AYY & ADS: Debate training of student representatives

27.10.2012 10:00—16:00

Aalto University Student Union AYY and Aalto Debating Society ADS organise a debate training for student representatives in Aalto administration at Design Factory on Saturday, 27 Oct 2012. The training is intended for all student administration representatives and those who want to become student representatives in the future. The schedule starts at 10am and ends at 4pm. In the training, we practise debating skills and learn to become better argumentators. Better rhetorical skills are useful when arguing in administrative working groups as well as in real life. The training content is provided by ADS and catering is organised by AYY. In order to arrange catering, please sign up here. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dDRYMnQ3alpqc2FGdVZPc25MSDBBVnc6MQ

The training is organised both in Finnish and in English.

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