitsit!

Teekkaritytöt TT ry

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