AYY’s Association Training

Aalto Design Factory

Betonimiehenkuja 5 C

8.12.2011 16:30—19:30

AYY’s association training arranged on 8 December is approaching fast. Now it is time to sign up for the training which is much more comprehensive and diverse than the trainings in the previous years. Whether you are interested in the association rules, archiving, communications, financial management or meeting technique, you will certainly find interesting topics in the training.

It is particularly important that the old association members recommend the association training for the new members elected in the autumn meetings. The association training offers them a natural start to the association activities!

Please sign up at https://lomake.ayy.fi/yhdistykset/yhdistyskoulutus-8-12-2011/. Unfortunately, the language is only available in Finnish, but those who use other languages can sign up by email at jarjestoasiat@ayy.fi. If several people whose language is other than Finnish sign up, we will also arrange training in English.

AYY's Association Sector

jarjestoasiat@ayy.fi 0505209442

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