Bad taste sitsit

15.3.2012 18:00—03:00 16.3.2012

AYY International Committee presents:

Dear übercool people!

Have you ever tried to party wearing spandex overalls, sandals and socks, rustling wind suit or a string vest? On March 15th dress up with really bad taste! Join the Finnish masters of anti-fashion with your out of fashion or far too much over stylish clothing and enjoy! Sing as loud as you can and forget the traditional dress-code, look bad taste but eat and drink good taste!

Date: 15.3.2012
Cocktail party starts at 6:00 pm at Smökki (Jämeräntaival 4). The sitsit starts at 7:00 pm.
After party at OK20 (Otakaari 20)!

15e/13e (alcoholic / non-alcoholic)

There are places for 120 people at the sitsit: 60 places for foreign students, 60 for Finnish students.

Ticket sales at Otaniemi Main building’s entrance hall:
Thu 8.3. 11 am – 13 pm
Fri 9.3. 11 am – 13 pm
Mon 12.3. 11 am – 13 pm
Tue 13.3. 11 am – 13 pm
Wed 14.3. 11 am – 13 pm

Be there, be BAD TASTE!

AYY International commitee