AYY – Workshop on teaching in multicultural groups, come share your views!

Open Innovation House

Otaniementie 19-21

11.11.2014 16:00—18:00

How does teaching in multicultural groups work? Join AYY’s workshop and discuss with Aalto teachers and students what could be improved!

Aalto University is a community of almost 100 nationalities. Different cultures have different understandings of authority, of directness of speech, of the concept of a good student, of the role of the teacher, just to name a few. How could we make sure that the teaching situations acknowledge the fact that the groups are multicultural? How does cultural background affect the learning experience and understanding of the subtle non-verbal communication? How could we create an atmosphere in the class that would support openness and learning from other cultures? How could we make multicultural group works increase cooperation and understanding across cultures? How could we increase integration of international and Finnish students in teaching situations? AYY invites all interested members of the teaching staff and international and Finnish students to share their thoughts on the theme. In the workshop on developing multicultural teaching on 11.11.2014 from 16 to 18 in Open Innovation House (Otaniementie 19-21) students and teaching staff will discuss the problems they have experienced in multicultural teaching and think about possible solutions. Join the workshop to make sure others understand your perspective! The workshop will function as a basis for AYY’s and Aalto University’s joint project on developing multicultural teaching in year 2015. Please sign up for the workshop by sending an e-mail to international@ayy.fi by 3rd of November. Refreshments and snacks will be provided, please inform us of your allergies and dietary restrictions when signing up. Welcome!

AYY Intl affairs, Milla Ovaska

international@ayy.fi 0505209446

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