Cliché Sitsit

19.3.2011 18:00—03:00 20.3.2011

Are you getting exasperated by the never-ending winter?  Pissed off by 
falling ridiculously on the sidewalks? Tired of working for exams whereas you
came to Finland to party? We have the solution! Come warm your throat at your
mind by escaping to the other side of the world... to an almost tropical 
place... to a place called Smökki for the Cliché Sitsit!

Because we at the International Section of AYY are the most tolerant and 
open-minded students of the whole Aalto University, we want to make fun about
the stereotypes of every country on Earth - equally! So grab four finest 
cliché-clothes and accessories of the country of your choice (if it's a snowy
one, you should see a doctor) and come to Smökki on March 19th. The sitsit 
will start at 19:00 and be preceded by a cocktail party at 18:30. The price 
for the sitsit will be 15 euros (13 euros for the enemies of alcohol). 

Finns and exchange students will be mixed to make sure you will learn all 
about sitsit and won't miss the Kossu bottles, but you start with training or
refreshing your memory at the Sitsit Academy at 18:00 in the room K213 
(Building of Mechanical Engineering).

There's also an after-party in Otakaari 20.

**** IMPORTANT: Some persistent rumors pretend that the greatest fun in the 
sitsit is in kitchen. If you are curious about the veracity of this claim or 
simply want to know how it is to organize a sitsit, send an e-mail to . ****
What? Cliché Sitsit
Where? Smökki
When? 19/03/2011
Why? Coz it's damn fun!
Where to register? 
When to register? Between March 7th and 17th
AYY International Section +358407739119

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