Creative campus walk

Start: Alvarin aukio square
18.9.2013 10:00—11:00


On Wednesday, 18 September 2013 from 10:00-11:00 AM, Doctor of Arts
Tuula Isohanni will take us on a walking tour along a route of her choosing.

The pace of studies is tight and demanding. Study environments can sometimes be seen
as physically monotonous, and the architectural jewels and historic events that are actually
there are rendered ’invisible‘ in everyday life – they remain unknown to many. We are,
nevertheless, in close interaction with our environment, drawing energy from it. You can
use this guided walking tour as a way of getting a living feel of your own campus, and to
learn from its stories and its architecture.

• We begin from the symbolic starting point, drawn in the ground, and our walk draws
an invisible line, as it were, in the terrain.
• We will end our round in a dynamic spot, the ‘spinning top’ (Pekka Koponen),
where we will give our creativity a spin.
• After the walk we have the opportunity to deepen the experience with a meditative
painting course at the Otaniemi Chapel (Maija Pitz-Koponen).

Opening words/ Dean Helena Hyvönen
We will meet at the Alvarin aukio square at the temporary A sculpture (Reija Hirvikoski).


Further information and registration: or


tuula.isohanni(at) tai paivi.kiuru(at)

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