Dance classes by Polijazz starting on January 19th!

15.1.2012 13:00—23:00 22.1.2012

Welcome to dance club Polijazz´s dance classes in spring 2012! The lessons start on week number three and last until week 19.

CONTEMPORARY DANCE, teacher Sini Heinonen
basics Thu at 16.30-17.45
advanced Thu at 17.45-19.00

BREAKDANCE, teacher Simeoni Juoperi
basics/intermediate Thu at 19.00-20.15
N.B. If you are interested in joining also a more advanced course of breakdance, please mail to sonja-maria.ignatius(a)

STREET, teacher Heini Kiuru
basics Fri at 16.30-17.45

CARIBBEAN STREET, teacher Heini Kiuru
basics Fri at 17.45-19.00

Added to these classes Polijazz organizes also intensive classes on various dance styles. We will inform you on these as soon as our teacher know about their schedules.

Our dance studio is located in Otaniemi, Jämeräntaival 3a monitoimitila ( The membership fee for spring season 2012 is 35 eur, which entitles you to attend one weekly class. If you want to attend two weekly classes, the fee is 45 eur and for three classes it is 50 eur. The attendance fee is to be paid on Polijazz´s account 130930-59683 Nordea Otaniemi using reference number 13. The first lesson is free, and you are welcome to join also in the middle of the season.

Register at or come to the class. Remember also to join our facebook-group:

Welcome to dance!

Polijazz ry

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