Bon Voyage! – On the way to Polyfollia

the Assembly Hall of the Aalto University School of Business

Runeberginkatu 14-16

18.10.2012 19:00—21:00

KYN is attending international Polyfollia choir & vocal festival 29th Sep. – 4th Nov. 2012! KYN was nominated and chosen by an international jury as the only choir from Finland. KYN will be performing music that is characteristic for KYN – ethnic jazz and other repertoire. Two excellent musicians will perform with KYN in France – pianist Kirmo Lintinen and accordionist Johanna Juhola.

Warmly welcome to our pre-tour concert, where you can get a taste of our festival program. The concert is held on Thursday 18. October at 7.00 at the Assembly Hall of the Aalto University School of Business (Runeberginkatu 14-16). In the concert you will hear the best pieces of KYN’s repertoire emphasizing ethnic jazz. The concert is conducted by Kaija Viitasalo.

The tickets are 15/12€ and they can be bought from our website and at the doors one hour before the concert starts.



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