AYY Kehyviikko/Development Cooperation Week: Opening seminar

13.10.2014 12:00—14:00

AYY Kehyviikko/ AYY Development Cooperation Week is finally here! Join the week and connect with the changers, the makers and the adventure seekers! AYY Kehyviikko/ AYY Development and Cooperation Week offers seminars, debates, movie night, breakfast and discussion, music and dancing! Be there, open your mind and create your connection.

For the opening seminar on Monday in Otaniemi:

12:00: A school room installation is exhibited in Y-lobby of Main Building

12:30 – 13:30 Opening seminar by eynote speakers:

  • Ossi Heinänen of Plan Suomi: “Girls, Girls, Girls – Girls’ education is the best cure for poverty”
  • Heili Tilainen, Senior Consultant, IBM: “Nairobi calling – internship framework for Kenyan university students”

13:30: Welcoming words from the organizing team.

Venue: Room Y228a, Otakaari 1, Main Building

See the whole program of the week on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ayykehyviikko

AYY Development Cooperation Week

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