Campus Expo

Otaniemi Campus
22.9.2015 10:00—18:00

What is AYY? What are the activities of special status associations, such as the guilds or KY? What was that nice association that I visited at the Aalto Party? Do we have any tennis clubs? Who organises the parties?

Whatever is on your mind, please head to the second floor at Otakaari 1 at 10am-2pm on 22 Sept to see all that Aalto has to offer! AYY’s partner Capgemini also participates in the event.

This year, for the first time, the day will continue with the open house to guild rooms and KY’s Espilä starting at 4pm!

WHAT: Campus Expo
WHEN: 22 Sept, 10am-2pm
WHERE: Otakaari 1, 2nd floor

WHAT: Open house in guild rooms and KY’s Espilä
WHEN: 22 Sept, 4pm
WHERE: Around Otaniemi

Aava | Aalto yhteisöjaosto AYY