Campus festival

19.9.2014 18:00—23:59

Festival season over and out?
-Not yet!

Come to see and hear when all the biggest music associations of Otaniemi hop on the stage of Servin Mökki at 19th of September! Check out your favorite or all of the artists, there are plenty of choices this evening. Also every association has their own stand at the Smökki, so you can come talk and get to know us. And the best part: the entrance is FREE all night!

  • Doors open at 18:00 and after that following associations have shows (schedule comig soon):
  • Dominante 19:00
  • Polyteknikkojen Kuoro PK 19:20
  • Polyteknikkojen Orkesteri PO 19:50
  • Teekkarispeksi 20:20
  • Metal Club Mökä, represented by Angel Sword 21:05
  • Polirytmi 21:50
  • Retuperän WBK 22:20
  • 23:00 afterparty with Entropy

Also gorsu is open between 22:00 – 02:00.

Polyteknikkojen Elävän Musiikin Yhdistys PELMU is also arranging the event. They don’t have a performer this time, but they might have something special to see at their table.

Music associations of Otaniemi

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