AYY’s Association Training

Aalto Design Factory

Betonimiehenkuja 5

26.11.2013 17:00—20:00

AYY’s Association Training will be organised at Design Factory in Espoo starting at 5pm on 26 Nov. The training is intended for old and new operators in the member associations of AYY’s association register. You can also participate if you are interested in association activities or consider establishing a new association, for example. The training is suitable both for beginners in association activities and the more experienced operators. The training will be conducted in Finnish.

A more detailed programme will be published later at ayy.fi and in the association newsletter, but you can already register for the training at http://lomake.ayy.fi/yhdistykset/yhdistyskoulutus-2013/.

AYY Oragnizational Sector

jarjestoasiat@ayy.fi 050 520 9442

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