EBEC Helsinki 2012

21.2.2013 16:00—20:00 22.2.2013

Are you interested in programming? Want to win Nokia Lumia 820’s for your team and a trip to finals in Lund with your frinds?

Board of European Students of Technology (BEST) organizes ‘EBEC Helsinki 2012’ Competition, a software development competition for Windows Phone with Nokia at Aalto Design Factory in Otaniemi during 21.-22.2.2012.

No prior experiance is required for Windows Phone programming, as there will be a training day on 15th of February 10:00-14:00 at Venture Garage. It’s enough that you’re interested in the topic and willing to learn more! The trainings before the event and the tutoring during the competition will support your success.

The competition time is 24 hours and the theme is Do-Good-apps. During the competition, there will be food and drinks served, video games and other activities available for breaks and accommodation in the guest rooms in OK20 available if you need some rest.

It’s gonna be unique learning experience unlike any regular schoolwork. Don’t miss it! The registration happens at www.ebecaalto.fi. We can take only a limited amount of participants so register yourself or your whole team of 4 Aalto students quickly to make sure you’re included!

If you have any questions, please contact the Main Organizers Vili Auvinen and Lauri Blomberg (first.last(at)aalto.fi).

Best regards,

BEST Helsinki

Board of European Students of Technology (BEST)


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