Café Lingua

7.11.2011 16:00—19:00

Dear quests and fellow adventurers!

The AYY International Section presents to you the AYYADVENTURES – ALL INCLUSIVE, a compact trip around the world without leaving the Helsinki area. While enjoying the various attractions your journey has to offer, you might also want to dig in a little deeper to the cultures you meet on your way. That’s why your reliable travel agency has created to the very start of the adventurous week a chance to meet with people of various nationalities: Café Lingua. It is a pleasant and easy way to make new friends and learn about cultures at the same time.

In Café Lingua, people interested in a certain language will gather around the same table to talk in that language with native speakers. For example, native Spanish speakers and students interested in Spanish can gather together. When you arrive to the café, find the table of your interest or start a new one by writing the name of the language you want to practice or help with on a paper you’ll receive from the international section representative present there.

May you be a student of a language or a native speaker of it wishing to meet people interested in your culture, come to Café Lingua and you’ll find new friends. Perhaps you’ll even find a “tandem partner”, a person who is interested in your language and whose language you are interested in. You can make an agreement to keep on meeting and helping each other to learn.

Any language can be presented in Café Lingua. If it would happen that some table wouldn’t form, you can always join a bigger group, like that of English.

Café Lingua is held in Kipsari, a café full of artistic spirit on Aalto University Arabia campus. The café can be found from the basement floor of the building and the easiest way to get there is by the trams number 6 and 8. The nearest stop is on Arabiankatu.

Be there and we quarantee your touch to the cultures around you will get deeper!

AYY International Section

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