Darkroom Open Doors Night

24.9.2014 17:00—21:00

Are you interested in looking the world through a desaturation filter?

Aallon valokuvausseura opens the doors to the darkroom at Jämeräntaival 5 B on Wed 24th September at 5 pm. The event is open for everybody who’s interested in hearing about the possibilies at the darkroom, seeing demonstrated developments of b&w films and meeting fellow darkroom users. The event serves to underlay the Course in Darkroom Basics organized later in the Fall, where participants are guided through the film development process in practice.

No need to register and come when it suits you! The darkroom is located in the JMT5B basement and you will find guiding at the scene.

Lauri Levola

lauri.levola@aalto.fi 0440212279

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